DID YOU KNOW HOW DEPENDENT USA has always been on RUSSIA..space, nuclear, engineering technology?


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Moscow Has 'Major Surprises' in Store for the US if New Sanctions are Introduced
On Tuesday, asked to explain what Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybakov meant when he said that Russia was prepared to introduce "asymmetrical measures" if the US introduces new tough sanctions against Russia, Lavrov indicated that it meant exactly what it sounded like – that Russia will "definitely respond if there are new sanctions."

"First we will see what happens with the plans of our US colleagues, who issue threats, but at the same time continue to talk to us," Lavrov added.

© Sputnik/ Kirill Kallinikov

Last week, Rybakov told Russian lawmakers that in light of the extended, ongoing US sanctions against Russia, Moscow has "used this period to do some research, and to prepare a series of measures, which could be used asymmetrically in case of the further tightening of the sanctions regime."

The deputy foreign minister did not specify what specific measures he had in mind, but did recall Russia's recent decision to suspend the Russian-US agreement on the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium. That deal, signed in 2000, stipulated that the two countries were obliged to dispose of 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium by burning it in nuclear reactors, beginning in 2018. Russia has all the necessary infrastructure to dispose of the plutonium under this deal, while the US does not.

Russia outlined several conditions for the renewal of the plutonium agreement, including a reduction of the US troop presence and military infrastructure in NATO countries bordering Russia, and the abandonment of all anti-Russian sanctions, from the Magnitsky Act to measures taken by the US and its allies over alleged Russian interference in the Ukrainian crisis. Rybakov recognized that the Obama administration is unlikely to agree to these conditions. "In this case, the agreement will be suspended indefinitely," he said.

Russian experts believe there are several areas where additional Russian countersanctions can hit Washington. For instance, the US continues to purchase Russian RD-series rocket engines for the launch of cargo, satellites and manned spaceflights. Earlier this month, Igor Arbuzov, general director of Energomash, the Russian company which produces the engines,

that the US will continue to purchase the Russian engines until at least 2019, and possibly into the mid-2020s.

© AP Photo/ Maxim Marmur

Energomash company employees stand near RD-180 engines prepared for shipment to the United States in a shop at the Energomash

The US is also heavily dependent on Russia in another area of the nuclear sector: for the supply of enriched uranium. Former deputy director of the Russian Research Institute of Nuclear Engineering Igor Ostretsov recently told the online newspaper Svobodnaya Pressa that the US presently has almost no uranium enrichment capacity for the supply of fuel to its nuclear power plants; existing US technology is severely outdated, he said.

Earlier this year, the US even halted the construction of a centrifuge enrichment plant, its engineers proving unable to master the technology. Meanwhile, Rosatom's share of the global uranium enrichment market continues to grow, and is expected to account for 45-50% of global production by 2020, according to the World Nuclear Association.

"Many say that the US wants to destroy Russia. That's nonsense," Ostretsov said, adding that "the collapse of Russia would lead to the immediate collapse of the United States, because the US nuclear industry works on uranium enriched in Russia."

© AP Photo/ Dmitry Lovetsky

Trucks carrying containers with uranium to be used as fuel for nuclear reactors line up for loading them, on a port in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013

© Sputnik/ Aleksandr Kondratuk

There are other measures Moscow can take, including not just abrogating existing agreements, but refusing new proposals for cooperation. Speaking to Svobodnaya Pressa, Institute of Regional Problems head Dmitri Zhuravlev recalled that while Russian-US economic relations are not significant, military and geopolitical cooperation remain crucial.

Military cooperation includes things like the plutonium agreement. "With regard to foreign policy, it must first be said that we were not the ones to initiate the deterioration in relations. The US tore up cooperation in many areas themselves. But we have begun to approach US proposals more critically. Our partners very much enjoyed using our capabilities without offering anything in return. We can stop accommodating them on issues of interest to them. This includes issues related to Afghanistan, the Arctic, and so on."

In 2015, Zhuravlev recalled, the Russian government effectively closed off access to the airbase in Ulyanovsk, which the US had previously used to supply their troops in Afghanistan. "In the future, we can continue to refuse this kind of cooperation."

"Take one more example: for a long time we did not want to reopen the long-shuttered SIGINT radar center in Lourdes, Cuba. Now, it's possible that we will be doing so. During his recent trip to Latin America, President Putin said that we do not want to have military facilities in the region, and that's true. But if the US forces us to play hard, we'll have to do so."

© AP Photo/ Cristobal Herrera

A Russian radar station is seen in Lourdes, about 12 miles south of Havana, Cuba Wednesday Oct. 17, 2001

Space cooperation is another important area, the analyst noted, and includes not only the RD-series rockets, but questions concerning the International Space Station as well.

"How is it that we invested 75% into the ISS, but own 25%, while for the US it's just the opposite? At the time of the station's construction, the US had no meaningful experience in creating manned orbital stations. Only the USSR had this experience. The means to deliver cargo and astronauts to the ISS are ours; so are the station's technologies. The US was developing their space program along different lines, and ended up being mistaken. It has turned out that at this stage, their program is not working. But somehow the lion's share of the ISS belongs not to us, but to the US and its allies."

"Until this moment, we have not raised this question, because we did not seek confrontation. But if that's what the US wants, we will have no choice, and begin to discuss this issue as well. I'm not talking about closing the ISS, but it will be necessary to revise the legal norms and decide who owns what."

The International Space Station (ISS) uses a modular design first perfected by Soviet engineers in the 1980s.

© AFP 2016/ John Macdougall

Finally, the analyst suggested that Russia "can start competing more actively in the arms trade, emphasizing that our products are cheaper and in no way inferior in terms of quality. Before, we attempted to avoid entering markets held by our partners; now we can stop being so courteous and polite."

Zhuravlev stressed that ultimately, the escalation of tensions cannot continue endlessly, and that hopefully, the next administration, if not this one, can "go a different path – can begin looking for solutions, negotiating; this is especially true considering that we're not asking for much."

