Hillary Clinton and the Democrats: hysterical, war-mongering Russophobes.....


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
What if Trump was right in saying Hilary was puppet in hands of those 17 agencies? Would in that case this thing make sense to you?

Why do you think the media was for Hilary from the start? Why do you think media in other countries was for her? Because she's the candidate of those spook agencies who help her all along. They don't need wall along Mexican border they need drugs and white slaves to come in.



Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
How do you people explain that 2 years ago Serbian pm was advised next us president will be Hilary so he hired Tony Blair for his adviser to learn from him "how those Clintons think". No, it isn't rigged, cia would never do that.

Trump is a real estate mogul, what are Clintons? How comes they are richer than the real estate mogul? Do you know what AIG is?
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Apr 22, 2013
^Or B...she's running against a candidate who is divisive, lacks experience and quite possibly competence. Someone who seems to take pleasure criticising his own country's institutions without any credible reason, but is happy to sing the praises of it's rivals and enemies. Someone who is apparently happy to see nuclear weapons proliferate, and the treaties that have supported American foreign policy fall by the way side. And I haven't even mentioned that he's a guy who seems to be a pervert and a fraudster. Frankly given the way Putin operates it's far more likely that Trump is a puppet than Hillary is. It's just possible the media is on HRC's side because no one wants a no nothing to have a finger within a mile of the button


Apr 22, 2013
Let me be clear about something. I am more against Trump than for HRC


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
No evidence of Russian involvement? Hmmmmm... just 17 US intelligence agencies saying so. But what ho! We'll take your opinion (and the right wing alternative press) instead! Makes sense. Thanks for that!

No, there are not 17 U.S. intelligence agencies saying that there is Russian involvement. There are only 2 that said it looked like a Russian operation. A former high-ranking NSA official has actually said that he believes a disgruntled U.S. intelligence officer is behind the hacks, but that possibility isn't discussed because it isn't politically convenient before the election.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
^Or B...she's running against a candidate who is divisive, lacks experience and quite possibly competence.

Hillary Clinton herself is divisive. She called Bernie Sanders fans "basement dwellers" and a "bucket of losers," not to mention her idiotic comments about Trump supporters. She is strongly disliked by half of America, which was a deeply divided country well before Trump came along. Hillary has experience in government - being criminal, careless, and wrong. That is not good experience.

Someone who seems to take pleasure criticising his own country's institutions without any credible reason, but is happy to sing the praises of it's rivals and enemies.

Trump has never criticized his country's own "institutions" per se. He has criticized the political class. And Russia and Putin are made-up enemies of the DC establishment. They do not have to be enemies.

Someone who is apparently happy to see nuclear weapons proliferate, and the treaties that have supported American foreign policy fall by the way side.

NATO has been a worthless alliance for the United States since the end of the Cold War and there have been a number of foreign policy scholars who have been saying this for years. It is Obama's politically and ideologically motivated deal with Iran that is likely to trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

And I haven't even mentioned that he's a guy who seems to be a pervert and a fraudster.

Trump has been a womanizer throughout his life. Hillary knew that when she took his donations. Who cares? The husband of Hillary's closest aide (I am talking about Anthony Weiner) has been sending dick pics to interns the last 5 years. And I won't go into Bill's behavior or Eliot Spitzer's behavior. None of this frankly matters.

Frankly given the way Putin operates it's far more likely that Trump is a puppet than Hillary is.

Nonsense. The Russians, Chinese, and other countries almost certainly have Hillary's emails and are chomping at the bit at the possibility of her becoming president.

It's just possible the media is on HRC's side because no one wants a no nothing to have a finger within a mile of the button

Hillary is more likely to start a nuclear war because of her recklessly confrontational stance toward Russia. Unfortunately I am debating here with a know-nothing whose finger is within inches of a keyboard.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
No, there are not 17 U.S. intelligence agencies saying that there is Russian involvement. There are only 2 that said it looked like a Russian operation. A former high-ranking NSA official has actually said that he believes a disgruntled U.S. intelligence officer is behind the hacks, but that possibility isn't discussed because it isn't politically convenient before the election.

