US Politics Thread


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Broken fancies himself a global scholar who understands the world. Unfortunately there is one major country that he knows next to nothing about, and that is kind of problematic for his pose. That country would be the United States of America.

In his bigoted and ignorant view (which he got from the American media, ironically enough), all Trump voters/supporters are poorly educated, "uncultured," gun-toting racists or something to that effect. What's funny is he has no idea who many of the influential voices in conservatism have been and how qualified so many of them are. Let's start with this example.

Peter Schweizer got his Master's Degree from Oxford and has written 16 books, most famously "Clinton Cash." He has written on the corruption of both Democrats and Republicans, most recently in a bestselling book called "Secret Empires." His book "Clinton Cash" went into immense detail of the Clinton's dealings in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He also wrote an excellent book on the financial crash of 2008 as well as another one on the corruption that helped Jeb Bush accumulate his wealth.

And he supported Donald Trump for president.

But I guess to Broken he is just an "uncultured," poorly educated human being - unlike Broken himself, who as a "global" pseudo-intellectual just happens to know nothing about the world's leading superpower. A Master's degree from Oxford? 16 books that detail affairs all over the world? No big deal. Schweizer is just "uncultured."

What's sad is that there are numerous people all over America just like this that Broken's ignorant, bigoted ass knows nothing about. And the reason he knows nothing about them is because he is brainwashed by the AMERICAN - yes, AMERICAN - leftist media that sets the international news cycle. Broken self-righteously poses as anti-American while actually being a tool of its regime.

Schweizer used to appear on NBC and CNN, but they have banned him since Trump was elected and his YouTube videos from those channels have been taken down, so - I'm sorry to all the bigots out there - all that's really left for quick interviews are some Fox News clips. But - come on bigots - I know you can at least watch a few minutes of it.

Now I challenge Broken or anyone on this board to tell me that the Trump-supporting Peter Schweizer is not supremely intelligent. Any takers for that argument?



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
You don't know jackshit about history - especially not American history - and you repeatedly run from me in arguments. You are an anti-American bigot who does not know the slightest thing about American conservatism and the different strands of thought within it. So unfortunately I have to show you how ignorant you are. Don't blush when it happens.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I know Broken doesn't even know who this is, but it just further illustrates what an ignorant anti-American bigot he is. He thinks everyone who voted for Trump is poorly educated and then he likes to stick his little wang out and flaunt his educational credentials while saying it. His ignorance is simply embarrassing and it is a product of his a) brainwashing at the hands of the American media and b) his blatant anti-American bigotry and small-mindedness.

Well, like the Oxford-educated Peter Schweizer, Elder has sterling educational qualifications: he got his undergrad from Brown (an Ivy League school) and graduated from the University of Michigan Law School.

But is he uncultured, ignorant, and stupid - just because he supports Trump? Yes, according to Broken, he is.

Does anyone else agree with Broken on that after watching this video?



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Is the Stanford/Cambridge/Yale-educated Heather MacDonald ignorant?

According to Broken, yeah, she is. She leans right in her political views and she's an American. So she's automatically ignorant and uncultured according to the anti-American bigot Broken - despite her extensive work as a researcher and scholar.

I think, however, that anyone can see after watching this video that she is a more knowledgeable, more well-informed, and more logical woman than Moxie. Can anyone possibly deny that?

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Oh and do you display a provenance, by any chance? I think you might. Just a sense I have, you know? ;-):
I do, I was born in Washington, D.C. If you're not clear about the definition of the word, you might look it up.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I do, I was born in Washington, D.C. If you're not clear about the definition of the word, you might look it up.

What you obviously meant, genius, was that the source was "biased" because you believe yourself to be objective when you're not. You're anything but objective. Instead of addressing the statistics, you completely deflected and attacked the source as having a pro-gun bias. You offered no substantive refutation whatsoever and no analysis. All you said was "this guy might be qualified but he has a pro-gun bias and some people have questioned his studies. So consider the source."

