isabelle said:
According to l'Equipe, a Latinos retired player said everybody knew but nothing happened to stop that. he understood it was true when a guy gave him the winner of the next 2 tourneys and he talked about MS, not a small 250 . Don't know who is this guy but ATT asked him to contact them to share his infos
How can you know the winner of a tournament???? I mean sure, you can guess Nole, Rafa or Roger and you have a good chance of being right, but what this guy is saying is that the whole draw is rigged. Because for someone to know beforehand, every round has to be rigged.Everybody has to be in on it. Because otherwise how will you know who will play whom in the third round let's say? Every round has to be carefully choreographed , on both sides of the draw. I don't buy it.