Federberg wrote:
Moxie wrote:
Federberg wrote:
Edbergs Ghost wrote:
Moxie wrote:
But is being aggressive, racist, egotistical and childish a resume for the most important office, arguably, in the world
It worked for Obama</blockquote>
Please explain</blockquote>
I would like to write a riposte to this, but I’m also interested to hear if
@EdbergsGhost can defend it, first.</blockquote>
Guess that was a throwaway comment!</blockquote>
Maybe. Obviously, it’s not defensible, or EG might have tried. I don’t know how anyone would consider President Obama childish or racist. And progressives consider him sometimes conciliatory to a fault. I suppose anyone who considers themselves fit to be the POTUS has likely got a hefty ego, but the best use it for the benefit of all. Trump has yet to demonstrate that this exercise of his is anything other than a gigantic ego trip. He uses smirks, sneers and slurs as stand-ins for substantial policy platforms. He is an unrepentant playground bully, and the Republicans are letting him get away with driving the conversation, which will cost them the election. That, and the fact that their few rather plausible candidates have no legs.