US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Full Spectrum Dominatrix vs. Off Spectrum Narcissus

by Pepe Escobar

On one side we have a populist over-the-top billionaire pop Narcissus, a.k.a. “cheeto-faced ferret-wearing shitgibbon” (thank you, Scotland) and reality TV con artist peddling himself as the one and only cure to a post-Mad Max American dystopia.

© REUTERS/ David Becker/Nancy Wiechec

On the other side we have what storyteller and Explainer-in-Chief Bill “

In the Spring of 1971, I met a girl
” Clinton described as the ultimate workaholic do-gooder chick who also happens to be an Exceptionalist neoliberalcon dedicated to making the world safe for all sorts of dodgy, vested interests, from Wall Street to the industrial-military-intelligence-security-media complex and Israeli-firsters AIPAC.

No less than sixty-eight percent – and counting – of Americans, surveyed earlier this week, don’t trust the girl who melted Clinton’s heart in the spring of 1971. And as it stands – still not counting the Democratic National Convention bump – the pop Narcissus, against all odds, is ahead.

Chaos against Chaos

She may be the Queen of Chaos, aptly about to reign over the Empire of Chaos, while for pop Narcissus the sweet smell of success boils down to a relentless guerrilla tactic of using chaos against the fundamentals of the Empire of Chaos, less than 140 words at a time.

So far, he has clearly identified Bill Clinton’s girl’s attachment to bipartisan dogmas with the potential of making her vulnerable — Hellfiring everything from free trade (especially NAFTA) to nation-building, and even regime change. In the process, he viscerally tapped into a silent working class majority that’s mad as hell and can’t take it anymore. Pop Narcissus clearly relishes his role of Brioni-suited Republican posing as a shock to the system.

© REUTERS/ Mark Kauzlarich

Still the Clinton machine – awkwardly surfing the fallout of the subterranean email server tsunami — did not get the message, and selected Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as Hillary’s running mate; a neoliberalcon Wall Street choirboy dismissive of labor rights and, true to character as a corporate poodle, a fan of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (


Opposition to TPP — a possible candidate as Obama’s Vietnam — may have been incorporated at the last minute into the platform of the Democratic Party. But still no one really knows whether Hillary is pro, against or hedging to infinity. The senator for Virginia, land of the free CIA and the brave Pentagon, also happens to be a cheerleader for offshore drilling.

Pat Buchanan, who worked for Nixon and Reagan and knows a thing or two about corridors of power, has described pop Narcissus’s ideology as “ethnonationalism”; a nostalgia/xenophobia-drenched nativism/protectionism gig. But with a twist; foes also include Exceptionalistan’s corporate elite.

And that’s when the game really gets going. For days, between the Republican and Democratic national conventions, the news cycle was monopolized to subsonic hysteria levels by the “Trump as a Putin agent” drama. Neocon mouthpieces disguised as respectable conservatives dissected every – manufactured – nuance of the “bromance”. Intel ops freaked out that Trump now has access to highly classified national security briefings. Former NATO honchos such as retired US Navy admiral James Stavridis blared that Trump’s musings on Russia and NATO, “undermine European confidence in the reliability of the US as an ally — particularly in the face of Russian adventurism.”

The simple fact that pop Narcissus does not seem inclined to pursue Cold War 2.0 against Russia has been enough to convict him for national treason.

Fire walk with me

Hillary Clinton’s starring roles, on the other hand, are smash hits.

Here she is as Wall Street’s Golden Girl. Here she is as a relentless gold-digging machine. Here she is as a Neo-Athena Queen of War. And expect a future Oscar to go to The Three Harpies about to conduct the next Hunger Games: Hillary Clinton as President, Michele Flournoy as head of the Pentagon and – the most terrifying words in the English language — Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

The CIA did not take down

. Hillary Clinton will make sure someone does. She will make sure “Russian aggression” is enshrined as some sort of national motto. When Hillary Clinton went for a “reset” in US-Russia relations, in both English and Russian, it was translated as “overload” – a Freudian slip that elicited a smile from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov but a thousand jokes all across Russia.

