@vince evert: Here's the recap: Chris Kermode is the President of the ATP. Last winter, the player's council, of which Novak is the President, voted not to renew his contract. This wasn't 100% popular, since many see him as the guy that helped shepherded this great era of men's tennis, and helped monetize it well. This was during IW, I think. Rather notably, Federer invited Rafa over to his house for coffee to discuss. (They were not then on the Player's Council, but are back on it now.) Roger made it known that he had tried to contact Novak to discuss before the decision was made, and was told Djokovic didn't have the time. Basically, Roger and Rafa came out on the side of keeping Kermode. Novak said it was not his decision alone.
My understanding is that it's not a done deal that Kermode is out, because they can still renew his contract, which is up maybe at the end of this year. Don't know if this is correct. Since Roger's friend Anna Wintour came out to do a coin toss, one assumes that Roger invited her. So when Kermode showed up to do the same, one also assumes it was Roger's idea. And it was Rafa's doubles match, Rafa shaking hands with him. No way Rafa wouldn't have been consulted on that. Even my commentators on Tennis Channel here in the US said, "We'll leave the politics out of this discussion," meaning they wouldn't comment about Kermode being there, but noting that there were politics. To me, it seemed a very pointed choice.
That's the Reader's Digest version, off top of my memory, so forgive any errors. If you're interested any further, you might browse this thread.