THANK YOU for bringing up the CRUCIAL points, calitennis.

this is the 'stuff" that many people GLIDE OVER as if it was of no consequences (but that is after all the POINT -- tha tpeople DON'T NOTICE) ...

WHICH is to say:

the USA -- both government and media and ''story tellers" -- ACCUSE with nothing more than innuendo, 'suggestion", ''association", make-believe ''threat' spun out of whole clothe,
hot air ''shaped into solid form",

jingoism -- ABSOLUTELY without evidence...

and SUBSTITUTES accusation for GUILT.

''we think the russians did it -- we just don't know HOW".
"WE are SURE the russians did it because they've done THIS and it's just in their CHARACTER -- THOSE RUSSKIES!! (hacking our elections, trying to influence our politics, manipulating our perception, even PLANTING agents -- like DONALD TRUMP) -''
''we just don't have the exact configuration of just how they did it...

but then THAT'S typical of the RUSSKIES TOO -- so celever of them to MANIPULATE US and HACK US without our knowing HOW they do it...darn!! -- but you know -- they DID IT!!!

ANOTHER example -- one fvariety of it :

"that ASSAD -- he must go -- he USED AND CONTINUES to use chemicals on his OWN people..but don't ask about where the chemicals are after they were taken out under supervision by US AND RUSSIA 2 years ago -- NOT without OUR very MORAL and DEPENDABLE way of cooperating with RUSSIA TO force him to get rid of that stockpile from his DAD'S time --

"don't ask us --because HE'S HIDING A LOT OF IT -- we just don't know how he manages to USE it on his OWN people who are SUFFERING in EAST ALEPPO where OUR MODERATE REBELS ARE trying to PROTECT them from these WAR CRIMINAL RUSSKIES AND ASSAD!!"


(which is a SUBURB of the far larger ALEPPO entire city -
90 percent under the control of the government - where LIFE IS RETURNING TO NORMAL and peaceful apart from occasional bombings by the ''moderate rebels" FROM eastern suburb TRAPPED

probably with some of their CIA,UK, FRENCH, ISRAELI, ''advisers" -- lol...

''so you know -- we have to HELP the YOUNG HANDSOME AND BEAUTIFUL WHITE HELMET VOLUNTEERS - HELPING OUR moderate rebels!! and civilians of ALEPPO!! AND stop these WAR CRIMINAL RUSSKIES AND ASSAD and SEND UN TRUCKS for humanitarian relief -- except these RUSSKIES will BOMB the UN...But we just can't SHOW YOU the radar and satellite and photos of RUSSKIE planes doing it -- yet -- because it's so hard to tell from OUR F-18 s

because the RUSSKIES keep painting THEIR sukhois in that light blue sky color that LOOKS LIKE OURS!!".

''OH -- ELECTRONIC jet identification? the russians SAY? we can't show you OURS -- it's for SECURITY REASONS as we FIGHT TERRORISTS AND THAT WAR CRIMINAL ASSAD"!!


Apr 22, 2013
Hillary Clinton herself is divisive. She called Bernie Sanders fans "basement dwellers" and a "bucket of losers," not to mention her idiotic comments about Trump supporters. She is strongly disliked by half of America, which was a deeply divided country well before Trump came along. Hillary has experience in government - being criminal, careless, and wrong. That is not good experience.

Trump has never criticized his country's own "institutions" per se. He has criticized the political class. And Russia and Putin are made-up enemies of the DC establishment. They do not have to be enemies.

NATO has been a worthless alliance for the United States since the end of the Cold War and there have been a number of foreign policy scholars who have been saying this for years. It is Obama's politically and ideologically motivated deal with Iran that is likely to trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Trump has been a womanizer throughout his life. Hillary knew that when she took his donations. Who cares? The husband of Hillary's closest aide (I am talking about Anthony Weiner) has been sending dick pics to interns the last 5 years. And I won't go into Bill's behavior or Eliot Spitzer's behavior. None of this frankly matters.

