Going forward, a question would be, how will it effect Nole to lose two finals in a row? The Roger loss will not effect him at all, I don't think. He knows at Cincy, Roger is hard to beat.
As far as the loss against Murray in Canada, I think it will effect Murray more positively than effect Nole negatively. Andy needed a win against Nole, he got it. Now if he meets him at the Open in the semis, he will be prepared and more confident.
This week leading to the Open is crucial for both Nole and Andy to get some serious rest time. They both looked tired pretty much since the second round of Cincy. Roger looked like a spring chicken! As much as I hated it, skipping Canada was a great decision for Roger. He will be ready for the Open. And if he gets by his first 3 rounds without drama, this year might be the one where he has the best chance going into the open.