The Musk Twitter Files


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Do you think it was a mistake not upholding an old doctrine that required networks to give airtime to opposing views? It seems from the outside, this has led to an almost irreconcilable division amongst many Americans.
I don’t think such a thing could be possible today anyway, in the era of social media, plus dozens of news channels all competing for everyone’s attention. The only way to make money in such an environment is to splinter the population.


Apr 14, 2013
Twitter was a publicly-traded company prior to Musk purchasing it (i.e., people held stock in it), at which point it became a privately-owned business, therefore no longer on the stock exchange. In other words, it wasn’t always owned by billionaire ideologues — but it is now.

I was randomly reading posts around here and I came across this detail. Not that interested in the actual topic, but this particular point is not that simple. The fact that it s publicly-traded does not mean that all of it stocks are currently being traded in stock exchange (and thus publicly-owned). In general, majority shareholders will keep their majority share (and thus run the company). More importantly, being public means that the finances of the company are way more transparent and regulated than a private one. But this has very little bearing, if any, in the way that the company is actually run.
The current owner of Twitter could have done basically everything he has done up till now if he was "merely" the majority shareholder of a publicly-traded company.

But, in general, @tented, your points where all completely fair. Problem is that most people act as if social media companies were part of the state apparatus, providing some basic human right of "platform". However, it was never supposed or meant to be "fair and balanced" from the get go (it was supposed to make money, which it did), but people from all sides will cry that when convenient. Basically, this whole conversation is completely crazy. You guys are honestly trying to make some sense of it. Well, good luck with that...
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Apr 22, 2013
I thought Musk was playing 4 dimensional chess at first. I'm really confused now. This banning of reporters and the kid that's following his private jet.... that's not freedom of speech. He can make his jet's transponder codes non-private, there's no need to do it this way. He has to know that, so it begs the question why? I don't get it!

I fully support his un-cancelling of people. There certainly needs to be an evolution of how we handle speech on social media. How we deal with the extremes of right and left. What Twitter was doing before wasn't ok. Letting nazis or terrorists free rein isn't ok either. Banning Trump but leaving Putin or other despots on Twitter is not ok either. It's an almost impossibly difficult problem, but it's our problem. It's the problem of this age, and we all need to confront it. I, for one, am happy to be patient as solutions are unlikely to make everyone happy or be ideal at least at the start, but we can't stick our heads in the sand. It's got to be sorted.

I will say this... given the choice of cancelling or exposing a-holes to the light, I'll go with the exposing all day every day. I might loathe Trump, but I do believe he was a force that brought a lot of bad shit to the light. That has to be a net positive
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Apr 14, 2013
I thought Musk was playing 4 dimensional chess at first. I'm really confused now. This banning of reporters and the kid that's following his private jet.... that's not freedom of speech. He can make his jet's transponder codes non-private, there's no need to do it this way. He has to know that, so it begs the question why? I don't get it!

I fully support his un-cancelling of people. There certainly needs to be an evolution of how we handle speech on social media. How we deal with the extremes of right and left. What Twitter was doing before wasn't ok. Letting nazis or terrorists free rein isn't ok either. Banning Trump but leaving Putin or other despots on Twitter is not ok either. It's an almost impossibly difficult problem, but it's our problem. It's the problem of this age, and we all need to confront it. I, for one, am happy to be patient as solutions are unlikely to make everyone happy or be ideal at least at the start, but we can't stick our heads in the sand. It's got to be sorted.

I will say this... given the choice of cancelling or exposing a-holes to the light, I'll go with the exposing all day every day. I might loathe Trump, but I do believe he was a force that brought a lot of bad shit to the light. That has to be a net positive
Yeah, it’s hypocritical that he’s against cancelling people while at the same time cancelling people for his own personal reasons. He’s right to let trump back on Twitter, it was always ridiculous that Isis had a Twitter account and Trump was banned. This was TDS in the extreme. Suppressing the Hunter Biden story another example of how unfit for purpose Twitter was. Hopefully Musk catches himself on and uncancels anyone he’s targeted so far.


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Yeah, it’s hypocritical that he’s against cancelling people while at the same time cancelling people for his own personal reasons. He’s right to let trump back on Twitter, it was always ridiculous that Isis had a Twitter account and Trump was banned. This was TDS in the extreme. Suppressing the Hunter Biden story another example of how unfit for purpose Twitter was. Hopefully Musk catches himself on and uncancels anyone he’s targeted so far.
Don’t hold your breath. I just watched a news report that, if anything, Musk is doubling down, now banning people even reporting on the account which was tracking his plane. This, after promising (before purchasing Twitter) that the account would not be banned. So, freedom of speech unless it involves him.
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
I thought Musk was playing 4 dimensional chess at first. I'm really confused now. This banning of reporters and the kid that's following his private jet.... that's not freedom of speech. He can make his jet's transponder codes non-private, there's no need to do it this way. He has to know that, so it begs the question why? I don't get it!

