I just finished reading Novak's book, Serve to Win. I did not buy the book for nutritional advice, since I have been sold on the idea that nothing good can come from eating wheat and gluten long time ago. I just wanted insight into the man's thinking. I enjoyed some parts, but was surprised by others. Some parts were downright weird. A couple of examples:
He says when he first met the doctor who told him he might have food issues, he made him extend his right arm out and put the left on his stomach. Then he exerted pressure on the extended right arm. It was solid and he said that is how it should be, Then, he told him to extend the arm again, but this time hold a slice of bread in his left hand and put it on his stomach. When pressure was exerted this time, his right arm was considerably weaker ! What? Apperently this was called “kinesiological arm testing and it has long been used as a diagnostic tool by natural healers ! That was a bit weird for my taste...There is one more though, about how crazy he is about positive thinking:
You have two glasses of water, from the same source, and to one, you send positive thinking, bless it, be nice to it etc, and the other you swear at it, send negativity, and lo and behold, a few days later, the one blessed is still crystal clear whereas the abused glass of water has a green tint to it ! What???
Anyways, I liked the bits about his childhood, growing up, and I liked the bits about how disciplined he is about his diet and his training.
Interesting read.