"Leave" Wins


Futures Player
Apr 20, 2013
Kieran said:
Plus as well, I suspect there were a lot of people who really wanted to vote Leave but were scared into voting remain. The only safe thing we know is the poll result, but other than this, guessing that some people might have buyers remorse, and others voted differently to how they feel out of fear, is just media bias, or speculation.

I have been a little concerned about how much negative reporting there is about this result. I've seen the people who voted Leave variously described as nazis, racists, idiots who don't know what they're doing, old folks who are holding back the youth, and various other assaults on the democratic process, including threats of legal action to circumvent the people's wishes, online petitions (now thoroughly discredited), and other ways of denying a basic and important truth: a vote was given to the people, they've chosen, and it's up to everyone to accept the result. Otherwise, democracy itself is under threat (which it already is, from the EU itself).

I admired Merkel's reaction, which was respectful and suggested that she believes the landing not only will be softer than expected, but must be good for everybody, through cooperation and further partnership between Britain and the EU, albeit differently...

I agree with the first point. Some friends of my parents voted one in and one out just to cancel out the vote really as they didn't know what to vote!

The negativity is getting quite nasty on social media. All the comments about people who voted out being labeled as racist is strange, sure some people are but not the whole 52% are! .A lot of young people who are annoyed about older generations voting out is quite worrying. I know not all young people have this view but the one's online who have made there opinion clear is wrong and shows they lack respect for their elders.


Futures Player
Apr 20, 2013
Kieran said:
Tennisman12345, who will be the next PM?

And who do you want to be the next PM?

I'm not sure really Kieran. I wouldn't mind Boris being PM though. I quite like him.


Futures Player
Apr 20, 2013
GameSetAndMath said:
Hard to think of it as not being anti-immigration.

This is bad but has been going on for a lot longer then since the vote leave won. Also it's hard to believe all of these stories are actually true and not people stirring things up. I looked at one about the polish waiter and in the comments found out it was something that person had seen on FB.

But some of the comments are bad and will hopefully stop soon.


Apr 14, 2013
GameSetAndMath said:
I certainly think each country should be allowed to control their immigration policies. To be honest, I don't fully know the details of what EU controls once you become its member.

The EU controls migration between member states. The British underestimated this power, believing that immigration would be neglible, but then they were hit by a tidal wave, and this has led to the current crisis. Also, the EU blocked British courts from deporting wanted terrorists and hate preachers. So sovereignty became a huge issue, and it's not unreasonable that the British should want to regain control in these areas. But the fact that it got this far is due to successive governments believing they could influence the direction of Europe. When Cameron went to renegotiate with EU bureaucracy in February, he was hung out to dry...


Apr 14, 2013
Tennisman12345 said:
Kieran said:
Tennisman12345, who will be the next PM?

And who do you want to be the next PM?

I'm not sure really Kieran. I wouldn't mind Boris being PM though. I quite like him.

I love Boris but I think he might be too divisive at the moment, do you? Not because of himself but because of resentment towards him. But it's difficult to know who would unite the party. Already Boris and his team are working on bringing George Osborne in with them, which might help heal the wounds.

Tennisman12345 said:
The negativity is getting quite nasty on social media. All the comments about people who voted out being labeled as racist is strange, sure some people are but not the whole 52% are! .A lot of young people who are annoyed about older generations voting out is quite worrying. I know not all young people have this view but the one's online who have made there opinion clear is wrong and shows they lack respect for their elders.

It's actually getting to the stage where some people who should know better are suggesting staging an anti-democratic coup against the result. The effect of this would be to tell us that democracy no longer exists in Britain, because when they voted to control their own affairs, they were overthrown by the same parliament which called the referendum, and then handed them back to unelected dictators in Brussels. And by the way, if that happened, the backlash from Brussels would be vicious, and the Brits would reap the whirlwind from their own people too. It would literally signal civil upheaval on an unprecedented scale. More likely though, it would drive a lot of Remain voters to the other side, because their honour and honesty couldn't allow them to accept such an affront to freedom.

I don't see any of this happening, because even defeated Tories will bow to the will of the people, but seeing it suggested so regularly makes me wonder why people think it's okay to support a referendum, but then not support its result.