"Escalation cannot be infinite. None of us wants to unleash a nuclear war; and no missile defense system will be able to change anything. If we wanted to create a world where nothing but cockroaches survived, it would be enough to detonate our nuclear stockpiles on our own territory. Therefore, sooner or later, tensions will have to be reduced, and we will have to negotiate."

Andrei Martynov, director of the International Institute of Newest States, suggested that whatever Russia's response to US sanctions might be, it will be asymmetrical, with the recent ultimatum on the processing of weapons-grade plutonium being a good example.

As for Europe, the analyst noted that it's highly unlikely that they will follow the US down the path to more sanctions. "I'm pretty sure that the EU will end these ridiculous sanctions in the near future. This has already been spoken aloud, not just by businessmen, but by high-level European bureaucrats as well. Just last week, [EU foreign policy chief] Federica Mogherini said that it was time to reconsider Brussels' approach, because so far it has led to nothing but losses. Russian experts talked about this earlier, but underestimated the degree to which the EU leadership depends on their overseas partners."

© Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin

In a recent interview for Izvestia, Antonio Fallico, president of the 'Know Eurasia' Association,

Martynov's assessment, saying that in a situation where Europe and North America are experiencing a systemic economic crisis, the artificial exclusion of the Russian and Eurasian Union market for trade via sanctions is nothing short of madness.

Removing sanctions is "mandatory," Fallico stressed. "It's not a choice, but a necessity." "I'll put it this way; Europe can afford to maintain sanctions for another year, the US – for three."

Ultimately, as far as Washington's idea for more sanctions is concerned, Martynov suggested that perhaps it will take a difficult domestic political crisis connected to the current elections "for the US to sober up and see common sense prevail."


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
USA can't actually even maintain or advance its NUCLEAR POWER (including just building them) , sending its satellites and astronauts to space (including cargo back and forth - which includes all american science experiments - control the internet, computers, transport, financial transactions , -

dispose of nuclear waste, refine uranium and plutonium for weapons or medical grade energy...?

that is LITERALLY the POWER of RUSSIA TO COLLAPSE the ENTIRE USA infrastructural grid if they so wished all these many decades!!

ALL THE WHILE that the USA PROCLAIMED ITSELF '''the leader of the world -- the greatest, most advanced, the exceptional nation".
but was just LUCKY that despite all its wars and its malicious attitude to russia -- the russians even THROUGH the cold war was TOO POLITE to actually DO THE ''thing"

TURN THE SWITCH OFF to american engineering and the most advanced technology allowing it its vaunted - self-proclaimed status as ''exceptional".



Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
^ Don't really believe the nuclear stateent above. US uses Russian rocket technology because it's the best, but they'd find a workaround domestically. On the other stuff, Russia or China could fairly easily take down the American electricity power grid... and vice versa... but you are then into the realms of out and out war... for which there is no "winner".
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
^ Don't really believe the nuclear stateent above. US uses Russian rocket technology because it's the best, but they'd find a workaround domestically. On the other stuff, Russia or China could fairly easily take down the American electricity power grid... and vice versa... but you are then into the realms of out and out war... for which there is no "winner".

they could -- and should -

but that's hardly the point of the actual reality , it is?

the point is -- right now and for the foreseeable future --

NASA spends 20 times THE BUDGET of russia - and can't send its own satellites and astronauts to space - NOT A SINGLE one of them..for the last few decades already.

the point behind (at least mine) ALL THIS TIME that the USA proclaimed itself as the be-all and end-all and ''source of all knowledge and advances" in human society

it was riding on the back of the RUSSIAN BEAR all along...

as for instance -- in an example of the SCHIZOPHRENIC american behavior...

john mccain and company shout and scream about ''sanctioning russia, don't BUY russian" -- congress VOTES to BAN russian ROCKETS...."we can do it, usa, usa, yeah, yah" --

but QUIETLY INCREASES the buying of russian rockets ANYWAY...

as a russian engineer puts it:

|"they in fact HAVE LOST the engineering capacity - they spend a hundred billion on space experiments, studying the sun, but meanwhile what are the practical needs down here? we can do that too -- but what is more important for the nearer future for the world? the chinese are already learning how to plant and grow rice in space..what are americans doing? imagining visionary projects of

for example -- a space station for REFUELING their spaceships in the future -- do you see any american GAS STATION anywhere between eart and the moon?..."

"this is not about who gets first to some planet or who gets credit doing this or that -- we are not interested in such things...but it seems a habit of americans -- to have bragging rights to doing something and they spend hundreds of billions for that very purpose..we can do such things with far less money...but it is a question of where are your priorities".

"it took them more than 20 years to design and conceptualize and build their 1.5 trillion dollar F-35 to be ahead in stealth fighter jets...
china now flies its own version with far less problems and flies much faster in fact...we can also do that -- but we don't put as much importance on this so-called stealth technology -- even if we develop them ourselves -- but only if it is proved to be worth the effort....on the other hand -- our technology can easily SEE their F-35 EVEN before it has even flown...beyond the horizon as it approaches...so they spent money on essentially nothing...but bragging rights...in order to fly a jet that they DARE NOT send too close to our defenses -- so this is their ''fighter jet"..then-- that has to depend on AWACS which we can shoot down quite easily and blind their entire system -- for what? " .

the thing here is -- just MONTHS ago -

BARACK the Shallow -- proclaimed in stentorian tones

"RUSSIA doesn't really produce anything -- we've SUCCEEDED in rendering their economy in TATTERS -- they don't really make anything".......

ALL THE while americans depended for their very live in space on their russian colleagues in the other capsule of the space station -- BUILT LARGELY on RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY that the USA had NEVER matched (but no one tells us that in western MSM, do they?)
when the USA ''side" capsule -- as the USA'S development - took on a HOLE and started losing oxygen -- and the Russians had to RESCUE them and jigger up a system right there in space -- to allow the americans to live INSIDE the russian space module until they could all be rescued -- -- AGAIN -- by russian rockets and take them home to earth..

all the while -=- on planet surface...

