Post match, there were no signs of illness. He was upbeat at his pressers. If you can figure out what the illness was that showed up during intense points of matches, with the symptoms he exhibited, I’m open to hearing what you think it was.
I'm no doctor, and I know you aren't, either. I'm just saying low blood sugar is an easy fix. Eat something, or take a fancy drink from the crew. (That's not snide...that's what they do.) Eat a banana. That was what you suggested it was. But he was shivering, was blanched, at points, including during the Medvedev match. He got winded in a few matches, more than a few times, indoors and in winter in Italy, and this from the guy who can withstand the Australian summer in best of 5. Sure, he seemed fine, by the end of the match, but what was all the rest of that goings-on? And warming up with gloves? Bending over as if he were done for? Indicating to his team that he was dizzy? Playing possum, as
@kskate2 likes to say? All I'm saying is that your theory of hypoglycemia doesn't make sense to me. Something had him clearly unwell for a period of time, and across a couple of matches. If you were watching the matches, you saw what we all did.