If you look for it, you can find Jews names throughout Hollywood. So what? It is a fact that some Jewish business leaders got together to build some studios and since there was already a strong Jewish contingent from the stage and in vaudeville acts, a natural connection was made. I know lots of bankers and there are Jews in banking, but the vast majority I know in my area are not Jewish. I know a lot of Jewish doctors, but the overwhelming number of doctors and hospital higher-ups I know are not Jewish. I am a lawyer and knows lots of Jewish lawyers, but they are but a minority of lawyers not only in the USA, but in my state (which is probably the second most Jewish state in the Union). Now, with all that said, I think it is true that a disproportionate number of Jews are in those fields compared to their numbers and perhaps to other ethnicities. But is that a necessarily Zionist or negative thing?
I find it worthy and honorable that Jewish kids are brought up to seek higher education and, in most cases, to go into business for themselves. They prize that over sports, unlike far too many in my country. They also are brought up with a love of the fine arts, by and large, so you see a disproportionate number of Jewish people playing violin, piano, cello, etc. There is nothing sinister or wrong with any of that. The Asian cultures tend to do the same thing and do it well, yet I don't see any clamoring about the Asian Illuminati running things like the level of the Jews and (at least in the case of China) we are talking about a civilization as ancient as that of the ancient Hebrews. No, there is something else at work with the Zionist talk.
I don't know why one would start in 1948--the real place to start is the buildup to the First World War and Lord Balfour and the Declaration he moved forward. The demise of the era of the Colonialists and the ancient European Empires like the Hapsburgs played a huge role in the dividing up the post-WWI mess in Palestine, Mesopotamia and in Africa. The Rothschild dynasty was greatly weakened by the Great War along with other dynasties like the Hohenzollerns, the Romanovs (well, they were executed by the Bolsheviks) and the Bourbons. USA stepped into the vacuum created by the War To End All Wars and non-Jewish folks like Ford, Edison, Flagler, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Mellon and many others really remolded the world and consolidated real economic and political power across various swaths of the globe. London and Paris slowly saw their influence wane and they were not great bastions of Jewish power to begin with. In short, I think the Zionist card is overplayed, although I concede there does exist a Zionist lobby that gets more attention than it may reasonably deserve, but what with the Holocaust and its fallout it is to be somewhat understandable that some more zealous advocates for a Jewish homeland cause would arise.