Nonsense. The Russians, Chinese, and other countries almost certainly have Hillary's emails and are chomping at the bit at the possibility of her becoming president.

Hillary is more likely to start a nuclear war because of her recklessly confrontational stance toward Russia. Unfortunately I am debating here with a know-nothing whose finger is within inches of a keyboard.

haha! So many of us could throw insults at you because of your childish statement but we don't. I do wish you could grow up and just enjoy a simple exchange of ideas.

By the way re: your assertion that a "former" NSA official has come up with an alternative idea. I think your description says it all don't you? Former... we should assign more credibility to a paid former employee rather than agents on active duty? Makes a lot of sense


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

Trump and the Power of Money
1684 Views October 28, 2016 9 Comments
by Peter Koenig

Imagine, Donald Trump would accede to the US Presidency, an unlikely event with the presstitute media relentlessly slamming, slashing and demonizing him, not unlike they do with President Putin – while cheering no-end for the warmonger Killary, no matter what atrocities she has on her hands and body, no matter that blood is dripping out of her mouth every time she opens it – like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan – and more, much more. They, the elite, the military-security complex, the financial mafia, want more blood, more than is already covering the entire current Obama Administration’s structure of psychopaths. Blood is weapons, blood is money, blood is more profit, blood is good for business – so said the Washington Post, just slightly translated from ‘war is good for business’. The warmongering MSM (mainstream media) also propagate for more weapons to enrich the military-security complex that pays them. But just for a moment, let’s assume, Trump would get elected with such a large margin that voter fraud would be difficult to manage.

Trump is sending a different narrative from that of eternal war. Trump seems to be looking into a different direction. He essentially says – stop the conflict with Russia, make Russia a partner, stop outsourcing jobs, bring them back, give labor back to Americans, slash the unemployment rate – which is, of course, everybody knows, way above the silly fabricated 5%. The reality is that unreported but real unemployment in the US is hovering between 22% and 25%, a real hammer for the economy, increasing anger and unhappiness and crime. Trump also says in the same vein as bringing back jobs – STOP globalization, restrain NATO, rein in the banks – yes, Wall Street, the Goldman Sachs-es and Co. of this world of fake pyramid money, dominated by the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Morgan clan. Trump says, let’s have a financial system that works for the people.

Does he mean it? – I don’t know. Could be true. Most of what he says makes sense for America, for Americans – and by extension for much of the rest of the world, especially Europe, the genuine Europe, not the puppet-commandeered Europe. He also says a lot of outright discriminatory and xenophobic rubbish – like building a wall separating Mexico from the US of A, emulating Israel; and propagates a crackdown on Moslems. Does he mean it? Or does he want to please potential voters? – Such statements are indeed dangerous rubbish, but they are secondary to all the other things that are PRIORITARY, as they would help restore American society, workforce, dignity – most important: DIGNITY. Dignity is important for Americans to wake up to realize that they are living in a country that wastes their money, the peoples’ resources – on countless criminal wars around the world, feverishly racing towards Full Spectrum Dominance to benefit a few. The secondary stuff is important too, but can be dealt with in parallel by Americans that have come to senses.

Trump is in many ways like France’s Marine LePen, representing the extreme right, and therefore, no matter what sensible things she says and has on her agenda to do – and I don’t doubt one minute that she means what she says – like EUREXIT and send NATO to hell – she is still framed by the ‘left intellectuals’ – if such a thing still exists in our neoliberal universe – as a discriminatory xenophobe who would expel all ‘colored’ and ‘veiled’ foreigners. Of course, that’s bad. But let her first initiating France exiting from the EU, the Euro and NATO – the likely salvation of Europe, then tackle the other issues. First comes first. A true intellectual left would have to understand that – and not bend to the presstitute promoted clichés.