While Hillary is a faithful disciple of the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine, Trump has been smart enough to pose as totally off spectrum. And that’s why he became so attractive to vast hordes of Angry White Males, non-college educated, who barely make ends meet, resentful of everything, starting with a Commander-in-Chief incarnated by the “skinny black guy with a funny name” and now, possibly – horror of horrors — an Under My Thumb Power Woman. And it makes it even easier when, to convey the message, all you need is a minimalist vocabulary.

Powerful interests behind Trump outline the three key items of his agenda; stop illegal immigration; rebuild the US military; and fight currency rigging — from the European Central Bank (ECB) to Japan (quantitative easing) but also China (no significant yuan devaluation) – as a means to bring jobs back home.

© REUTERS/ Mark Kauzlarich

Some of this might appeal to the US establishment. Instead, virtually the whole establishment, now fully regimented under the Queen of Chaos, envisions a potential pop Narcissus’s reign as a populist, racist, cripto-fascist dystopia – complete with stupid wall, AR-15 idolatry and total submission to The Fixer-in-Chief.

No one really knows how The Fixer-in-Chief would conduct foreign policy. No US President is capable of bending the will of the consensual War Party. For the moment, Democrats count on pressing a dangerous triangulation. Over two years ago, Hillary Clinton all but aligned President Putin with Hitler. This week, while selling Hillary Clinton to the nation as his successor, President Obama said, “anyone who threatens our values, whether Fascists or Communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end”.

In the end, this is not about “values”; it’s about failing never being an option for the US Deep State. The motto of the Deep State might as well have been coined by a character in David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire walk with me. Who’ll stare down the fire, Athena or Narcissus?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
when i make ''sweeping generalizations about how others think"

it didn't not make up the observed generalization, HISTORY and reality shows it. i merely state what is OBSERVABLE and demonstrated.

'westerners' have for generations believed what is PROVEN and not jut observable as the WESTERN media posing as ''journalism" exposing itself by the day -- in its ever-more comical way to be NOTHING of the sort as far as the MSM goes that supposedly ''shape" opinions -- such AS about russia or china or iran etc...

and for that matter the same things to justify the destruction of entire countries..

while YOU of the west tremble at the thought of ''wmd's over our heads" NONSENSE ..and think nothing of the fact that entire countries were destroyed by YOURS.


SO - for you to complain about 'generalizing" from ME?

after the british EMPIRE has rendered entire cultures subjected to the loss of their lands and their independence for centuries ? same with america?

most of THAT behavior by countries such as YOURS based on GENERALIZATIONS about ''those savage indians, those backward indians in asia, those africans, those terrorists, those , those those who are not free like US ?"

WHO MADE THAT INTO A GLOBAL PHENOMENON - this ''generalization" business about people and cultures elsehwere whose LANDS you took or pillaged about whom you know LITTLE?

so don't lecture me about what ''generalizing" is.

No. History (in the main) shows how governments have behaved... not how the general populace "think". The majority of the UK didn't want a part of Iraq... yet the Government went and joined the coalition of invaders. Yet, you are happy to make sweeping generalisations that on how individuals think who live in a particular country based on the actions of their government.
You know that British governments generally do not have a mandate of supportive votes that exceed 40% of the population? It's usually in the 30+% region.

So, in a nutshell - you're wrong: UK Citizens weren't trembling at the thought of Iraq launching WMDs... many didn't believe they existed and a greater proportion probably believed that if they did... then Iraq wouldn't use them anyway considering the were still being inspected by UN officials.

As for invasions from bygone ages... different times... Britain were hardly the first country to do it and America certainly weren't. It's a recurring theme from human nature down the ages... I don't expect Swedes and Norwegians to apologize for the Vikings invading the UK, the Normans..., the Romans... the Saxons... - likewise the Turks sacking Constantinople or building the Ottoman Empire.... the Hapsburgs.... even your own Catherine the Great... I won't even mention Soviet tanks rolling into Eastern Europe... oops I just did. Powerful countries/states wield power... nothing new - it's happened since Day One. Not always nice, but neither is a lot of human nature.


Apr 22, 2013
Is Trump starting to implode? Saying he's made as much sacrifice as a gold star family was so shocking I couldn't help but laugh. Does he have any self control at all?


