If you asked me what I think the qualifications are for Pres/VP, I missed that as a specific question. I didn't dodge it. Must have missed it in all the palaver. I do think that some form of public service does make one better qualified to be President of the US. A lot take the path through governorships, as well. (Remember that technically the VPs main job is to be capable to be President, so the qualifications are the same.) I don't personally think that only being a business person is a good background. We had Mike Bloomberg as Mayor here in NYC, and, while I liked him, and he did handle some things well, he tended to behave as a CEO, and sometimes just bulldozed certain of his ideas through, which weren't always good and rubbed everyone the wrong way. Trump had a tendency to be like that as President.
I don't know why you have to say that I "hero-worship" certain politicians. That's pointless hyperbole, and incorrect.
I already copped to the fact that I brought up cults first, in the context of Gabbard, and why. I still think your latching onto them is pointless. Though, speaking of definitions, I asked you to define "cult", since your definition seen seems to be pretty loose and all-encompassing, but you didn't. So no need to go so ALL CAPS on me, mister.
I do think that Trump is pretty much a moron. He has a very incurious mind, and he basically reacts to everything instinctively. Now, I will say that he has an instinct for finding the zeitgeist and exploiting it, which is his super-power. But that just makes him an excellent snake oil salesman. He's also a bully, and a sociopath. But he's a man's man, and he's got Arnold Palmer's penis to prove it. And the Village People.