BARACK OBAMA was screaming ''the russians can't do anything right"!!


but here's the cinch -- as the russians say under the breath:

"we built the space station - it IS russian technology - most of it at least -- but the americans OWN it in money shares...that's how everyone thinks it is american technology because they can print money however they wish -- we dont' do that..but it is not so important to us - what is important is whether something actually works."


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Sputnik International

all editions 07:56 GMT +330 October 2016 Search Space walk by Russian Cosmonauts Soyuz MS Spacecraft With Three ISS Crew Members Lands in Kazakhstan

Tech 07:00 30.10.2016(updated 07:11 30.10.2016) Get short URL 0 24110 Soyuz MS spacecraft with three astronauts from the ISS landed a designated area in Kazakhstan, the mission control center of the Russian Federal Space Agency said Sunday.

Soyuz has brought back a US astronaut Kathleen Rubins, Russia's Anatoly Ivanishin, and Japan's Takuya Onishi, who have carried out 40 experiments while at the station, most of them exploring the influence of the space on live organisms.

Hurricane Danny as seen from the International Space Station as it traversed the Caribbean Sea headed for Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba © Flickr/ Scott Kelly / NASA DDN

Soyuz MS With Three Astronauts Enters Earth Atmosphere Shane Kimbrough, Andrei Borisenko and Sergey Ryzhikov have stayed on the ISS to transfer to the next mission.

The launch of the Soyuz MS 03 spacecraft carrying a new ISS mission is planned for November 17.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/science/201610301046882918-soyuz-iss-kazakhstan/


''WE have succeeded in rendering Russia's economy in tatters!!"
"Russia doesn't really make anything"


"'putin and russia are the greatest threat to the world"!!!

Hillary Clinton..

"WE have to make it clear to PUTIN AND RUSSIA that you can't just go around violating the sovereignty of nations...and that STRONG NATIONS can't just go around Bullying Small Nations".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Upgraded Soyuz spacecraft brings Int’l Space Station Expedition 49 back to Earth
The three international crew members of Expedition 49 have safely landed in Kazakhstan, concluding their 115-day mission in orbit.

The maiden spaceflight of the latest Soyuz modification was completed successfully, as MS-01 spacecraft’s landing module touched down at 03:58 GMT 148km (92 miles) from the town of Zhezkazgan on the Kazakhstan steppe.

Russian Soyuz commander Anatoly Ivanishin, Japanese flight engineer Takuya Onishi and NASA astronaut Kate Rubins boarded the Soyuz MS-01 spacecraft on Friday evening at 21:15 GMT and undocked from the International Space Station (ISS) early on Saturday.

Ivanishin, Onishi and Rubins arrived at the space station July 9, two days after their Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The trio spent 115 busy days in orbit and conducted the very first DNA sequencing experiment in space. Dragon, Cygnus and Progress supply ships visited ISS during their mission.

Expedition 49 commander Ivanishin formally handed over command of the ISS to NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough on Friday. ISS Expedition 50 has officially begun upon the Soyuz undocking from the space station. The other three members will join Expedition 50 on November 17 on board the Soyuz MS-03 spacecraft.

The Soyuz MS series spacecraft features more efficient solar panels, modified layout of controls, new Kurs NA approach and docking system, GLONASS/GPS and Cospas-Sarsat satellite systems for easier location of the landing module upon landing and other upgrades.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I worked for a number of years in the defence industry (the term "defence" being a little ironic) and the American kit was generally the best to be honest... but always took time to develop and was expensive.

The Russian approach is more pragmatic... Like, what's the point of spending billions on aircraft carriers when you could in theory spend far less in producing missiles to sink them. In a real war theatre against a capable opponent... the American navy, outside their subs could be wiped out within hours. Even thinking in these terms is rather silly though... because like I've said in previous posts, if that scenario ever arose.. their would be no winners... and Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place. The real major wars of the future shouldn't and probably won't be fought on a battlefield. They'll be economic and cyber.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015

''BEST" is we can see with many things in life a matter of what FOR?

the ''best" is what WORKS. with the least waste of elements needed to do the job.

as dimitry rogozin (the defense minister of russia) puts it:

"of course it is a matter of science...and priorities...our industry in military terms is based on permanent austerity..anything that is proposed by a bureau must stand severe tests in conceptualization bfore it can even be considered..we do not base things on being fancy, or modernity or attractiveness ...but on whether they will do the job we require.".

a good example:

by 1958 the USA - after demonstrating it was capable of producing en masse the nuclear bomb -- and showed the world ''we're the boss"

AFTER japan CLEARLY had surrendered (japan scrambled like mad to send the surrender appeal TO the ALLIED forces AFTER intercepting info that the RUSSIANS - after defeating , with china, the LARGEST and most powerful japanese naval fleet in the north japan sea - or sea of okhotsk - resulting in the take-over of the kuril lislans by russia -- and after russia had destroyed hitler and now managed to move its attention to the far east -- the japanese were SO spooked from the thought of the russian vengeance marching right up to kyoto and their emperor - like towards berlin - the japanese PREFERRED to surrender to the americans and have some ''dignity" -- )

and all they got was be turned into guinea pigs for the USA'S ''announcement we are BIG FAT MAN".

this was of course joined in the race by the russians, then chinese (by 1961, i believe) -

but in the 1950\s after russia showed it TOO could build nukes offered to curtail nuke power - realizing its horror for everyone -- the USA - AS USUAL -- hemmed and hawed but agree on production control --

while inserting -- as the 'main power' with greater capacity to produce massively -- the ability to give itself continued proliferation advantage...to the point the USA amassed 7,000 warheads - with russia lagging at about 2-3 thousands..

kruschev finally got sick and tired of the race and american double standards (rings a bell? on ''treaties""?) --

he ordred the scientists to design such a HUGE bomb --

called the CZAR BOMBA..

detonating above an isolated island in the arctic circle such a large explosion over a thousand times that of hiroshima and surpassing anything the americans could muster....

so big -- the waves went around the world 3 times -- the sound heard as far as denmark..that could today wipe an area the size of ireland or more...