I fully support his un-cancelling of people. There certainly needs to be an evolution of how we handle speech on social media. How we deal with the extremes of right and left. What Twitter was doing before wasn't ok. Letting nazis or terrorists free rein isn't ok either. Banning Trump but leaving Putin or other despots on Twitter is not ok either. It's an almost impossibly difficult problem, but it's our problem. It's the problem of this age, and we all need to confront it. I, for one, am happy to be patient as solutions are unlikely to make everyone happy or be ideal at least at the start, but we can't stick our heads in the sand. It's got to be sorted.

I will say this... given the choice of cancelling or exposing a-holes to the light, I'll go with the exposing all day every day. I might loathe Trump, but I do believe he was a force that brought a lot of bad shit to the light. That has to be a net positive
There’s also a theory circulating that Musk has shut down this account which tracks his private jet, because that info could be used to demonstrate his whereabouts, opening him up to additional taxes: the data would show he spends X amount of time in various places, even though he reports spending more or less time in said places.

There are highly specific laws in the US which dictate who much tax you have to pay, and to which entities (states, cities) based on how much time you spend there. These laws particularly apply to the rich who have multiple homes, in multiple cities, in multiple states. In other words, Musk could be reporting to the tax authorities that he spends only a certain amount of time in, say, San Francisco, therefore doesn’t have to pay the taxes a full-time resident would pay. The plane data could show he in fact does spend more time there than he reports, therefore should be paying more taxes.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Musk has said the policy is related to security and realtime "doxxing". Given the information being disclosed about Twitter's previous stewardship he might have some justification.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
There’s also a theory circulating that Musk has shut down this account which tracks his private jet, because that info could be used to demonstrate his whereabouts, opening him up to additional taxes: the data would show he spends X amount of time in various places, even though he reports spending more or less time in said places.

There are highly specific laws in the US which dictate who much tax you have to pay, and to which entities (states, cities) based on how much time you spend there. These laws particularly apply to the rich who have multiple homes, in multiple cities, in multiple states. In other words, Musk could be reporting to the tax authorities that he spends only a certain amount of time in, say, San Francisco, therefore doesn’t have to pay the taxes a full-time resident would pay. The plane data could show he in fact does spend more time there than he reports, therefore should be paying more taxes.
This is so interesting, in the wider context, too. In the sense that, now everyone's movement's are trackable, and proportion of time spent where does mean something for tax reasons.


Apr 14, 2013
Musk has said the policy is related to security and realtime "doxxing". Given the information being disclosed about Twitter's previous stewardship he might have some justification.
I think you’re right. If somebody is tracking his movements and publishing them, it’s harassment and doxxing…


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
I think you’re right. If somebody is tracking his movements and publishing them, it’s harassment and doxxing…
It’s public information, from what I’ve heard. If he shuts down one account, another will pop up.


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
The Childish Drama of Elon Musk

”Musk claims that a stalker used the location of his jet to attack a car that his son was in. He has not presented any evidence that this event happened or, it seems, filed any police reports. And in a karmic plot twist, the founder of the investigative journalism site Bellingcat tweeted that his team ascertained that the event did not take place near an airport.”


Apr 22, 2013
The Childish Drama of Elon Musk

”Musk claims that a stalker used the location of his jet to attack a car that his son was in. He has not presented any evidence that this event happened or, it seems, filed any police reports. And in a karmic plot twist, the founder of the investigative journalism site Bellingcat tweeted that his team ascertained that the event did not take place near an airport.”
kind of ironic that he's employing the same victimhood argument that those of us in the centre loathe from both sides. I thought he was one of us. Disappointed


Apr 14, 2013
It’s public information, from what I’ve heard. If he shuts down one account, another will pop up.
His movements are public information? How is that? How do we find out his movements?


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
How? By accessing airport files?

I don’t know, but obviously it can be done. Maybe using info provided by airports and/or the FAA.

But even so, you don’t think that posting a private persons movements on Twitter is harassment of some sort?

If someone were following him around surreptitiously, then yes — that would be harassment. Posting info which can be found online? His problem is with whichever agency is posting that info to begin with.
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Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
From the Washington Post:

Is plane tracking doxxing? How public data enraged Elon Musk.

