Navratilova calls for Margaret Court Arena to be renamed.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
Again i see pro-homo person self-appoint him/herself to be the moral judge of right or wrong, what's allowed and not allowed, one wonders whether he should chuckle or sigh....

PC does brainwash people, and does it so easily to the vulnerable ones.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I hope no one minds that I move all the posts on this topic that were in General News into this thread. I wanted to comment, but didn't know which to choose, so I combined them here.

It seems that most of us agree on free speech issues. Court has her right to her views, as do tennis players, as do posters. I do agree with @mightyjeditribble that Court gets a wider platform for her views as a pastor because of her past fame as a tennis great, (which she was.) I have this to say about the renaming of the arena: When all is said and done, it will come down to the owners of the arena to make the decision, and, perhaps, if public funds were involved, as they likely were, the government entities that helped pay for them (local and/or federal.) I believe that it will be a financial decision, in part, at least. The arena is used not only for tennis, but other sports, and musical events. If people choose to boycott, that may have a bearing on what they choose to do. I don't know how much Tennis Australia and/or the ITF could have a say, but they will also be thinking about how the sport is represented. I'm not saying that as a judgement, but they will be. The rest of us can keep debating it, but it's not up to us.
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Pro Tour Champion
Nov 17, 2016
Again i see pro-homo person self-appoint him/herself to be the moral judge of right or wrong, what's allowed and not allowed, one wonders whether he should chuckle or sigh....

PC does brainwash people, and does it so easily to the vulnerable ones.

What a sad little person you must be, so full of hate ... I pity you.

Apart from the slurs, what would it even mean to be "pro-gay"? I am no more pro-gay than I am pro-heterosexuality, or pro-blonde or pro-brown haired. I suppose I am pro-human ... I want every human being to be able to find their happiness in life, where it does not hurt others, and that is hard enough without some other people imposing their idea of how life should be lived.

It saddens me that hate speech such as yours now is now deemed acceptable on this forum after the merger. I will no longer contribute here.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 15, 2013
What a sad little person you must be, so full of hate ... I pity you.

Apart from the slurs, what would it even mean to be "pro-gay"? I am no more pro-gay than I am pro-heterosexuality, or pro-blonde or pro-brown haired. I suppose I am pro-human ... I want every human being to be able to find their happiness in life, where it does not hurt others, and that is hard enough without some other people imposing their idea of how life should be lived.

It saddens me that hate speech such as yours now is now deemed acceptable on this forum after the merger. I will no longer contribute here.

Ive seen enough of the PC little guys of your likes, a dime a dozen......go in peace.

btw please don't say you 'contribute' here, from the brainless posts about Court its easy to see how silly your self-claimed contribution actually is.


Apr 14, 2013
I see this thread has been moved again, since the posts were merged. I know what this site is doing, again...

It is trying to HIDE THE TRUTH! But we will rename the court as the "Heterosuprematist Grand Arena", and also put an ASTERISK to Rod Laver´s Arena, so that it will read:


(*) Just because he´s white
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I see this thread has been moved again, since the posts were merged. I know what this site is doing, again...

It is trying to HIDE THE TRUTH! But we will rename the court as the "Heterosuprematist Grand Arena", and also put an ASTERISK to Rod Laver´s Arena, so that it will read:


(*) Just because he´s white
You're always good for the ironic post, Mrzz. Thanks. We moved it to take the politics out of the tennis forums. But that still doesn't mean that folks get to behave like douchebags.


lol, vid is full of American stereotypes and panels, it's so primitive and dumb...... maybe it would work for Americans but the rest of the world just goes muhaha watching this vid.... actually lots of Americans are waking up after ages of spiritual oppression, one day vids like this will be retro joke vids..... so enjoy while/if you can :p

BTW tossip, for a change, posted something cool, i think it was this article: such a nice change after Steroina, who's trying to do her best to fit all the dumbass stereotypes, even buys into the Soros sponsored terrorist organisation Black Lives Matter

Very good to see lots of Americans are waking up, like Madison Keys

BTW, if some really blindfolded mugs really think outside America people really accept Steroina as a legit champ then they're extremely dumb...... Everyone knows she's the biggest juicer ever, lol do you really think off-season any normal person would take all those steroids on Steroina's list to heal injuries???? you know the effects right, cancer, blood clots (which Steroina actually got) and lots of ugly shit......... The brainwashers had to use all the panels, thought exercises and other bullshit to try to shove that ugly monster down people's throats as a champion of anything (well, maybe she is, of steroid munching...... and of jumping on the bandwagon of soros sponsored terrorist organisations......, and of making dope withdrawal induced death threats to linesperson)

They bullied Nastase but when it comes to the Steroina doping stuff he said it like it is again.... If you ask anybody in a non-american part of the world about Steroina they will just go muhahaha..... those who seemingly accept her do it for the money or because they don't give a damn and just want to be left in peace lol......