THAT forced the USA to SIGN a nuclear test control...

it served its purpose for the entire cold war -- and THAT'S what one calls ''the best"..

TODAY -- the SARMAT of russia -- is many, many times far more devastating, on rockets FAR faster than anything on earth....that can reach the american coast in under 20 minutes...carries war heads with their own rockets that will ''spread" in different extremely unpredictable direction and flight ...against which NOTHING in the american arsenal of ICBM\s or missile defense can reall stop...

and can destroy an area the size of Texas...is lighter in weight, can be launched from planes, or sub 0r ship or railway or trucks ..and throws off ''decoys" of all kinds as it approaches...

it ''will serve the purpose" ...

the point is -- ''best?" -- in WHAT exactly?

the americans - another example -- spent 20 years at least designing the ''concept" ''ultimate stealth jet" - classified as a FIGHTER ..

F-35 THEY push on cash-strapped UK and NATO..
BECAUSE -- as they ''conceptualize" since the 1950's ''stealth" is the master of all...(typical in all they do )...and declaring as they have repeatedly for decades now "the era of dogfights are over -- we don't need to actually be in the direct sight battles because we can hit from over 300 miles with cloak skin".

except -- the pilot seat KILLS anyone under 160 pounds snapping their necks and spine when ejecting while the cockpit by ''concept'' is so cramped it requires small framed pilots, namely a lot of them women or smaller guys -- the helmet -- so fancy worth 100,000 dollars each -- prevents pilots from NOT getting blinded with inside glare in particular angles and at night flights, can't TURN their heads back to see what's behind them for extra check...until today hasn't shown it can FLY AND SHOOT its cannons at the same time ;.

the've succeeded in shooting the cannon when ON THE GROUND only....can fly its proclaimed ability but ONLY if a lot of its weapons or missiles are NOT carried...etc. etc.etc...

in contrast -- the ''half-stealth" russia sukhoi - just an upgrade from the 1980's -- is, by very demanding global standards, even in its ''lesser export" version is selling like hot-cakes with a long list of buyers...S-35..AND far, far outperforms the america in real dog-fight maneuverability.

while they have upgraded furhter into ever evolving radar - the ability to now SEE the F-35...



EVEN for the russian sukhoi 29.
and ALREADY the SUKHOI -- OR TOPOL 50 is successfully tested for furhter improvements that is already BEYOND S-35 and therefore f-35...

in short -- in things tht MATTER -- the russians are actually DECADES ahead of the americans.


americans sent their BEST and most advanced destroyers or whatever category they are to the black sea in 2013, 2014?
just before that maidan ''democracy'' revolution they concocted in ukraine..

already probably wet-dreaming they would soon take over russia's ''jewel of the black sea" the naval port in sevastopol crimea since the times of catherine the great -- before there was even a 'USA" -

HEADED straight for the port as if to show they could do anything they wanted...

the russians sent up 2 OLD MIG fighters - from the 1970's era..flew in such a way to show they carried NO missiles under the wings..but just had a box under the fuselage -- and mere 'tweak'' --

flew over a dozen times just above the parapet - as the ''most advanced ship" ever - bristling with fancy gear --

suddenly sat like a duck with no wings or webbed feet...and couldn\'t even quack...its helicopters were unable to get commands for flight from computers -- etc. etc..NOTHING WORKED....

and the russians flew away -- and everything went UP again...

sending the ship at full steam ahead to the opposite coast in romania for ''scheduled repairs" (they always say that) -

the crew -- was so spooked - reportedly at least 20 DEMANDED to be re-assigned to germany realizing just how vulnerable their 'best" ship was under soviet era dinosaurs....

as the russian commander put it...

the "thing about such matters is - the more fancy they are -- the easier it is to take them with the simplest of things". without saying much how...

americans - brits, nato -- are always the 'best" in anything, everything -- so they say -- against defenseless others -- until shown otherwise.......

they produce a SINGLE MARGOT FONTEYN in ballet in the 1960's AND declare they have the 'best ballerina on earth"

while NATALIA MAKAROVA, MAYA PLISETSKAYA and more are produced by russians like mushrooms...with far less expenditure of national resources...

they produce the ''carrier groups" to show-off how they can ''bring the fight to" others that can't fight back -- but make SURE their carriers are protected by an entire armada because they frankly can't go around by themselves or with a single sub, or cruiser along or even just small support corvettes - because they are nothing more than big, fancy , expensive FLAT TOPS..

where a few russian KALIBER missiles can sink them like no tomorrow...against aN old -- LONE ''half-carrier" which is really a cruiser KUZNETSOV can actually FIGHT and defend itself...at least for enough time to do its job - while exacting SEVERE losses from an enemy armada..

or WORSE -- is already - at least theoretically proven to be a DUD against incoming CHINESE ''carrier- killers" with such speed and power and height and cavitation and defense of itself -- a single missile can blow a carrier right out of the water...no wonder the self-styled

master of the universe can't actually send its carriers closer than a thousand miles off the coasts of russia..

its carrier fleets are half for the DEFENSE ONLY of the carrier itself and are therefore USELESS stuff in terms of a real war of invasion and conquest against a REAL power like china or russia..and are the equivalent of '\'the best singers on earth"

like frank sinatra..all crooning and no real voice...while demanding high ticket prices...and everyone's in fright -- so long as they don't actually have any meaningful defense...

the russian military is DEFINITELY inferior in conventional terms of quantity - size, number of ships etc. etc.

a function of differences in economic size and might to support a military...BUT it is also by design and purpose -- A DEFENSIVE military rather than an IMPERIAL one. who understand

an ENEMY such as the USA - must conquer russia - and therefore the fight IS going to be - ultimately intended ON russian land. and THAT is what matters.

and so - their philosophy as to what is 'best' is ENTIRELY different. a defense that will exact such severe losses to the aggressor - even to the point of complete destruction of the USA or its allies - while leaving a vast area of russia remaining for its people to go to in the aftermath..

because their ENTIRE territory is THE ultimate ''aircraft and defense and attack" carrier.

as russians put it recently :

"we don't need to dot the world with so many posts - we can hit anything on earth from where we are...even the antarctic"...just to drive home the point...

the USA has NOTHING to match that. NONE.