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Bernie Supporter Who Served Democratic Party With Fraud Lawsuit Suddenly Dies
03:44 07.08.2016(updated 03:48 07.08.2016) Get short URL

The speculations regarding Lucas’ sudden death began emerging on social media in the past week.

A month earlier, on July 3, Lucas, who backed Sanders in the presidential run, appeared in the viral YouTube video taken by filmmaker Ricardo Villaba. In the footage Lucas serves the legal papers to the Democratic National Headquarters in a case started by Sanders campaigners.

The lawsuit, triggered before the notorious WikiLeaks revelations, charged the DNC then-chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz with fraud. On July 22, a batch of some 20,000 internal DNC emails was made public, confirming the allegations that the organization had been playing into the Clinton camp’s hands.

Lucas was confirmed dead by the company for which he had worked as a process server. In an interview with investigation outlet Snopes, the firm representative said that the young man passed away on August 2, 2016.

Shortly after that the Washington DC police department told reporters that the demise had been "classified as a Death Report, pending the results of an autopsy."

According to unconfirmed media reports, the young man’s body was discovered on the floor of his bathroom by his girlfriend. Paramedics, who arrived at the scene at the time, didn’t find any signs of life.

The mysterious death of Lucas is not the first instance of its kind during this election cycle.

On July 8, Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC. The incident looks mysterious, as the perpetrators did not steal anything from victim. Following his death, social media went abuzz with the speculations that Rich was about to contact the FBI to share information about an “ongoing court case” allegedly regarding the Clintons.

On August 1, 2016, Victor Thorn, a prominent author of books about the Clinton family, was found dead near his house. Police presumed he had shot himself in the head with a gun that had been found near his body. However, Thorn’s brother told in an interview with American Free Press said that he could never commit suicide.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
all these media Trump-bashings is so one-sided, that if you believe the Clintons didn't manipulate things in sickening ways behind the curtains, you are an idiot.

there has never been another person that's so bashed up by media in such decidedly one-sided manner. it's nothing but fishy when Clinton's sh!t is overlooked so easily while we see Trump-bashing every day of the week...... that brain-washing crap is just pathetic, and the mass who buy into it, people like Federberg..... proves most people are easily manipulatable and unintelligent.

Is Trump a good man? no, not even if you pay me to say it. He is an asshole on many levels but what we certain of, he's never committed crimes of the magnitude that Clinton did. The crimes she committed that affected the innocent lives of millions for her own gains, now that people are insensitive or choose to turn blind eye to, i just find it unbelievable.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

do you realize federberg...tht the nytimes title alone already is proof of how the USA media -- inparticular the once-venerable nyc -- are liars?

that title alone shows it...

it says clinton's FIBS -- AS IF hillary MERELY makes awkward remarks...

and then turmp's LIES --

BUT the whole world knows it is hillary who has been a serial LIAR in her career that has KILLED people and destroyed countries...including thedeaths of american ambassador in libya - the staff in the consulate who ended being tortured by the terrorists -- while clinton's state department KNEW about it and did nothing...

and her LIES have been rewarded by the usa MSM by complete silence about them...

imean -- not even hitler's propaganda machine rose to this level of complete upside down ''reporting'' .

i mean , it's up to you -- but i am speaking as someone who not just LIVES in nyc -- i've een around enough in this place -- to know what's going on ''on the ground" about how people simply don't know a DAMN thing about the world -- and as a person that was a REGULAR subscriber to NYC, it used to be my daily paper to buy and read - and so i COULD see the change in it (and STILL get e mails insisting i should re-subscribe despite my sending them missive long ago telling them exactly what i thought about their 'editorials" and go to hell) .

same with your BBC, GUARDIAN ETC. .

nowadays -- ironically enough -- it is just your ''independent''.uk that SOMETIMES actually has the balls to say anything near what actually happens out there -- or even once in a while some of your own tabloids have that courage...but the USA MSM? forget it.
Last edited:


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
all these media Trump-bashings is so one-sided, that if you believe the Clintons didn't manipulate things in sickening ways behind the curtains, you are an idiot.

there has never been another person that's so bashed up by media in such decidedly one-sided manner. it's nothing but fishy when Clinton's sh!t is overlooked so easily while we see Trump-bashing every day of the week...... that brain-washing crap is just pathetic, and the mass who buy into it, people like Federberg..... proves most people are easily manipulatable and unintelligent.