Apr 14, 2013
lol, vid is full of American stereotypes and panels, it's so primitive and dumb...... maybe it would work for Americans but the rest of the world just goes muhaha watching this vid.... actually lots of Americans are waking up after ages of spiritual oppression, one day vids like this will be retro joke vids..... so enjoy while/if you can :p

Easy, man! For a freaking commercial, I guess it is fine. What were you expecting, a PhD thesis on sociology (and one that you agree with)?
Stereotypes are a fact of life...

Actually there is something that I really liked on the video: the idea that manual, real work can help people communicate. Folks spend too much time on freaking facebook instead of carrying some bricks or painting the wall.

Of course there is some bias of what is right and what is wrong in the video -- but, again, what would you expect? There is some positives that should be noted. And, more importantly, the background idea is a good one (even from a commercial sense).

What would please you? The bald ex-military punching the transgender on the face?

You can answer me with thousands of facts related to what happens in the world today, that are related to things that are shown on this video. We may agree on some, disagree on others. But there are underlying questions touched upon on the video (again, some with bias, some superficially, but ok). And underlying questions are just this: (important) questions, that should be discussed (if over a beer or not that's debatable).

You have (IMHO) to put things into context: compare this to the calls to take out of the air a beauty cream campaign that associated the world "white" to "purity", saying that it was white suprematist, or any other bullshit that we listed on the PC bullshit thread. Sometimes it is better to take what you get...

Now go listen to some good metal, spill out that anger and JUST THEN answer me, hahahahahaha!
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
lol, vid is full of American stereotypes and panels, it's so primitive and dumb...... maybe it would work for Americans but the rest of the world just goes muhaha watching this vid.... actually lots of Americans are waking up after ages of spiritual oppression, one day vids like this will be retro joke vids..... so enjoy while/if you can :p
It's a British ad.


Easy, man! For a freaking commercial, I guess it is fine. What were you expecting, a PhD thesis on sociology (and one that you agree with)?
Stereotypes are a fact of life...

Actually there is something that I really liked on the video: the idea that manual, real work can help people communicate. Folks spend too much time on freaking facebook instead of carrying some bricks or painting the wall.

Of course there is some bias of what is right and what is wrong in the video -- but, again, what would you expect? There is some positives that should be noted. And, more importantly, the background idea is a good one (even from a commercial sense).

What would please you? The bald ex-military punching the transgender on the face?

You can answer me with thousands of facts related to what happens in the world today, that are related to things that are shown on this video. We may agree on some, disagree on others. But there are underlying questions touched upon on the video (again, some with bias, some superficially, but ok). And underlying questions are just this: (important) questions, that should be discussed (if over a beer or not that's debatable).

You have (IMHO) to put things into context: compare this to the calls to take out of the air a beauty cream campaign that associated the world "white" to "purity", saying that it was white suprematist, or any other bullshit that we listed on the PC bullshit thread. Sometimes it is better to take what you get...

Now go listen to some good metal, spill out that anger and JUST THEN answer me, hahahahahaha!
???? Anger? that was just my natural reaction to that vid...... i wasn't angry, while i was writing it i was thinking something like "these retards can't be real"

It's a British ad.
... full of American stereotypes.....

The Brits are so deep in the Americans' butt when the Americans fart the inbred hobbit Boris Johnson cancels his Russian trip:

Yeah, also the Britain sponsored terrorists called the white helmets are the "witnesses" that it was Assad who did the chemical attacks, they're assisting the Americans in all their dirty shit......


They're doing totally similar ad campaings and other idiocies too...

Except they're third rate lapdogs to the USA, like ignore basic facts of geography, that they're much easier to infiltrate for the terrorists and they're always gonna suck it harder than the USA....

Poor Britain and their identity crisis :(:unsure::rain:

Anyway, i just made a short posting session in the afternoon and that's what came out, don't take it so seriously lol :p


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Anyway, i just made a short posting session in the afternoon and that's what came out, don't take it so seriously lol :p

I don't think there's any danger of that.


I don't think there's any danger of that.
Yeah, yeah, we know in little princess's world no one cares about what Stakhovsky says either.... :p

Anyway, at least i put down facts, princess is putting down bs and idiotic propaganda all the world is laughing at lol......

What i meant there is don't get upset by the facts i'm putting down lol :p

But it's good you're around anyway, people like MJT need friends too.....

He probably doesn't have any, that's why he threw away his membership, but it's great he got it back now....

Yeah, going back to the vid, i know asking for beautiful feminists would be too much but couldn't they put in vids like these at least more or less shaggable ones?????


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Sergiy Stakhovsky. Rank: 106. 6'4", 176lbs. This year: 3W/5L. Lifetime: 161/194. Surely, god's gift to women. If he didn't have money, hehehe....Axe to grind?



Apr 14, 2013
Anger? that was just my natural reaction to that vid.

I know that! I thought that maybe for whatever reason you would get pissed with my response instead... but you're right, I just need to dial in for your free style of writing (believe me, I find that brutal honesty fantastic, even when I do not agree with the point. I cannot do that, unfortunately). I got so used to weight my words given that people get so easily offended that kind of lost my self in it.
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