I see where teddy is coming from... I find Isner pretty painful to watch... just the exhausted hangdog demeanour between points is enough....
those are among his characteristics i don't like.
it's not necessarily about 'hangdog' - sampras had that too - lol and he was my favorite, hehe...
but the thing is -- all that kind of 'presence' for me --
his size that everyone of course puts so much stock on as a mountainous obstacle and test for players -- is ALL there is about him...the hangdog just exacerbates it because there's nothing THERE to bring out as an interesting game or athlete at all.
CLUMSINESS is what you see from such a big man --
where we are NOW quite used to ''discover" BIG MEN CAN be graceful athletes -- we've got lots of them --
so -- to me -- WHAT IS HE THERE FOR?
just really look at the difference between the Subtlety alternating with power of karlovic with isner...look past their similar size.
ISNER IS NOT. at least not in terms of the ''idea" of tennis being a game of MOVEMENT -- athletic -- whether you are a big person or tiny one like ferrer.
but i can also udnerstand what Mastoor means about the ''person" thing -- a good guy -- and all that...
but then that's the personality part -- that is distinct from a player's GAME.
nole is -- as i often say -- THE gentleman of tennis along with his career's rise, challenges to be accepted AND his dominance as one of the greatest in history - AND in his own defeats.
I LOVE THAT GUY. and what he stands for in his game and in his personality.
isner? yukh! but , u know. we\re all with our little ''entitlements' ' who to like or not. i just really can't stand isner...and at leasst speakoing for myself
that has liked all sorts of players for oene reasoln or another --
from tiny arantxa sanchez vicario for her on-court feisntiness even if the 'moonballs' were at times frustrating to see, haha...
to giants or players with giant games like pete s or del potro or just really talented guys like nole, andy, rafa, and of course it would be a CRIME to NOT admire the great roger's game...no matter if one doesn't like his ''personality -- i me and roger -- all three of us love to watch federer's
game on video replays because it's so beautiful**" (he DID say that years ago , lol) .
but one way or another - they PLAYED A GAME OF TENNIS.
and didn't just play tennis ''because i have a long reach and can serve from the tower".
i mean what would isner do if he faced a 7 footer matured game? or that supposedly new american KID -- - yes -- 7 feet TALL -- actually can RETURN serves and run BETTER? and has better shots and variety? and when HIS big serves go below 50% -- actually has a game BEHIND the serve or return to make a match and still win it?