Is Trump a good man? no, not even if you pay me to say it. He is an asshole on many levels but what we certain of, he's never committed crimes of the magnitude that Clinton did. The crimes she committed that affected the innocent lives of millions for her own gains, now that people are insensitive or choose to turn blind eye to, i just find it unbelievable.

thank you RICARDO.

I thought i was the only one HERE that un-equivocally says such things - i mean - directly and unquivocally.

the CLINTONS are quite literally perhaps the biggest war criminals and most corrupt ''couple" in american political's breathtaking really what a LIFELONG career they've made of it.

even *I* was taken in by them in the 1990's thinking they were just being ''persecuted" by the opponents -- including during those ''impeachment'' and trials of bill -0-- but no -- there REALLY was a trail of such high criminality -= it's amazing how thy'eve gotten away with it -- AND made thmeselves out to be 'martyrs'.
THAT'S how deep their clutches are in whatever it is that makes the system what it is.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Is Trump starting to implode? Saying he's made as much sacrifice as a gold star family was so shocking I couldn't help but laugh. Does he have any self control at all?

you are one of those that Eastwood was right to describe as generation pussy. Laugh? sure, over one of Trumps many silly statements but so what? as if that's a deal breaker whether someone should be president.... you are dirt cheap.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Hillary’s Speech: The Ultimate Brain-Wash | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Deena Stryker
On the last day of the Democratic Convention, Hillary Clinton dressed in white in a remarked similarity to Melania Trump when she spoke at the Republican Convention. In response to Donald Trump’s motto: Make America Great Again Hillary Clinton declared, “America is great because America is good!” to ecstatic cheers from Democratic Convention delegates, who after four days of speeches, were still ready to swallow more bull.

“Brain-washed” was a popular American expression in the seventies and eighties, that mainly referred to the Soviet people who believed Communist propaganda, and it urgently needs to make a come-back. The number of lies the American people have swallowed since Vladimir Putin started wiping up the mess Washington’s man in Moscow, Boris Yeltsin, made before bowing out clutching his vodka bottle, is staggering.

The word ‘propaganda’ just doesn’t cut it when we’re talking about this amount of outright lies. ‘Fact-checking’ has become part of the mainstream media, but it’s more often used to split hairs than to challenge false narratives, for example disputing Hillary’s claim that ninety percent of all wealth goes to the one percent when it’s now ‘only’ 52%.

No fact checker will stand up and say that Russia did not invade Eastern Ukraine, where eighty-five percent of the inhabitants are ethnic Russians who will never forget that in the ‘Great Patriotic War’ against Hitler, 27,000,000 of their com-patriots died. Or that two weeks before Ukraine’s duly elected president, Viktor Yanukovich, fled to save his life from truncheon-wielding Neo-Nazi militias in the Maidan, Hillary Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland, was recorded in a phone conversation with the American Ambassador to Ukraine, Jeffry Pyatt, discussing who would make the best next Prime Minister of that country. Nuland insisted it should be ‘Yats’ (Arsenyi Yantsenyuk) who was duly installed, resigning two years later as the fallacy of a popular uprising in Ukraine demanding more ‘democracy’ continues to be the thread to which an unending succession of lies are attached.

Russia must force the ethnic Russians living in Eastern Ukraine to ‘comply with the Minsk agreement’, which is actually being flouted by the government in Kiev’s continuing military actions. Russia ‘has moved the post-world war two European borders,’ by ‘allowing’ ethnic Russian Crimeans to hold a referendum under the protection of ‘little green men’ (Russian soldiers, usually depicted as threatening), allegedly brought in to make sure they vote the right way. No mention is made of the Russian Naval Base in Sevastopol, which no president could allow to fall into the hands of a foreign (not to mention enemy) government, that legally includes 24,000 troops. (In similar fashion, for decades, Communism was depicted to Americans as forced labor at the point of a gun…)

As if it was Russia, and not the US, that maintains nearly a thousand US bases around the world, Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party (once considered ‘progressive’) accuses Vladimir Putin of wanting to ‘retake’ the tiny Baltic countries and reconstruct the Soviet ‘Empire’. No one bothers to tell the American people that Vladimir Putin is busy building cooperative arrangements across Eurasia together with China, the real reason for American worries, and more difficult to counter. Far from eying the ‘old continent’ with hungry eyes, Russia, together with China Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, founded the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in 2001, and in 2015, decided to admit India and Pakistan as full members. Their formal application process began a year later, and is expected to take another year, unlike that of joining the European Union, which can take decades.