In the east, they respect and revere their elders for their experience and wisdom. Unfortunately, in the west, we hear the silliness we've heard. Especially from youngsters who probably didn't vote, and who never lived in a free country and saw those freedoms eroded... :cover


Futures Player
Apr 20, 2013
Kieran said:
Tennisman12345 said:
Kieran said:
Tennisman12345, who will be the next PM?

And who do you want to be the next PM?

I'm not sure really Kieran. I wouldn't mind Boris being PM though. I quite like him.

I love Boris but I think he might be too divisive at the moment, do you? Not because of himself but because of resentment towards him. But it's difficult to know who would unite the party. Already Boris and his team are working on bringing George Osborne in with them, which might help heal the wounds.

Tennisman12345 said:
The negativity is getting quite nasty on social media. All the comments about people who voted out being labeled as racist is strange, sure some people are but not the whole 52% are! .A lot of young people who are annoyed about older generations voting out is quite worrying. I know not all young people have this view but the one's online who have made there opinion clear is wrong and shows they lack respect for their elders.

It's actually getting to the stage where some people who should know better are suggesting staging an anti-democratic coup against the result. The effect of this would be to tell us that democracy no longer exists in Britain, because when they voted to control their own affairs, they were overthrown by the same parliament which called the referendum, and then handed them back to unelected dictators in Brussels. And by the way, if that happened, the backlash from Brussels would be vicious, and the Brits would reap the whirlwind from their own people too. It would literally signal civil upheaval on an unprecedented scale. More likely though, it would drive a lot of Remain voters to the other side, because their honour and honesty couldn't allow them to accept such an affront to freedom.

I don't see any of this happening, because even defeated Tories will bow to the will of the people, but seeing it suggested so regularly makes me wonder why people think it's okay to support a referendum, but then not support its result.

In the east, they respect and revere their elders for their experience and wisdom. Unfortunately, in the west, we hear the silliness we've heard. Especially from youngsters who probably didn't vote, and who never lived in a free country and saw those freedoms eroded... :cover

I think your right about Boris being PM now, but then again it could be interesting if he did become PM , I think lots of people wouldn't be happy if he was PM but I would like to see him get a chance in the future.

All this talk going round about the petition and a second EU referendum makes me feel like my vote was not important and it will be ridiculous to have a re-vote , could you imagine if it was the other way round and vote in had won, the last thing I would do is be signing a petition for a re-vote, I think it's time people started to accept the result. I also wonder if some of the people angry at the out win didn't even vote in the first place and that's why some of them are angry because they regret not going to vote?

That sums if up perfectly the elders have lived in a free county and have experienced both in and out , so will know better.


Apr 14, 2013
I didn't know the Tory grassroots have a say in their leadership election. Who would be favourite in that scenario?

And will the next PM call an early election?

As predicted, Jeremy Corbyn fared badly in the no-confidence vote, but also as predicted, this means little and he'll likely as not stay on as leader...


Apr 14, 2013
Post-referendum politics in the UK is the gift that just keeps giving. After the most shocking act of political treachery and hypocrisy I think I've ever witnessed, it now seems the charisma bypass victim Gove has miscalculated the extent to which he'd be praised for his hamfisted assassination of Boris, and he's begun to leak support to Andrea Leadam.

Theresa May has had her hair done and the gurus told her, walk carefully, don't stub your toe, don't look down and you'll look prime ministerial. She gets an Oscar nom just for not stubbing her toe.

The Labour Party face allegations of anti-semitism, which they can't easy shake off, but it's being rumoured that Corbyn has been finally convinced that if you can't get enough support in your party to form a shadow cabinet then they really really don't like you, mate. In which case, he'll battle on.

We're only a single week after Britain voted Leave...


Apr 14, 2013
So Britain's going to have its first female PM since Thatcher. There's only two candidates left, and Theresa May is the heavy favourite to win. And the USA might also have a female president this year, since she was fortunate to have friends in high places who kept her out of clink: Hillary.

The alternative is to have their first wigged President since the 1700's... :snicker