THE FAMOUS american ''ultimate" Littoral combat ship - an enormous ZUMWALT 'stealth' - has been docked sveral times now after being declared wonderful...

for taking on water...engines just stopping cold that has to be tugged home...is so heavy it can't maneuever quickly enough (good luck to them trying to penetrate the rivers of st petetsburg where small subs will wait for them, lol)

and no one really wants to buy it...as accountants of governments check the arithmetic....

american jets - such as the F-22 (their best) - or F-35 require a ground crew EACH -- of DOZENS of people

LITERALLY sweeping the tarmac for the smallest pebble , or crumpled little paper..or even stray flying grass...or bird dung for fear of 'accidents" upon landing or take-off..

requiring 36 hours at least for maintenance PER SORTIE...

compared to a russian jet that can be READY to sortie after 30 minutes of 2 ground crew -- on tarmacs that are not so 'fancy' or squeaky clean of debris...and wild bush are allowed to grow along the side...

based on "in a real theatre of war -- things are not so nice".

NO american flier can perform under ''all weather" conditions -- including night...where russians ROUTINELY practice night flights..

the F-35 has to have ''clear skies" in order to do its '''magic"
while already the chinese have demonstrated they can already see it from over 500 MILES away in south china sea....

and hillary and company are going to DARE russia AND china on what HAS to be war in THEIR regions?

laughable - if itweren't so lunatic and horrifying JUST TO SHOW

"WE'RE GREAT BECAUSE WE.RE GOOOOOD -- the best, the best the best".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
FRANKLY -- it is this BRITISH- AMERICAN kind of thinking -- that insists they have to be the TOP of the world....

a WASTE of intelligence and human creativity - that provokes countries - especially russia with her enormous territory and riches -- to NATURALLY respond in defense of their sovereignty and historical spheres of influence that the british and americans think

russia and china do NOT have any right to!
SAD -- because IF the BRITISH in particular could mix THEIR creativity with the russians and chinese - for GOOD things that everyone on earth badly needs to share - MY GOD!

what an amazing thing that would be...

take the ROLLS ROYCE jet engines alone...the russians have the highest regard for THAT...IN combination with the STILL unmatched russian engineering for HEAVY lift flights...like their legendary ANTONOV beasts of the air...

imagine the collaborations they could do for TRULY peaceful things.

AND incidentally -- they are already at work on even LARGER aircraft - so large they can transport an entire army - complete with dozens of tanks, vehicles, and platoons ...to ANY spot on earth.

but they'd RATHER NOT have to 'respond accordingly"

if these STUPID bloodthirsty ''masters of the universe" just admitted one thing:

THE WORLD IS ENOUGH for everyone -- but it's NOT for SALE or TAKE OVER by the likes of YOU. "masters of the universe"

when you can't even fly to space without russian rockets or SAVE your astronauts in their capsules unless the russians and soon the chinese - come to rescue them...to share oxygen with them so they can go home to earth and spend more christmas...


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
and the trouble with the brits and americans is

the VERY, VERY LOW quality of leaders. THAT'S IT.

low lives who think like stupid teenagers on a binge.
when there are so many they SURELY could produce that actually have a REAL SENSE OF responsibility for THEIR people


AND in his day - PRIMAKOV had who first envisioned a ''peaceful integrated Eurasia where countries and cultures, big and small reach their best potentials together as equals"..


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I worked for a number of years in the defence industry (the term "defence" being a little ironic) and the American kit was generally the best to be honest... but always took time to develop and was expensive.

The Russian approach is more pragmatic... Like, what's the point of spending billions on aircraft carriers when you could in theory spend far less in producing missiles to sink them. In a real war theatre against a capable opponent... the American navy, outside their subs could be wiped out within hours. Even thinking in these terms is rather silly though... because like I've said in previous posts, if that scenario ever arose.. their would be no winners... and Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place. The real major wars of the future shouldn't and probably won't be fought on a battlefield. They'll be economic and cyber.

it's really LEADERS like clinton -- like these she SHILLS and represents..they are the big, big problem. they play their little childhood games of ''who's the master" - while throwing the world into a spin of ''arms' race -- hectoring and cajoling little countries to surround and ''defend from" big powers like russia or china who are NOT going to be intimidated , certainly have the RIGHT to BE worried because THEY -- NOT the usa or england -- have the LONG experience of THEIR territory being invaded and occupied and their peoples thrown into misery by the foreign powers lusting after their lands...when what they REALLY want is to be respected for their independent and sovereign and historic rights to define THEIR regions' relations along with their neighbors...where the angl0-americans have NO DOG to utter a single word or demand when no one has bothered THEM in their own lands or how they arrange their societies...

THAT'S the bottom line.

meanwhile the rordinary folks - british, american, russian, chinese..

are having a hard time to figure out how to earn a living - with so much talent, productivity, creativity is put to waste for the sake of..

as putin puts it "for the sake of making the pockets of a few private people and banks happy -- and trading people around like commodities...fi we go down that path -- we are FINISHED AS a country..what is the economy? what is the market?

"it is what people MAKE it..but it should serve people -- everyone, not the other way around".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I worked for a number of years in the defence industry (the term "defence" being a little ironic) and the American kit was generally the best to be honest... but always took time to develop and was expensive.

The Russian approach is more pragmatic... Like, what's the point of spending billions on aircraft carriers when you could in theory spend far less in producing missiles to sink them. In a real war theatre against a capable opponent... the American navy, outside their subs could be wiped out within hours. Even thinking in these terms is rather silly though... because like I've said in previous posts, if that scenario ever arose.. their would be no winners... and Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place. The real major wars of the future shouldn't and probably won't be fought on a battlefield. They'll be economic and cyber.