Trump has enough money power. He doesn’t have to bend to the military security complex, to the banks, to the Obamacare pharma-fiefdom. He doesn’t really have to bend to anybody. That worries the elite. He is independent. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. In no case could he be worse than Hillary – the killer – so much can be read from every word she says. Her pattern of pathology – “We came, we saw, we won”, when she saw the bloodstained image of the NATO-slaughtered Ghaddafi – indicates that she would not stop from pressing this infamous Red Button of Death and total world annihilation – perhaps even repeating that same smirk, , “We came, we saw, we won”.

Now let’s go to the next hypothesis, assuming Trump would be elected and ‘they’ – the elusive high-powered small elite that pulls the strings on Washington and the White House’s overseas puppets, and let’s assume ‘they’ would let him live, at least for a while, Trump might be doing ‘irrational’ things in the eye of the Beltway slaves. Recognizing the perils for his own country and those for his neighbor, Canada, Mr. Trump might call on the western stooges, in Europe particularly, who for the sake of brown-nosing the naked king in Washington, are prepared to sell-out 500-plus million European and their future generations to the most nefarious trade deals the world has ever known – CETA, TTIP and TiSA (let alone the TPP, where 12 Pacific countries are about to kiss ass in Washington) – telling them to come to senses, think democracy and stop the deals that 80% or more of Europeans despise and reject.

As a parenthesis and philosophically speaking, one could say that given the hundreds of years of colonization around the globe, of shameless exploitation, of raping and killing millions of people throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America, that these trade ‘deals’ are Europe’s historically deserved heritage.
The Saker wrote a great essay on the aberration of this upcoming election and what might follow after the election, “The US Is About To Face The Worst Crisis in Their History” – http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45729.htm . One of the article’s commenters pinned it down to the point: “If Trump does become Commander in Chief, his first job will be securing his life. Those who really run the show in the US will stop at nothing to safeguard their empire. Truly the US is at a cross roads and by extension the world. Times are really scary.”

What Trump says he would do during his first 100 days in office, he presented in a groundbreaking speech at Gettysburg, Pa. this past weekend, is for the most part truly astounding http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2016...olicy-speech-on-his-first-100-days-in-office/. It is not less than revolutionary, because no US politician, let alone a Presidential candidate or President has said something for the most part so sensible as did Presidential candidate Trump. Summarizing, he promises bringing back overseas jobs, would prevent the continued outsourcing of the American production processes, bring order to the crime-ridden communities, he would seek friendly partnership with Russia, defusing the WWIII threat – and he would tackle, restrain and control the corrupt banking system, including the endless money-making machine, the privately owned, Rothschild dominated FED. – That is a challenge other Presidents have failed to master, including Lincoln and JFK. We know how they ended.

Trump has already hinted that to revive the American economy the zero-interest policy may have to be changed, so that banks become more responsible. The owners off the system would hardly allow Trump’s interference in their obscene profit-making scheme. They’d rather at their calling let the bomb loose. A sudden change of this policy would hit many over-stretched banks like a bombshell – reminiscent of 2008 Lehman Brothers, just magnified by a factor of 10. There are currently at least three, possibly five Wall Street giants that are on the edge. They get by, because of the FED’s zero interest policy- and they make sure that this doesn’t change, as several if not all of them are part of the private FED system. Would Trump dare touching this system? – It’s a deadly challenge. He knows it.

This time there may be more at stake then just another banking collapse, a planned emulation of the 2007 / 2008 crisis, where Wall Street was copiously rewarded for its excesses by tax-money bail-outs. Be aware, this time it would not be tax-payer’s money that would rescue the Too-Big-To Fail (TBTF) banks, but it would be YOUR money, your deposits, your savings, your pension funds, possibly even your shares if you have any in the bank being ‘collapsed’ – and the process would be called ‘bail-ins’.

