Novak was so enteraining at 1st, then all of a sudden people lost their minds feeling insulted! I'm still trying to fathom
"WTF?" It made no sense!
He was more desperate to be liked, than entertaining. This was part of why crowds didn’t take to him, funny enough. Strategic error on his part. He didn’t realise that he looked needy. But often his ‘entertaining’ was inappropriate. It was at the expense of a defeated opponent who had to sit there like a mug and be insulted. Remember this?
It’s cringeworthy. Dancing with the ballkids after
every match often while his opponent was still getting ready to leave the court. Then Rafa beat him in the final - tell me, did he dance after that? It’s the ball kids I feel sorry for. What a hideous way to abuse children, both by using them as a prop for his showing off, and then after a few nights learning his arrhythmical moves, they were all set for the big show after the final, and he told the little bastards to feck off, Novak isn’t a happy Novak tonight, you arrogant little thoughtless shits, stop pulling outta Novak, it isn’t fair…