El Dude
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Nice post.Thanks for that brother, it’s very interesting. Glad to see that somebody on the left knows about the far left, the trouble they’re causing, and how welcome they are in the White House. I don’t equate all people on the left with the far left, by the way. For instance, Bret Weinstein and Bill Maher are on the left differently, but they’re opposed to the far left. They catch flak for that. A lot of western institutions are bowing in fear to the far left.
I’ve heard of the libertarian left, and I think that when I did the political compass test a few years ago, that was where I was found. I hear them on YouTube and other places. They’re largely attacked by tribalists, far as I can see, because they dared to critique the prevailing authoritarian culture.
I totally agree about the left-right thing. I said it before here, that if somebody simply identifies as ‘right wing’ or ‘left wing’ then they’ve surrendered their brains to the demagogues trend-setters and hustlers. Likewise, to an extent, if we’re affiliated closely with one party or another. Political parties should earn our vote. It ought not to be a given who we’ll vote for, and yet it is.
If I was to think of where I am politically, I would say I’m conservative on social issues, largely, or libertarian when it comes to a lot of social issues, and when I comes to welfare and health, I would be more liberal, but that’s because I’m a Catholic, not because I would think politically with regards to the less well off, and those of us who can’t afford healthcare. I would think in terms of brothers and sisters, of us all as a community that looks after each other.
The terms ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ are more useful for me than left wing-right wing for political thinking, because understood properly they suggest an understanding of society, that some things must be preserved because they’re good, but also that change is necessary, though both might disagree on the details and the measures. Collaboration is possible because nobody is entrenched is a self-serving tribe. They’re issues-based in their politics. We’re replacing political thinking with indoctrination and agenda-based activism.
Modern tribal politics is a curse everywhere it’s found…
Let me clarify something that I was saying. I think the "far left" is a misnomer for the people you are talking about, because it isn't as much that they are far to the left on the economic axis as they are authoritarian about their views. They use leftism as a mask for their authoritarianism - and the right confuses this, as well.
Take, for example, a law that has just passed - or is in process - in California, that allows 12-years to emancipate themselves from their parents even if there is no signs of abuse. Meaning, a 12-year old can say "I want different parents" and the state will support this. This is borne out of the trans issue.
Is this "far left?" I'd say it has nothing to do with leftism - as an economic framework. But it certainly is authoritarian.
Furthermore, so-called "far left" Squad members like AOC sometimes use leftist rhetoric, but they continue to support endless war and don't push on anything like Medicare for All. A couple years ago there was a debate among progressive about whether or not the Squad should tell Pelosi they wouldn't vote for her re-election unless she brought MfA for a vote. They didn't, of course, and really don't talk about MfA much these days - but do sign off on billions sent to Ukraine. At one point they drafted a letter protesting the Ukraine billions, but quickly retracted it when they received pressure. And of course it is well known that AOC is pro-censureship - or at least censuring those she doesn't like.
My point is that the so-called Squad is a fraud - in terms of actual real leftism - that is, the core principles of leftism: which includes anti-imperialism, advocacy of free speech, bodily autonomy, and actual support for the working people and poor, not just occasional lip-service. They're just establishment Democrats in Id-Pol drag.
But I do understand what you mean by the "far left," and how that is the term is used. Just pointing out that they aren't actually all that much left. Antifa isn't fighting for the working class, and the Fraud Squad is, at best, impotent and merely gives the illusion of real leftism in the Democratic Party. What I see as having occuring is akin to a mind virus that has shifted the left towards authoritarianism. This so-called "far left" is now, imo, the mirror image of right-wing (religious) fundamentalism. It is a secular quasi-religious (aka "Wokism").
As for me, I've done the Political Compass several times over the years (though not for a couple years) and always end up pretty far into the left-libertarian corner. With Gandhi. LOL.
As a final note, I thought this was funny (if obviously over-simplistic):