There was this interview of putin - (funny HE - of all world leaders gives interviews - very often - and more likely than not - in public forums that CAN'T be ''vetted" OR SCRIPTED - especially when they are requested by AMERICAN, BRITISH ''TOP voices" who are literally the spokesmen of their HOSTILE countries - always setting out to try and ''indict" PUTIN in their interviews thinking they can run rings around him, lol but he ALWAYS DESTROYS them - whether they're charlie rose -- or Fareed Zakharia ass lickers or the BBC ''voices", lol) ...

and he once joked to one of them...

"all that money they spend...billions and billions for so many things to insist everyone should bow...a small fraction of that --what we could do with it -- but then -- that is how things stand..".


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
I worked for a number of years in the defence industry (the term "defence" being a little ironic) and the American kit was generally the best to be honest... but always took time to develop and was expensive.

The Russian approach is more pragmatic... Like, what's the point of spending billions on aircraft carriers when you could in theory spend far less in producing missiles to sink them. In a real war theatre against a capable opponent... the American navy, outside their subs could be wiped out within hours. Even thinking in these terms is rather silly though... because like I've said in previous posts, if that scenario ever arose.. their would be no winners... and Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place. The real major wars of the future shouldn't and probably won't be fought on a battlefield. They'll be economic and cyber.

as for ''future wars economic and cyber"

it's already BEEN here for a long time.

that's WHAT america- led sanctions have been about. economic wars to force a target - disobedient country -- to kneel.
that's what the british and americans did to bismarckian germany when HIS sovereign economic policies -- to rid themselves of the ROTSCHILD cabal ruling from london -- produced such an economic surge -- the british and americans were so spooked. they launched a naval blockage that destroyed german trade and commerce ...
that's what the USA'S ''isolation" of iran , freezing of bank assets, russian assets. - threatening industries in financial transactions globally are and have BEEN all about.

cyber war?
who is the world's biggest hacker and spy on industries - stealing GERMAN industrial secrets and ''copyrighting" them as ''american discoveries" if NOT the USA? while painting itself as some kind of fountain of human ''invention that the world wants to steal from OUR glorious selves?" if not the USA?

THE usa SUPREME court gave the us government and corporations the ''right" to HACK ANY computer on earth -
and is to g into ''effect" december one 2016.

who gave them the right? and THEN when they get RETALIATION -- CRY WOLF? in order to JUSTIFY ''defending against alien invaders and attack against our wonderful selves?" to UP the ante and 'legalize" MORE of their vicious wars by any means against the rest of the world?

america has NO CULTURE whatsoever...

the world has CULTURES and societies -- that is why humanity is what it is -- developments produced and influenced by the realities of the geographies and what the planet dictates to the peoples who must try their best to arrange themselves as history and the planet makes it for them...for good or bad and learn how to co-exist and HAVE one way or another.

america -- is an EMPTY ''thing" whose only 'claim" to ''culture" is the stupid believ that the world is an american playground..where they promote their SHALLOW thinking, BORROWED or c-opted or stolen ideas, a love of money and power and glitz and pointless exercises in 'entertainment" that have no basis in a real identity

except MONEY and power and BRAGGING.

A BRITISH actor has more talent in his or her little finger for 20,000 dollars a movie -- than an american wrapped in agencies and retainers and fancy 'image" makers -- paid 1 million dollars an appearance...

THAT tells anyone a LOT about the shallowness of the ''american culture". and therefore its NOTIONS about the importance of america in this world..when in fact, it is nothing more - for all its 'wealth and power'

but an UPSTART country that is TOO BIG TO EXIST for its own good and that of the world.

i know if given a chance...

i'd rather sit and drink beer with a brit than an american, ANY DAY. lol. because i'd just be BORED to death wondering when the american will actually say something INTERESTING. LOL.

BUT the trouble with the brits is -- they have a mass of BAD , LOW-CLASS ''leaders" who are such snooty scumbags who think they are ''elites" and 'royals' according to their high0falutin ''britishness" of their lost empire -

but who NEVER really cared about their ORDINARY fellow brits..and therefore neve were about 'defending the honor and prosperity of the british people" -- whcih to THEM meant really \"our GLORIOUS UPPER CASTE" - and therefore their TRUE loyalty is only to THEMSELVES -- and they'd grovel to anyone-- the rothschilds for instance -- who can guarantee them their ''special status" IN THE WORLD - forever and ever and ever...

the difference between THEM and american leaders AND those of RUSSIAS or china's
is - that the putins' and xi jinpins -- whatever THEIR flaws or and that of their countries'.

they actually believe "i am russian -- i am all about MY people" , i am 'chinese -- MY people are who i lead -- "

the american brit leaders and even royals are about

"i am ROYAL -- and that means not JUST in this country but OVER THE WORLD"

so their REAL ''nationality" is BEING ROYAL and elites. NOT to ''being british or american". which just happen to be what they are born into to take advantage of everyone else on earth.

inother words -- THESE kinds of leaders have NO REAL USE TO their people and countries. they are the ultimate PARASITES feeding on not just the world -- but on the backs of THEIR own people hiding behidn their ''being british or american".

they defend NOTHING - but their own greed and selfishness .

in contrast -- a putin or xi jinping actually HAVE something to live and die for - THEIR COUNTRY and their people's RIGHT to exist with others.

NOT so THE LEADERS OF britain and america. they only exist for THEMSELVES as a class separate from and above the ENTIRE world and its cultures.

THA'TS the real root of global problems that are so unnecessary.

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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
It's Ridiculous Just How Much More the Russians Get for Every Billion Spent on the Military
F. William Engdahl (New Eastern Outlook) 16 seconds ago | 4 0
More bang for the buck is the most apt description when we compare spending of the United States Government with that of the Government of the Russian Federation on its defense sector and military technology development. A closer look at the two budgets reveals the huge fault line that cuts across the entire US economy today. It also mirrors the true collapse of the American hegemon as a world power. It need not have been.