The (western) world is under the hegemon of a privately-owned money system, the US-dollar – and most people don’t even know it. The accent is on the western world, because the east, comprising Russia, China, the SCO countries (Shanghai Cooperation Organization – comprising China and Russia and most of the Central Asian former Soviet Republics, plus Iran and Pakistan – and others are waiting in the wings), the EEU (Eurasian Economic Union), as well as most of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), are forming their own eastern economic and monetary block. – I have said this before, but will repeat it for readers to realize – this ‘economic block’ – is largely, if not entirely, delinked from the dollar scheme. It consists of about half the world’s population and one third of the world’s GDP, a solid GDP that is. In contrast to the western, especially the US GDP; in the eastern block much of the GDP is based on real labor output and manufacturing.

In reality, this eastern economic power block which is also displaying the world’s largest economic development potential, since history remembers, the New Silk Road – or the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) economic development scheme, stretching from Vladivostok to Lisbon (if Europe chooses to participate), does not need the west anymore. The OBOR project has already begun. It represents a view into the future, with job opportunities and the outlook for a truly better life for hundreds of millions, possibly billions of people during coming generations – a dynamic vision for the future. The east is where the future lays.

Donald Trump as President notwithstanding, a new western well-planned banking collapse may start in the US, the ramifications and impact would be felt around the globe – sinking millions, hundreds of millions of people into poverty, misery, the like we haven’t seen in recent history. The banks ‘depositors’ money might not be enough. The reptiles are hungry. They might privatize public properties, infrastructures, roads, ports railways, health care, education, pensions, natural resources – anything that is still in the hands of the people. If Greece is a reminder, then think of Greece blown up by a factor of 1000 – all around the globe, touching in extremis the vulnerable people of the vulnerable countries – billions of people. While the money flows again from the poor to the rich, to an ever-shrinking pool of super-rich; widening the rich-poor gap to a disgusting yawn. Leaving the 99.99 % – by now the 99.99999% ever more powerless, having to fend for sheer survival – seeking refuge in ‘better lands’ – It’s a war by money. Canons, bombs and guns could rest – for a while.

For years, I have felt the Empire will have to be brought down from inside – from the people who can’t take it anymore, from an internal revolt that eventually would break the worldwide extended monster’s back. Rome and most subsequent empires have fallen this way. It may still happen. But now I side more with The Saker’s theory, namely that the defeat may come from a combination of inside revolt and outside forces, not so much military forces, but economic forces. In theory, it could happen tomorrow. Just imagine, the one third of world-GDP-countries would drop all their dollar reserves, all the dollar denominated international contracts, all dollar issued trade agreements – and in particular, abandon at once the unwritten rule of hydrocarbons to be traded only in US-dollars. It would most likely wipe out the western economy.

This will not happen, of course. Simply, because the One Third GDP holders do not want to destroy the economy of the rest of the world, especially the so-called developing and emerging countries, many – or most of them – eventually to become allies of this eastern block that promises peaceful co-existence rather than the current western pattern of ever multiplying wars and conflicts – a sheer dollar-fed killing spree, with destruction and weapons manufacturing no end.

The Power of Money. Would Donald Trump, as President, himself a moneyed powerhouse, survive such a calamity? In fact, would he be able and strong enough to veer the ship around, guiding the world away from such destructive scenarios and towards peace and cooperation between East and West? – Or is the train already too far out of the station? – No telling at this time. The signals are certainly not good. But, let’s put in a grain of optimism and ‘bank’ on a positive strand of dynamics fueled by an increasing human consciousness – one that would not allow Hillary to push the Death Button.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media, TeleSUR, TruePublica, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
GUEST POST: Why I’m Exceptional & Indispensable – by Hillary Clinton
Rob Slane (The Blog Mire) 1 hour ago | 153 2
Following on from her recent piece for Time magazine, in which she so eloquently explained why America is indispensable and exceptional, TheBlogMire brings you an exclusive piece in which Mrs Clinton explains why an indispensable and exceptional nation must have an indispensable and exceptional leader.