“The whereabouts of Elon Musk’s private jet are based on public data — that Musk banned from Twitter this week.
Flight data for aircraft from Musk’s shiny multimillion-dollar Gulfstream G650 jet to commercial planes has long been public.”


”But shortly after taking over Twitter, Musk said @ElonJet could remain because he believed in free speech. “My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk,” he tweeted in November.”
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Apr 14, 2013
That’s behind a paywall, unfortunately. I think if my movements were easily found by a member of the public and posted online, I might feel a little invaded, and threatened, especially if I was rich and famous. He’s now restored the accounts it seems. It’s an activity that’s got to be frowned upon. I don’t think that any public figures should be stalked and their movements placed online, just because it can be done…


Apr 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
That’s behind a paywall, unfortunately.

The whereabouts of Elon Musk’s private jet are based on public data — that Musk banned from Twitter this week.

Flight data for aircraft from Musk’s shiny multimillion-dollar Gulfstream G650 jet to commercial planes has long been public. Now Musk, who acquired Twitter for $44 billion in late October, is asserting that disclosing the location of his jet amounts to doxing, a form of online harassment that involves the sharing of personal information in a way that could spur harm.

On Wednesday, he suspended the popular @ElonJet account. On Thursday, he suspended the accounts of several reporters who had been writing stories or tweeting about the episode. Some of those were restored early Saturday.

“Same doxing rules apply to ‘journalists’ as to everyone else,” he said in a tweet on Thursday. “They posted my exact real-time location, basically assassination coordinates.” The Washington Post saw no evidence that the reporters did what he claimed.

The internet has made vast amounts of data public, from property records to family ties, as well as phones that post people’s locations in real time. Sometimes, the data empowers scammers and criminals. But there are limits to the value of the data — it can be outdated or false. And in the case of publicly available flight information, it reveals the location of the aircraft, not its passengers.

While Twitter has abruptly changed its rules to prevent accounts from sharing live location details, it cannot stop the torrent of aviation hobbyists who track jets and post information elsewhere.

Musk and Twitter did not immediately return a request for comment.

Here is an overview of what’s going on with tracking Musk’s personal jet and how people follow it.

What Is @ElonJet?

At the center of the storm is a Twitter account called @ElonJet. It’s an automated account that used publicly available air-travel data to chart the whereabouts of Musk’s private jet. It was created in 2020 by Jack Sweeney, a sophomore at the University of Central Florida. He said it is likely the data was available on websites such as Open Sky Network before he created the tool.

The Twitter account gained steam as people used the account to track where Musk might be. The tracker didn’t necessarily prove he was onboard the plane and provided no details on who flew with Musk or his final destination after landing, though Musk often tweeted about where he was, which could be corroborated with data from his jet.

Musk offered Sweeney $5,000 to buy @ElonJet, the former news site Protocol reported in January, but the deal fell through because Sweeney wanted $50,000. “Can you take this down? It is a security risk,” Musk added in a direct message cited by Protocol. “I don’t love the idea of being shot by a nutcase.”

But shortly after taking over Twitter, Musk said @ElonJet could remain because he believed in free speech. “My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk,” he tweeted in November.

On Wednesday morning, the account, which had amassed nearly 530,000 followers, was suspended for breaking Twitter rules, without the company identifying what they were. Shortly after that, Sweeney’s personal account was also suspended.

The bans took place a day after Twitter changed its policy on sharing “live location” information.

How Does Jet Tracking Work?

Jet tracking is a popular hobby.

At its core, publicly available data is used to do it. Popular sites like Flightradar24 can use information provided by the Federal Aviation Administration. The planes of notable people often don’t show up there because they can hide their plane’s tail number through an FAA program called Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed.

Airliners, private jets and hobbyist Cessnas broadcast their locations over the radio using an onboard system called ADS-B Out, often required by the FAA and foreign aviation agencies to fly. Hobbyists listen to those broadcasts and pool the results in shared databases likeADS-B Exchange, giving such sites a nearly complete look at civilian air traffic worldwide.

The information is tied to the airplane’s tail number, which the scanners can track. Since the data is culled from public scanners, it’s harder to hide their plane from showing up, though a new industry-friendly FAA program could change that.

It is unclear if Musk availed himself of that program, though he asserted on Twitter that he may have. Sweeney said that even if Musk did, he could also use another public radio frequency, called ACARS, to track plane information.

The current protocol of broadcasting data about flights became the standard in the United States and internationally within the past decade or so, said Dan Streufert, the founder of ADS-B Exchange. Many air traffic control agencies worldwide use this technology to increase the safety, efficiency and visibility of planes in the sky.