That is not an argument in response but simply an attack on the person. What Lott's study showed was that the so-called epidemic of gun violence is heavily concentrated in a small number of areas - almost all of which are run by Democrats who are too incompetent to fix the problem. You of course had nothing to say about that so you went for attacking the source.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
What you obviously meant, genius, was that the source was "biased" because you believe yourself to be objective when you're not. You're anything but objective. Instead of addressing the statistics, you completely deflected and attacked the source as having a pro-gun bias. You offered no substantive refutation whatsoever and no analysis. All you said was "this guy might be qualified but he has a pro-gun bias and some people have questioned his studies. So consider the source."

That is not an argument in response but simply an attack on the person.
What I meant by "provenance" was the definition of the word. That you didn't understand it is on you.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
What I meant by "provenance" was the definition of the word. That you didn't understand it is on you.

Lol.....(since Broken likes to go all personal about his life story I'll go that route) you are telling someone who scored in the 98 percentile on the GRE in Verbal and Writing that he didn't understand your point. You know exactly what you meant and you were trying to say that Lott's data should not be taken seriously because he is "pro-gun." As usual, you are avoiding the central issue at hand to be catty and one-up somebody who is beating you in the argument.

As I said before, Heather MacDonald is a better-educated and more well-informed woman than you are. Obviously not all women are created (or developed) equal. When Heather MacDonald is confronted with arguments, she at least tries to deal with them directly. I can't say the same for you in such a discussion. And that is typical of Democrats because they honestly have no idea how to solve the massive crime problem in cities. They have no clue so they take out their anger and wrath on rednecks living hundreds of miles away who own guns. I have seen it my whole life.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Just to be clear, I received my Masters in arts - medieval studies 3 years ago and am currently working on my Doctorate of Philosophy in History. But yeah, OK.

So what? The modern world has a plethora of overqualified pseudo-intellectuals all over the place, especially in the leftist parts of the USA which set the trends that everyone else follows.

I have been working on an MA for over two years in a field called "bicultural studies" that focuses on Spanish and the Caribbean. I also passed the FSOT (the exam to work for the State Department and focuses on world and U.S. history) on my first try. I don't by any means claim that these qualifications alone make me highly knowledgeable about history. Based on what I have seen in my life very few people in academia or in schools are knowledgeable about history.

The vast majority of liberal arts education in the world today is a total farce and an act. It takes a Herculean effort to work one's way up through the rubble and into the sunlight. And it requires a great deal of independent study.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I'm not nearly arrogant enough to claim I'm above Americans...

Part 1.

However, you are a country in which half the voters went with a incompetent reality star who's a self proclaimed sexual predator, and the other half went with...Hilary Clinton. That's the best two candidates you were able to muster. A country that's notoriously self absorbed, ignorant, bigoted, racist, and so insecure about its masculinity that it jerks off to the military twice a day...A country responsible for some of the most heinous war crimes in recent history...and when you're not the ones doing the war crimes, you're secretly or not so secretly funding someone who is.

Part 2.

Does anyone see a contradiction at all between parts 1 and 2? In part 1 Broken tells us that he doesn't think he is arrogant enough to claim he's above Americans. Then in part 2 he tells us that the voters are stupid and the people are ignorant, bigoted, racist, self-absorbed, insecure, and criminal.

So is Broken saying that he is no better than people who are ignorant, bigoted, and criminal?

I doubt it.

So do I think I'm above Americans? Again, no.

Part 3.

Just above many Americans, and pretty much any Trump supporter. There's a reason you guys have become a worldwide laughing stock.

Part 4.

Any contradiction between parts 3 and 4? Yeah, Broken just recognized it. Good for him.

Just to be clear, I graduated with a double major, a masters degree and am currently working on my PHD. I'm not saying that makes me cultured, but I'm saying it's pretty fucking ironic for you to claim that I'm not... You, a Donald Trump supporter.

Good for you, big boy. Thanks for telling everyone how big your little instrument is. Since you've gone that route, I'll tell you too that I'm a double-major! Not only that, but I have passed multiple Series investment exams and I passed the FSOT on my first try. I too am working on a Masters Degree, I am close to being bilingual, and I scored in the 98-percentile on the GRE in verbal and writing! Wowsers! Look at how awesome I am!

Broken's pride got shook so he had to share his resume everyone!