(Warning: May contain traces of satire)

If there’s one core belief that has guided and inspired me every step of my career in public service, it’s this: I am an exceptional woman. A great, unselfish, compassionate woman, to paraphrase Robert Kennedy. And when you add up all my advantages, it’s clear I’m indispensable too – someone all others can look to for leadership.

And what I’m really excited about is not just that I’m indispensable, but that I’m about to become President of the indispensable nation. An indispensable nation needs an indispensable woman. An indispensable woman needs an indispensable nation. It’s a match made in heaven, which is why I am asking you to help me break the glass ceiling on November 8th – so that together we can become even more exceptional than we already are.

So what makes me so indispensable?

I’m indispensable in part because of my love for our armed forces. Our military is the greatest in history, with the best troops, training and technology, and I believe it is a travesty that we are not using it to its full potential. It’s essential we do everything we can to support our men and women in uniform, and I intend to do just that by sending our brave soldiers on important missions around the globe from day one of my presidency.

I’m indispensable because of my commitment to the truth. Throughout my career, I’ve always sought to stay close to the truth. I know that there’s a lot of folks out there who say I’m corrupt. But those who know me closest will tell you that this isn’t the real Hillary. Ask those who know me best. Ask my husband Bill. He’ll tell you. Ask my campaign chairman John Podesta. He’ll tell you. Ask Lloyd Blankfein, CEO at Goldman Sachs. He’ll tell you. Ask some of our closest allies in places like Saudi Arabia. They’ll tell you. They will all tell you about the real Hillary, and that my commitment to honesty and fighting corruption is second to none. It may even be my most exceptional quality. Alongside humility.

I’m also indispensable because of my network of alliances and supporters. You only have to look at who they are. Has there ever been a candidate in the entire history of our exceptional nation that has managed to get the backing of the entire media and corporate America? I don’t think so. But it does tell you something, doesn’t it? I humbly submit that it speaks volumes that some of the most important people in our exceptional country are prepared to place their trust in me.

I’m indispensable because, unlike Donald Trump, I don’t need to rely on the help of people like Vladimir Putin and countries like Russia to help get me elected. Can you imagine me having to rely on Putin and Russia to get elected? Of course I’ve had to bring Putin and Russia up in this campaign from time to time, not because I want to keep bringing Putin and Russia into it. In fact, the only reason I’ve occasionally mentioned Putin and Russia is not because I want to keep talking about Putin and Russia, but because I have to keep taking about Putin and Russia because Trump is depending on Putin and Russia to get him elected and so I have to draw attention to Putin and Russia. But trust me, if I had my way I wouldn’t bring Putin and Russia up at all.

I’m indispensable because of my commitment to helping countries get rid of their dictators, and establishing democracy and peace. Like Libya, for example. We came. We saw. He died. And the Libyans got their liberty.

Most of all, I’m indispensable — and exceptional — because of my values.

Take my commitment to human rights, which I have shown by being one of the most vocal supporters of a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy, right up to a few seconds before the thing inside her becomes a human.

Take my commitment to raising money, which my husband and I have shown through our tireless work with the Clinton Foundation, and in making hundreds of speeches for various organisations.

Take my commitment to making the world a better place, which I’ve shown time and time again by saying things like “love trumps hate”. Which it does, doesn’t it? I’m proud of that expression.

But with all of these advantages comes responsibility – I need to lead the world. You need me to lead the world. Because if I fail to lead, I will leave a vacuum that lets extremists, Putin and Russia, haters, bigots, the intolerant, Putin and Russia, the severely backwards, the Julian Assange’s of this world,Putin and Russia – Baskets of Deplorables – take root everywhere.

Of course, being exceptional doesn’t mean that other people don’t also have something to offer — maybe they do. But I have an unparalleled ability to be a force for peace, progress and prosperity around the world, which I intend to demonstrate on day one of my presidency, by standing up to Putin and Russia and showing Putin and Russia who’s boss.

I’ll never stop doing good. Never. That’s what makes me great. I’m good because I’m great, and I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll never stop.

That’s why I’m indispensable.

Let’s keep me exceptional.