While the Russians build a new Eurasia, the European Union undergoes a process of dissolution that no one would have predicted a year ago. But American voters cannot be allowed to know that, for then they might question the money being spent on NATO exercises along Russia’s European borders, from the Baltic to the Black Sea. So far Donald Trump, who knows very little about foreign policy, is the only one to see that this courts disaster.

The United States has been caught many times indulging in false flag operations, one being the 1898 destruction of the destroyer Maine in Havana harbor, a pretext for the Spanish-American war that brought Cuba under US management for half a century. More recently, the ‘Tonkin Gulf incident’ was Johnson’s legal justification for commencing open warfare against North Vietnam. Current false flags consist of organizing ‘color revolutions’ to demand ‘more democracy’ when rulers do not comply with Washington’s wishes, as in Ukraine. Other anti-Russian false flags consist of doping its athletes in order to bar them from international sporting events – or hacking Hillary Clinton’s emails, then claiming the Russians did it.

In 1997, national security advisor Zbignieuw Brzezinski published a book entitled “The Grand Chessboard”, whose thesis is that the US must never allow any country to challenge its status as world hegemon. Zbig recommended starting with regime change in Ukraine and Georgia, then carving Russia proper into a dozen smaller entities under local leaders obedient to America’s globalization project.

As the US moves into the final months of the presidential campaign, the Washington beltway can be expected to indulge in more false flag operations against Russia, in order to prepare the American public for Hillary’s implementation of Zbig’s program. Until relatively recently, interference in the domestic affairs of another country was broadly recognized as unacceptable, but in the last decade it has been referred to so casually as ‘regime change’ that ‘good Americans’ do not think to question it.

Concomitantly, Donald Trump’s remark that he would rather be friends with Russia and China is labelled as treason, and ‘good Americans’ do not even realize that the definition is inaccurate, so well have they been trained to accept anything negative regarding Russia that anyone says.

Deena Stryker is an international expret, author and journalist that has been at the forefront of international politics for over thirty years, exlusively for the online journal “New Eastern Outlook.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
thank you RICARDO.

I thought i was the only one HERE that un-equivocally says such things - i mean - directly and unquivocally.

the CLINTONS are quite literally perhaps the biggest war criminals and most corrupt ''couple" in american political's breathtaking really what a LIFELONG career they've made of it.

even *I* was taken in by them in the 1990's thinking they were just being ''persecuted" by the opponents -- including during those ''impeachment'' and trials of bill -0-- but no -- there REALLY was a trail of such high criminality -= it's amazing how thy'eve gotten away with it -- AND made thmeselves out to be 'martyrs'.
THAT'S how deep their clutches are in whatever it is that makes the system what it is.

it doesn't actually take an acute observer to notice such obvious facts. I've just been surprised that America only has these two as presidential candidates, but i find it absolutely disgusting that people would overlook the war crimes committed while turn all of their attention on a guy who is a crook of sorts, but nothing of the same magnitude.

you used to say false things about Fed, but sincerely admitted that you were wrong. now that's way more respectable than these thick skinned clowns like Federberg and the likes, who admit nothing and still argue endlessly to try to look smart.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
it doesn't actually take an acute observer to notice such obvious facts. I've just been surprised that America only has these two as presidential candidates, but i find it absolutely disgusting that people would overlook the war crimes committed while turn all of their attention on a guy who is a crook of sorts, but nothing of the same magnitude.

you used to say false things about Fed, but sincerely admitted that you were wrong. now that's way more respectable than these thick skinned clowns like Federberg and the likes, who admit nothing and still argue endlessly to try to look smart.

as a young american poet that i came across his blog long ago said -- i don't remember his name -- i just stumbled on it and moved on --

"WE AMERICANS (but that likely applies to much of the western addled-mind population anyway -- and i know germans, french, czechs, etc.. imet in russia, who attest to this about THEIR population too )

CAREFULLY nurture an attitude of detached indifference to the suffering of others...