Now, as for your broader point, if you weren't such an ignorant bigot about the United States, you would know that there are scores of supremely intelligent conservatives and Trump voters/supporters in the United States. Do you think the Oxford-educated Peter Schweizer is dumb? The Brown-educated Larry Elder? The Stanford-Yale-Cambridge-educated Heather MacDonald?

These are people you don't even know because you are that clueless about the United States and the conservative wing of its political system.

Yes you did every argument. Such as JR Smith being the best player in the league,

In his twenties he was the most offensively explosive player in the league.

Randy Foye being better than Steph Curry,

Foye was more talented all-around. It's not my fault you don't know basketball well enough to see that.

Rugby being a sport for pussies,

Never said that.

France never having elite world class winners at the highest level,

I fully stand by those remarks as they pertain to the basketball and tennis players I have witnessed from France.

And if I indeed know 1/1000th of what I think I know, that still makes me more knowledgeable than many of your ignorant ass compatriots who can't locate their own country on a map.

I hope you know that most of those low-scoring compatriots vote for the Democratic Party, who you say that you don't think you're above? So are you now saying that you are above them? Are you saying you're above the 33% (13 of 39) of Baltimore schools where not a single high school student was deemed proficient in math in 2017?


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
So what? The modern world has a plethora of overqualified pseudo-intellectuals all over the place, especially in the leftist parts of the USA which set the trends that everyone else follows.

I have been working on an MA for over two years in a field called "bicultural studies" that focuses on Spanish and the Caribbean. I also passed the FSOT (the exam to work for the State Department and focuses on world and U.S. history) on my first try. I don't by any means claim that these qualifications alone make me highly knowledgeable about history. Based on what I have seen in my life very few people in academia or in schools are knowledgeable about history.

The vast majority of liberal arts education in the world today is a total farce and an act. It takes a Herculean effort to work one's way up through the rubble and into the sunlight. And it requires a great deal of independent study.

Never claimed to be a history expert. I just scoffed at the notion that you, of all people, say I know shit about it. Big difference.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Now for the substance of Broken's ignorant remarks, since he knows so little about America or American political theory.

A country that's notoriously self absorbed, ignorant, bigoted, racist,

That must be why non-white people all over the world are wanting to come to the United States by the millions each year, legally and illegally. It is such a concentration camp, isn't it?

It's such an awful country that it currently houses 20-30 million illegal immigrants (possibly more, since they are uncounted) while taking in over 1 million legal immigrants every year, the vast majority of whom are non-white? And the vast majority of all these immigrants are allowed to lead normal lives by both Democrats and Republicans.

But yeah, you're right, at least half the people in the country is terrible. Why don't you tell all the people trying to get into the U.S. - often into the Southern red states that supported Trump - how stupid they are in that case?

and so insecure about its masculinity that it jerks off to the military twice a day...

The military worship is mostly the product of the SECULAR democratic religion invented by the foreign policy establishment which maintains that it is the United States's job to lead the world in promoting human rights and spreading democratic values. This makes the U.S. the de facto police force of the globe.

The people you are trying to take a shot at are the patriotic white Middle Americans who take pride in the military for self-defense purposes and as a form of national showmanship. I resent their naivete in thinking that the military is wholesome but their basic impulses are not malevolent. The main people to blame for the bloated military budget and the U.S. global empire are in the foreign policy establishment (such as the Council on Foreign Relations). And almost all of those people uniformly hate and despise Trump and have views very close to yours.

So your blame is misdirected. It is not the naive middle American patriots who like the flag who are responsible for the bloated military. It is the secular ideologues of global democracy who are.

A country responsible for some of the most heinous war crimes in recent history...and when you're not the ones doing the war crimes, you're secretly or not so secretly funding someone who is.

So are you aware that the leading ideological proponents of the Iraq war to which you are referring almost all hated Trump from the start of his campaign and have remained loud voices in opposition to him? They are the Republican #neverTrumpers. Do you know who Max Boot, Bill Kristol, and David Frum are? They were the ideological architects of the Iraq war and they have all been embraced by the American Democratic left which you say you are not above.

Do you also know that Trump took a very firm non-interventionist stance during his campaign?