Finding specific planes can be done creatively, Sweeney said. Public records requests for plane registration information can provide details. A simple Google search can reveal photos taken of celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian or Jeff Bezos, hopping off their planes, with the tail number visible.

Sweeney also ran accounts tracking the location of Bill Gates’s and Bezos’s private jets. Both accounts have been suspended. (Bezos owns The Post.)

Once the tail number has been procured, hobbyists can write code that pulls plane data from websites like ADS-B Exchange. To find out what airport it is near, they program software to cross-reference a plane’s coordinates with openly available airport location data, such as from

“It’s all out there,” Sweeney said in an interview. “It’s just like investigative journalism … you have to connect the dots.”

What Is Doxxing and What Is Musk Saying About It?

Musk is arguing that sharing the location of his private jet on Twitter constitutes doxing.

Doxing does not have one definition, researchers say, which is part of the reason the term can be used in such varied rhetoric online.

Mary Anne Franks, a law professor at the University of Miami who studies the intersection of civil rights and technology, said she thinks of doxing as “making individual personal information publicly accessible in a way that is likely to cause them unjustifiable harm.” That can take many forms, she notes, including sharing others’ personal information to purposefully cause harm or in a reckless manner that could lead to harm.

Doxing can cause real world danger — people have had to flee their homes and change their information because of doxing.

The information shared showed where Musk’s private plane had landed and did not include static personal information about the public figure, such as his home address. Musk later claimed that a car carrying his child in Los Angeles was “followed by crazy stalker.”

The billionaire then posted a video of a man in a car and showed his full license plate number.

“Musk is very fond of using concepts that people may be sympathetic to and just completely changing their definitions,” Franks said.

Is Tracking Private Jets Legal?

Streufert, of ADS-B Exchange, knows of no laws that prevent people from accessing publicly broadcast information, such as flight movements.

“It’s public data, mandated to be broadcast,” Streufert said. The FAA collects the information to improve “safety and efficiency in the air and on runways,” it says online. The FAA did not respond to a request for comment.

ADS-B Exchange uses 10,000 receivers from around the world that collect information, and sells the data to companies that may be tracking jet fuel usage or mapping drone delivery routes.

“If we receive a public signal from public airwaves, we put it up there,” he said.

In a brief Twitter Spaces appearance Thursday night, Musk reiterated that sharing real-time location information is not acceptable on Twitter.

“You dox, you get suspended. End of story. That’s it,” he said. He abruptly dropped off the chat as a journalist tried to ask a follow-up question.
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Apr 14, 2013
The whereabouts of Elon Musk’s private jet are based on public data — that Musk banned from Twitter this week.

Flight data for aircraft from Musk’s shiny multimillion-dollar Gulfstream G650 jet to commercial planes has long been public. Now Musk, who acquired Twitter for $44 billion in late October, is asserting that disclosing the location of his jet amounts to doxing, a form of online harassment that involves the sharing of personal information in a way that could spur harm.

On Wednesday, he suspended the popular @ElonJet account. On Thursday, he suspended the accounts of several reporters who had been writing stories or tweeting about the episode. Some of those were restored early Saturday.

“Same doxing rules apply to ‘journalists’ as to everyone else,” he said in a tweet on Thursday. “They posted my exact real-time location, basically assassination coordinates.” The Washington Post saw no evidence that the reporters did what he claimed.

The internet has made vast amounts of data public, from property records to family ties, as well as phones that post people’s locations in real time. Sometimes, the data empowers scammers and criminals. But there are limits to the value of the data — it can be outdated or false. And in the case of publicly available flight information, it reveals the location of the aircraft, not its passengers.

While Twitter has abruptly changed its rules to prevent accounts from sharing live location details, it cannot stop the torrent of aviation hobbyists who track jets and post information elsewhere.

Musk and Twitter did not immediately return a request for comment.

Here is an overview of what’s going on with tracking Musk’s personal jet and how people follow it.

What Is @ElonJet?

At the center of the storm is a Twitter account called @ElonJet. It’s an automated account that used publicly available air-travel data to chart the whereabouts of Musk’s private jet. It was created in 2020 by Jack Sweeney, a sophomore at the University of Central Florida. He said it is likely the data was available on websites such as Open Sky Network before he created the tool.

The Twitter account gained steam as people used the account to track where Musk might be. The tracker didn’t necessarily prove he was onboard the plane and provided no details on who flew with Musk or his final destination after landing, though Musk often tweeted about where he was, which could be corroborated with data from his jet.