BECAUSE that way -- they can pretend to themselves ''we're the good guys"
Clinton’s Hypocrisy: US Leaders Frequently Intervene in Foreign Elections | New Eastern Outlook
Author: Caleb Maupin
The US media is nearly foaming at the mouth with unsubstantiated allegations that Russia is attempting to influence US elections. The words of commentators on mainstream US media are, “How dare Russia try to influence our elections!” and “How dare Putin meddle in the affairs of other countries!”

Beyond the lack of actual evidence to back up these claims, there is a layer of absolute hypocrisy. For decades leaders of the United States have been actively trying to influence the elections of other countries in a way that is favorable to the centers of American economic power. Often, this meddling is also done to prevent the election of governments who are sympathetic to Russia or China.

The stated purpose of the “Marshall Plan” enacted by the United States after the Second World War was to weaken Moscow-aligned political forces across the world. US leaders put pressure on various governments to suppress Communist parties, even when they were wildly popular and won at the polls. In 1947, when Communists pushed out of the cabinet, the World Bank rewarded France with a loan, just hours afterward.

In China the United States supported the Nationalist government in barring the Communist Party from participating in the post-war elections. In response to being barred from the ballot, the Communists took up arms and eventually created the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

In Korea, the United States coopered with forces who made sure that the post-war elections, which would likely have elected Soviet- aligned forces, never took place. Instead of the planned national election for the entire Korean Peninsula, the US supported General Sygman Rhee in establishing a military dictatorship in the south. With full US support Rhee slaughtered tens of thousands of leftists at Jeju Island and elsewhere.

In Italy and other countries throughout Europe, the United States cooperated with NATO countries to conduct “Operation Gladio” in order to prevent the often wildly popular Communist parties from winning the elections. In Italy, the CIA not only facilitated a campaign of media smears and demonization, but also conducted election fraud and staged armed acts of violence, successfully preventing the Italian public from electing a Russian-aligned government. Since the end of the Cold War, it has been revealed that US and other NATO intelligence services were involved in terrorist attacks in which civilians were killed. These acts of terrorism were done with the intention of weakening the Communists at the polls.

These kinds of schemes were conducted by US intelligence agencies throughout the Cold War. In Indonesia, the United States did everything possible to sabotage and discredit the China aligned government of Sukarno. When well-funded attempts to defeat the pro-Chinese coalition government were unsuccessful, the United States backed a military in coup d’etat in 1965. In the aftermath of the military seizing power in Indonesia and toppling Sukarno, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Some say the mass slaughtered that followed the 1965 escalated beyond political violence and became a genocide against ethnic Chinese people in Indonesia.

In the early 1970s, the United States intentionally worked to sabotage the economy Chile, openly hoping to destabilize the country and discredit the socialist coalition which had been democratically elected. Richard Nixon directly ordered the CIA to “make the economy scream” in order to weaken the popularity of the Socialists, who were friendly to the Soviet Union. When efforts to influence the elections failed, the United States supported a military coup d’etat in which Augusto Pinochet seized power, killing thousands of leftists and dissidents.

In 1990, the Sandinista government of Nicaragua held elections. The United States had been funding armed groups known as Contras for over a decade hoping to topple the government. As the elections drew near, the allies of the United States, with millions of dollars to fund their campaign at the ballot box, assured the public that if the Sandinistas were voted out of power, the campaign of terrorism would end. The people of Nicaragua, scarred by years of war, voted for the opposition.

Clinton’s Meddling in Elections Across The Planet

Since the rise of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in 1999, the United States has been actively working to influence the elections in a number of Latin American countries. The US openly cooperates with opposition forces in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Cuba.

The leaked e-mails of Hillary Rodham Clinton reveal that as Secretary of State she worked very hard to influence elections in Latin America and to defeat of Bolivarian socialists at the ballot box.

