But they passed the books, as I understand it, so they were on their own, and rather clearly not up to the task.
I didn't even think Dani seemed mad, which is why I couldn't buy it. They set her up for 7 years as someone who championed the downtrodden. Yes, ambitious, but she felt it was her rightful place, and was prepared to do good with it. Plus, they showed us she was so magical that she could come out of the fires unscathed, and with her dragons. At the last, she firestorms Winterfell, when asked not to. Then Jon Snow, so appalled, even though in love with her, and seeing how their combined allegiance might be good for everyone, stabs her in the heart. Even though
@britbox saw that one coming, I didn't think it read true. It was an excuse for making the 3-Eyed Raven the king, who really comes off as a better counsellor than a king. What they set up was that Dany and Jon would have made the best co-rulers, but they seemed to dash that just for the sake of being unpredictable, and, IMO, it didn't pass the smell test.