That time in the Sixties with the Civil Rights movement AND the war in Vietnam is a very unique sociological event, and Ali was a centerpiece of it. he was loud, brash and defiant, in addition to being self-aggrandizing. He was the antithesis, for example, of Arnold Palmer. Those two are like bookends of that decade--Palmer is 1960 and Ali is 1970. I loved both and followed (and read widely about) both, even though I actually saw more of Ali in the early Seventies (Palmer had been supplanted by Nicklaus by that time). Ali was thrust into a limelight no other had been thrust into precisely because HE changed the way the professional athlete interacted with the press. He was the first of his kind, and had the boxing skills to match. He clearly was a bright and intuitive man, who happened to be the best boxer of his time--a time when The Sporting News and boxing as a whole was much firmly in the center of the sports world in USA along with baseball (both have fallen off in the last fifty plus years, sadly). As a result, his impact is unequaled in terms of sociological impact across races, socioeconomic strata and even nations. We shan't see another Ali or someone approaching him until there comes another confluence of sociological turmoil on core beliefs in our world.