the AntiPusher said::snicker...she should ask her crush pova to help her with hitting hard harder hardestkskate2 said:the AntiPusher said:Again my friend you re correct Madison is just a ball basher ..if her big game isn't working which is her Option A, she has no option B..I always said Sharapova plan A is to hit the ball hard, if that's not working plan B is to hit it harder..the difference is Madison is too damn inconsistent plus she has slow feet. Davenport had slow feet but she had great anticipation..Madison has nothing against the better players.. Tossip I learned my lesson, this girl has not learn a damn thing
Davenport and Sharapova both learned their strokes from Lansdorf. That's why their strokes are grade A. Madison doesn't have the same level of consistency because her stroke isn't the same. If she wants to emulate Maria and Lindsay so much, she needs to follow the same recipe and get him as a consultant or stroke coach.
Her footwork needs to be better..she needs to hire Tossip favorite guy, Sacha