Musk offered Sweeney $5,000 to buy @ElonJet, the former news site Protocol reported in January, but the deal fell through because Sweeney wanted $50,000. “Can you take this down? It is a security risk,” Musk added in a direct message cited by Protocol. “I don’t love the idea of being shot by a nutcase.”

But shortly after taking over Twitter, Musk said @ElonJet could remain because he believed in free speech. “My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk,” he tweeted in November.

On Wednesday morning, the account, which had amassed nearly 530,000 followers, was suspended for breaking Twitter rules, without the company identifying what they were. Shortly after that, Sweeney’s personal account was also suspended.

The bans took place a day after Twitter changed its policy on sharing “live location” information.

How Does Jet Tracking Work?

Jet tracking is a popular hobby.

At its core, publicly available data is used to do it. Popular sites like Flightradar24 can use information provided by the Federal Aviation Administration. The planes of notable people often don’t show up there because they can hide their plane’s tail number through an FAA program called Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed.

Airliners, private jets and hobbyist Cessnas broadcast their locations over the radio using an onboard system called ADS-B Out, often required by the FAA and foreign aviation agencies to fly. Hobbyists listen to those broadcasts and pool the results in shared databases likeADS-B Exchange, giving such sites a nearly complete look at civilian air traffic worldwide.

The information is tied to the airplane’s tail number, which the scanners can track. Since the data is culled from public scanners, it’s harder to hide their plane from showing up, though a new industry-friendly FAA program could change that.

It is unclear if Musk availed himself of that program, though he asserted on Twitter that he may have. Sweeney said that even if Musk did, he could also use another public radio frequency, called ACARS, to track plane information.

The current protocol of broadcasting data about flights became the standard in the United States and internationally within the past decade or so, said Dan Streufert, the founder of ADS-B Exchange. Many air traffic control agencies worldwide use this technology to increase the safety, efficiency and visibility of planes in the sky.

Finding specific planes can be done creatively, Sweeney said. Public records requests for plane registration information can provide details. A simple Google search can reveal photos taken of celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian or Jeff Bezos, hopping off their planes, with the tail number visible.

Sweeney also ran accounts tracking the location of Bill Gates’s and Bezos’s private jets. Both accounts have been suspended. (Bezos owns The Post.)

Once the tail number has been procured, hobbyists can write code that pulls plane data from websites like ADS-B Exchange. To find out what airport it is near, they program software to cross-reference a plane’s coordinates with openly available airport location data, such as from

“It’s all out there,” Sweeney said in an interview. “It’s just like investigative journalism … you have to connect the dots.”

What Is Doxxing and What Is Musk Saying About It?

Musk is arguing that sharing the location of his private jet on Twitter constitutes doxing.

Doxing does not have one definition, researchers say, which is part of the reason the term can be used in such varied rhetoric online.

Mary Anne Franks, a law professor at the University of Miami who studies the intersection of civil rights and technology, said she thinks of doxing as “making individual personal information publicly accessible in a way that is likely to cause them unjustifiable harm.” That can take many forms, she notes, including sharing others’ personal information to purposefully cause harm or in a reckless manner that could lead to harm.

Doxing can cause real world danger — people have had to flee their homes and change their information because of doxing.

The information shared showed where Musk’s private plane had landed and did not include static personal information about the public figure, such as his home address. Musk later claimed that a car carrying his child in Los Angeles was “followed by crazy stalker.”

The billionaire then posted a video of a man in a car and showed his full license plate number.

“Musk is very fond of using concepts that people may be sympathetic to and just completely changing their definitions,” Franks said.

Is Tracking Private Jets Legal?

Streufert, of ADS-B Exchange, knows of no laws that prevent people from accessing publicly broadcast information, such as flight movements.

“It’s public data, mandated to be broadcast,” Streufert said. The FAA collects the information to improve “safety and efficiency in the air and on runways,” it says online. The FAA did not respond to a request for comment.

ADS-B Exchange uses 10,000 receivers from around the world that collect information, and sells the data to companies that may be tracking jet fuel usage or mapping drone delivery routes.

“If we receive a public signal from public airwaves, we put it up there,” he said.

In a brief Twitter Spaces appearance Thursday night, Musk reiterated that sharing real-time location information is not acceptable on Twitter.

“You dox, you get suspended. End of story. That’s it,” he said. He abruptly dropped off the chat as a journalist tried to ask a follow-up question.
Thanks for posting the article. It’s an interesting topic. If the information is public, that’s fine but I think of it as intrusive and a form of incitement to spread it in this way. Musk is not a figure who people are neutral about. But I give him credit for correcting his action and restoring the cancelled accounts so swiftly, this wasn’t the way with old Twitter.

By the way, have Twitter users noticed any differences?
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