So, again, you are placing blame on the wrong people. You are blaming Trump supporters for war crimes when it is actually Trump haters who were responsible for them.

So do I think I'm above Americans? Again, no. Just above many Americans, and pretty much any Trump supporter. There's a reason you guys have become a worldwide laughing stock.

Yes, because non-Americans like yourselves are slaves to the American leftist media led by the New York Times and Washington Post who are totally and completely anti-Trump. The New York Times and Washington Post want you to laugh at Trump and you do so dutifully.

And if I indeed know 1/1000th of what I think I know, that still makes me more knowledgeable than many of your ignorant ass compatriots who can't locate their own country on a map.

I assure you that many of the Democrats in the United States who you agree with don't know much about world geography. In fact, the lowest-scoring areas in the U.S. are typically Democratic strongholds.

That said, do I think the American education system could do a better job teaching geography? I absolutely do. But I doubt that the situation in America is much worse than in the rest of the world.
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Never claimed to be a history expert. I just scoffed at the notion that you, of all people, say I know shit about it. Big difference.

Well, I do know quite a bit, and I certainly know far more about the USA than you do. You are absolutely clueless about it. You have no idea that people like Peter Schweizer, Larry Elder, or Heather MacDonald exist. Nor do you understand the reality of neoconservatism or who is really behind the "war crimes" and the American empire. You are a clueless anti-American bigot, looking at an extreme caricature served up by - ironically enough - left-wing American media outlets that set the international news cycle. You are a New York Times slave.

When it comes to the USA and the political currents in it, you are woefully ignorant. I can recommend some sources for you to read if you want to brush up. Just let me know.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Part 1.

Part 2.

Does anyone see a contradiction at all between parts 1 and 2? In part 1 Broken tells us that he doesn't think he is arrogant enough to claim he's above Americans. Then in part 2 he tells us that the voters are stupid and the people are ignorant, bigoted, racist, self-absorbed, insecure, and criminal.

So is Broken saying that he is no better than people who are ignorant, bigoted, and criminal?

I doubt it.?

Actually it's pretty simple: I'm saying I'm better than every piece of shit Trump supporter who's completely fine with putting kids in cages.

Now, as for your broader point, if you weren't such an ignorant bigot about the United States, you would know that there are scores of supremely intelligent conservatives and Trump voters/supporters in the United States. Do you think the Oxford-educated Peter Schweizer is dumb? The Brown-educated Larry Elder? The Stanford-Yale-Cambridge-educated Heather MacDonald?

These are people you don't even know because you are that clueless about the United States and the conservative wing of its political system.

It's completely hilarious that you think I don't know who they are. Yes, Peter Schweizer is now the reference...the same pussy who wrote a book about political corruption but didn't bring up Trump once...

Never said that.

Hey @britbox, do you remember when Cali said Rugby is for pussies? Cali to backtrack on this in 3, 2, 1....

I fully stand by those remarks as they pertain to the basketball and tennis players I have witnessed from France..

Ah yes, in other words, "I fully stand by my ignorance based on a very small sample that I've seen in sports that aren't even the most popular in France while completely knowing shit about those they're very good at.

I hope you know that most of those low-scoring compatriots vote for the Democratic Party, who you say that you don't think you're above? So are you now saying that you are above them? Are you saying you're above the 33% (13 of 39) of Baltimore schools where not a single high school student was deemed proficient in math in 2017?

No, I absolutely refuse to consider myself better than someone just because I come from a more privileged background. But if you're implying American ignorance is strictly due to sociological factors then you're kidding yourself.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Just to be clear, I received my Masters in arts - medieval studies 3 years ago and am currently working on my Doctorate of Philosophy in History. But yeah, OK.

I also know someone with a Ph.D. from Yale who is fluent in German, French, and Italian and can read ancient Greek and Hebrew. He happens to support Trump.

But I guess he isn't as cultured as Broken with his M.A. in medieval studies. That guy is just an uncultured Trump supporter in the USA.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 14, 2013
Also watching Cali meltdown, make threads/posts en masse and while using Trump language (sad!) explains so much. The OP of the thread which was merged could have just been easily been written by Trump. The opening lines are uncanny. It's honestly funny.
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