In the official Fiscal Year 2017 the US Department of Defense officially requested $523.9 billion in what they call “discretionary funding,” as in, “we use it as we please, no independent audit allowed.” Another $58.8 billion was requested for so-called Overseas Contingency Operations, typical Pentagon-speak for wars everywhere from Afghanistan to Syria to military operations around the South China sea. That made an official total of $583 billion requested and granted by a docile Congress.

On October 13, the Russian wire-service Tass.ru reported that the Russian government is set to spend 948.59 billion rubles on national defense in 2017, according to the draft federal budget posted. It sounds like a lot, almost one trillion rubles. If we convert at the current dollar exchange rate, this translates into a mere $15 billion. Of that 793.79 billion rubles or $12.7 billion is planned to be spent on the Russian Armed Forces. In 2015 the Russian Federation spent $26 billion on the state military-industrial complex development program will reach 1.67 trillion rubles.

That total for military industry investment and maintaining Russia’s armed forces, some $49 billion, equals 8.4 % of the dollar amount the United States Defense Department plays with annually. To that must be added the separate amount of $400 billion for modernization of Russian armed forces military capabilities by 2020. That’s roughly another $80 billion a year.

Now the relevant question at a time when Washington-led NATO forces are aggressively moving to the borders of the Russian Federation, when US Pentagon Special Forces and mercenaries like Blackwater aka Academi are mucking around Ukraine causing mischief, destruction and murder, is which country is getting better defense or military capacities for every dollar spent.

Astonishing performance

The answer came following the September 30, 2015 Russian announcement that it had agreed to respond with military support to the call of the legitimate government of Syria. What Russian military efforts have accomplished with meager resources, has astonished most western military experts.

Far from being the dilapidated, technologically obsolescent Soviet-era military that many US planners reckon, Russia’s armed forces have undergone a quiet and impressive modernization ever since it became clear around 2007 that Washington was intent on pushing NATO to Moscow’s front door in Ukraine and Georgia as well as threatening with US missile “defense” in Poland, Czech Republic and now also in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shiogu is a remarkable organizer who is known for reorganizing large Russian government departments. Before becoming Defense Minister he was head of the large Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, responsible for emergency situations, such as floods, earthquakes and acts of terrorism.

The result of Russia’s military modernization, partly demonstrated in the military intervention in Syria, has been a strategic shift in the global military balance of power that Washington’s neo-conservatives, none of whom have served in active duty military theatres, did not reckon with. Russian science and engineering have accomplished astonishing results with minimum investment. Just a select glance at what is being developed is instructive.

Hypersonic nuclear missile

On October 25 the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau published the first image of the newest heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, the RS-28 Sarmat known under NATO’s reporting name SS-X-30. It will replace its predecessor, the R36M2 Voyevoda or NATO reporting name SS-18 Satan. It is now in test phase and will enter service at the end of 2018. The SS-X-30 will replace the world’s most powerful strategic missile, the SS-18 Satan. One reason Washington pursued the Start-1 strategic arms reduction treaty with Moscow was because the Pentagon estimated that the SS-18 with its multiple warhead consisting of ten independently targetable re-entry vehicles each having a yield of 750 kilotons was a serious threat. Now, the new successor, SS-X-30 according to Tass military analyst, Viktor Litovkin, is far more threatening.

While specific details are top secret, according to Litovkin, the new ICBM will evade any missile defense arrays Washington can install. It has far smaller liftoff mass and a greater range of flight up to 17,000 kilometers, able to reach virtually any target in the Continental USA. It is designed to go on flight paths crossing the South Pole, from where they are least-expected and where no missile shields are being created. Each missile will carry between 10-15 independently targetable nuclear warheads, in a “grape cluster” able to separate from the cluster one by one when a pre-loaded program issues the order to attack the selected target, Litovkin adds.

He says that the SS-X-30 re-entry vehicle, called by Russian media Yu-71, and by its developer ‘object 4202′, or Aero-ballistic Hypersonic Warhead, will fly at hypersonic speeds of Mach 17, roughly 4.3 miles (7km) per second, with flight path’s altitude and direction constantly changing all the time making it immune to any missile defenses the Pentagon has deployed in Poland or South Korea, even those relying on space-based elements. “For the SS-X-30 it makes no difference if there is a missile defense or if there is none. It will slip through unnoticed,” says Litovkin.

The new missile is capable of wiping out a country the size of France with nuclear explosions 2,000 times more powerful than the bomb used at Hiroshima in 1945 by Washington.

Pentagon bucks go to waste

The SS-X-30 development is but one of numerous game-changing weapons technologies Russia has been combat testing in Syria. Another is the cutting-edge Russian T-14 Armata tank that has no western competitor. Russian fighter jets have demonstrated their value in Syria and Russian anti-missile Contrast this with the colossal waste of US defense budget spending. Washington is used to fight wars, like the school classroom bully, only against tiny unequipped enemies like Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi in Libya.

Granted US defense giants like Boeing or Lockheed Martin are working on hypersonic jets and other classified new weapons. However, the efficiency of every dollar spent on US military hardware is overshadowed by the effective of Russian defense spending.

A recent US Defense Department report stated that the budget controls of the pentagon are non-existent. Alone the US Department of the Army cannot provide an audit trail for a cumulative $6.5 trillion of expenses.

There are deep cultural and historical reasons why Russia has responded to the actions of Washington and NATO since 2007 as they have. They are deadly serious about defending the Russian Motherland as they term it. Washington politicians, regardless who is President, would do well to take this into their calculations when they egg on European NATO partners to provoke Russia in every way imaginable. Europeans would also do well to reconsider whether being Washington’s front line in NATO is worth the price of possible nuclear pulverization. I think not personally.



RUSSIA'S recent military update and modernization

started in 2008 after nearly 20 years of virtual ''pause" since the USSR . and is literally like ''rising from the dead".

according to russian officials -- (not that it should be taken literally) -- they are about 60 percent ''upgraded to modern standards"..which of course does NOT include future designs on which they are also naturally working.

it is known by now that by late 1990's - flush with their ''hyperpower, sole superpower" status -- already onto slicing apart Yugoslavia knowing russia was too weakened to do anything but mostly look as their Serbian cousins were gang-banged by USA NATO...

