lacatch said:
The media has been hyping Andy all summer--he's going to threaten Djokovic, etc. He had a great summer winning Wimbledon (not having to play Djokovic or Federer) and the Olympics (same). But at the US Open, he gets undone by a malfunctioning PA system and inspired play by Nishikori. I'll believe in Murray when he starts beating his top rivals on a regular basis. He's a solid top 3 or 4 player--period--who will win when the tennis gods are on his side as they were during the summer.
You have it partly right. The "hype" this summer was warranted. Miserable was the best player in the world right after the French Open, by a long shot.
You underestimate his a long shot. His speed, backhand, first serve, and shot selection is just SICK. Not to mention his off the charts fitness and work ethic.
The PROBLEM is..those massive strengths are balanced out by glaring weakness. His forehand..second serve (which HAS improved btw), court positioning...AND...most of all his extremely negative mental approach. The amount of energy drain he suffers from his absurd Hamlet act is sad.
I would never ever accept his barking at the camp if I worked for him. I would tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine.. He is disrespectful and a horrible role model. He acts just like the spoiled juniors in the under 14s.
Miserable's worst habits come out under pressure..rolling the forehand, pushing the second serve, the chirping, playing the victim...a **** butterfly for chrisake...
And he had the gaul to claim his mental approach has NOT been a factor in being the least accomplished of the Big 4. Now that is funny.
He is going to look back with a ton of regrets. He should have been preforming as he did this summer at 25 or 26.
Mark my word, Lendl is going to be embarrassed by this loss, more so by the way Murray acted, and he is going to quit again.
Impossible to root for such a sad character.