RE: Favorite TV Series
boy. Game of Thrones. holy crap. sure showed once again why it's one of the best shows out there. (remember people no spoilers! or adequate warnings if you're about to post a spoiler. it's doubly difficult with GoT because you got to warn people of show/season spoilers (in case someone for example hasn't seen the latest one), and much more so of novel-related spoilers.)
although i must say that it probably isn't my favorite, currently running TV show overall. that title would still go to Breaking Bad. huge fan of Bryan Cranston. amazing show, really. plus, GoT always has to kind of win me over because i'm not a fantasy guy (and it's getting more and more fantastic, after all).
as for comedy, i absolutely love Modern Family. i wonder how long this one's gonna run, because a lot of sitcoms go too long. loved 30 Rock, for example, and it barely managed the cut - the last season was pretty good, but the one before was already a significant step down from its heyday, if you ask me.
more extreme example: How I Met Your Mother. i actually liked it in the beginning, but it got worse and worse, and then drastically worse, and the whole premise doesn't make any sense anymore. it actually has become so bad that i can't even stand the old episodes now.