Clinton and other US leaders have actively tried to influence elections and secure the defeat of the elected government of Belarus, led by Alexander Lukashenko. On several occasions when the pro-western minority in Belarus has been defeated at the polls, the streets of the country have experience a wave of violence from US-backed “oppositionists.”

Despite Vladimir Putin being one of the most popular heads of state on earth, Clinton has publicly aligned herself with the widely unpopular, pro-western Russian opposition. The US State Department most certainly has a relationship with such forces as well.

The allegation currently plastered across US media is that somehow Russia was involved in making public some e-mails revealing dishonesty and malpractice by the Democratic National Committee. The allegation is that Russia would prefer that Trump rather than Clinton be elected in November, and that making the dishonest activities of Debbie Wasserman Shultz and others public will hurt Clinton’s image.

The actions that the Clinton campaign is currently accusing Russia of engaging in are very mild in comparison to what has been actively done by US leaders to influence the elections of other countries. Across the planet, when it was feared that elections may go differently than they preferred, US intelligence agencies have funded terrorist groups, supported people engaged in electoral fraud, and done everything possible to secure the results they want. Often, when countries elect governments they disfavor, the United States has supported military coups that overturned the elected governments.

In allegations surrounding the US elections, Russia is not being accused of anything remotely close to what US leaders have done to influence the elections of other countries. However, the history of US meddling with elections across the planet is unfortunately absent from mainstream media discourse, allowing a hostile climate of Russophobia to escalate.

Caleb Maupin is a political analyst and activist based in New York. He studied political science at Baldwin-Wallace College and was inspired and involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


Apr 22, 2013
glad to see that the article is generating interest. I don't recall making any comment, I just posted it. Isn't that what we do here? Post articles that are pertinent to a thread?

Instead of emotionally unstable responses perhaps some refutations might be more appropriate? I'm not a Democrat, and certainly no Clinton fan, but where is the inaccuracy in the article? Yes Clinton has parsed the truth, even lied, but has she done that more than most "establishment" politicians? Maybe maybe not. What I find extraordinary is the pass Trump seems to get for virtually every word out of his mouth a blatant lie. Amazing...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
glad to see that the article is generating interest. I don't recall making any comment, I just posted it. Isn't that what we do here? Post articles that are pertinent to a thread?

Instead of emotionally unstable responses perhaps some refutations might be more appropriate? I'm not a Democrat, and certainly no Clinton fan, but where is the inaccuracy in the article? Yes Clinton has parsed the truth, even lied, but has she done that more than most "establishment" politicians? Maybe maybe not. What I find extraordinary is the pass Trump seems to get for virtually every word out of his mouth a blatant lie. Amazing...

I CAN SEE now it is a waste of time responding to you -- you are a lost cause who woulnd't know a NUKE on your london if you got hit on the head. as a result of america's war mongering.


Apr 22, 2013
I CAN SEE now it is a waste of time responding to you -- you are a lost cause who woulnd't know a NUKE on your london if you got hit on the head. as a result of america's war mongering.

I'm not sure why I'm getting that response from you mate. I really don't. If you provided refutations to the piece in your initial response, then you must excuse me. Your posts are so very long that I tend to skip them. If you did, please let me know, I'll make the effort :)


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
glad to see that the article is generating interest. I don't recall making any comment, I just posted it. Isn't that what we do here? Post articles that are pertinent to a thread?

Instead of emotionally unstable responses perhaps some refutations might be more appropriate? I'm not a Democrat, and certainly no Clinton fan, but where is the inaccuracy in the article? Yes Clinton has parsed the truth, even lied, but has she done that more than most "establishment" politicians? Maybe maybe not. What I find extraordinary is the pass Trump seems to get for virtually every word out of his mouth a blatant lie. Amazing...

you are ridiculously shameless mate. Trump gets a pass? the media across the globe blasts him everyday of the week now while recently you struggle to find anything that would inform people about the crimes Clinton committed.

The fact you can turn it all up side down shows your colours. You are what Clint Eastwood calls the 'pussy generation'.


Apr 22, 2013
Calm down little one. Trump is blasted for bigotry, ignorance, and a soupçon of narcism, not so much for lying as far as I can see. I do however hear a lot about Clinton dishonesty, just saying. Love the fact I'm still inspiring your childish emotions, well done me! :)