THE PENTAGON circles were known to have raher openly contemplated that

"it is now possible to contemplated a LAND INVASION of russia -- with a far weakened system and military"...

they still of course imagine they could with NATO massing at russian borders --

exactly as HITLER DID ...in much the same spots in fact...

only as russians say:

"we will never again permit a war waged in our territory..."
and as putin says:
"i learned one thing in the streets of st petersburg...if a fight is truly inevitable...go and make the first hit".................

or as a russian general said a few months back:

"do these countries, poland, romania, baltics and the rest UNDERSTAND what it can mean doing america's bidding against us? do they not realize that by massing american arms in their territories they are putitng themselves as targets? those installations are exactly what we are going to destroy...it will take no more than 20 minutes".

things to ponder by the chicken hawks of the West - who are so courageous when they gang-up on defenseless countries............
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
somethning like this -- a more thn 30 year old level French Submarine 'sinks" nearly a whole USA AIRCRAFT CARRIER GROUP...uite easily..

--imagine what the FAR better russian subs can do.........



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Word for word
AFP News
30-Year Old French Sub Sinks US Carrier Group
(Source: compiled by Defense-Aerospace.com; published April 7, 2015)
PARIS --- The French Ministry of Defence has deleted from its website a news story relating how one of its nuclear-powered attack submarines, Saphir penetrated a US Navy carrier group and fictitiously “sank” the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt as well as several of its surface escorts (Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers).

The deletion was not acknowledged, and simply implemented by replacing the original story by an error page.


The original French navy report on the exercise was posted on March 4, 2015 (above) and deleted shortly afterwards; the link now points to an error page (below). Screen copies made on April 7.


The deletion was noted at the time by several blogs, but has only now come to our attention.

On March 6, the Russian television website RT also reported that “French delete evidence US carrier was 'sunk' by sub in drill” It reported that “A major vulnerability that allowed French submarine to “sink” aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and most of its escort during drills was apparently revealed by the French Navy and Defense Ministry in blogposts that were quickly wiped out.

“Both the French Defense Ministry and the Navy released and then quickly deleted a news post entitled “Le SNA Saphir en entraînement avec l’US Navy au large de la Floride” (“The SNA Sapphire in training with the US Navy off the coast of Florida”) that praised the 34-year-old French nuclear submarine’s success in “sinking” the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt along with best part of its escort.”

The original story, however, was copied by a French defense blog, and is still available here:

This is the relevant paragraph, in French, followed by our translation:

Dans une seconde phase, le Saphir, était intégré aux forces ennemies et avait pour mission de localiser le porte-avions Theodore Roosevelt ainsi que les autres bâtiments de la force navale amie et de se tenir prêt à l’attaque. La situation politique se dégradant de jour en jour, le Saphir s’est glissé discrètement au cœur de l’écran formé par les frégates américaines protégeant le porte-avions, tout en évitant la contre-détection des moyens aériens omniprésents. Au matin du dernier jour, l’ordre de feu était enfin donné, permettant au Saphir de couler fictivement le Theodore Roosevelt et la majeure partie de son escorte.


During the second phase, the Saphir was integrated with “enemy” forces, and its mission as to find the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt as well as the other ships of its task force, and to remain on standby to attack. As the political situation [of the exercise scenario] was worsening from day to day, Saphir covertly entered the screen of American frigates protecting the aircraft carrier, and avoided detection by the pervasive aircraft assets. On the morning of the final day, the firing order finally arrived, allowing Saphir to fictitiously sink the Theodore Roosevelt and the greater part of its escort ships.

It is obviously not to the credit of the US Navy that a 30-year old submarine was able to penetrate one of its carrier groups and to sink both carrier and most of its escort vessels, which not only failed to detect its approach, but also failed to attack it once it made its presence known by sinking the carrier.

In fact, given the claims made by US Navy chiefs about their ships’ effectiveness, and the huge sums invested in carrier groups on the strength of these claims, they deserve to be publicly embarrassed, and to be forced to explain this latest failure.

Because, in fact, this is not the first time a foreign submarine “sinks” a US Navy carrier during an exercise. In 2004, the US Navy leased a Swedish Navy submarine, the Gotland, for one year of dissimilar training, and got more than t bargained for. In fact, as reported by the Foxtrot Alpha blog,

“The Gotland virtually "sank" many US nuclear fast attack subs, destroyers, frigates, cruisers and even made it into the 'red zone' beyond the last ring of anti-submarine defenses within a carrier strike group. Although it was rumored she got many simulated shots off on various US super-carriers, one large-scale training exercise in particular with the then brand new USS Ronald Reagan ended with the little sub making multiple attack runs on the super-carrier, before slithering away without ever being detected.”

Although the French MoD diplomatically tried to limit the embarrassment to the US Navy, the bigger question remains, and is likely to further fuel the legitimate debate in the United States as to the cost and the true effectiveness of US Navy carriers.

These are already threatened by the emergence of Chinese “carrier-killer” missiles as well as more powerful anti-ship missiles, such as the Indian-Russian supersonic BrahMos missile.



Nole fan
Apr 21, 2013
I worked for a number of years in the defence industry (the term "defence" being a little ironic) and the American kit was generally the best to be honest... but always took time to develop and was expensive.

The Russian approach is more pragmatic... Like, what's the point of spending billions on aircraft carriers when you could in theory spend far less in producing missiles to sink them. In a real war theatre against a capable opponent... the American navy, outside their subs could be wiped out within hours. Even thinking in these terms is rather silly though... because like I've said in previous posts, if that scenario ever arose.. their would be no winners... and Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place. The real major wars of the future shouldn't and probably won't be fought on a battlefield. They'll be economic and cyber.

Oh BB, if all countries have defence departments, who then attacks whom?

Here is a nice article about US arms profits. It is no wonder that they don't want to negotiate and try some peaceful solutions in the world:

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