Troicki get straight setted was a bit of a surprise Billie.
Novak Djokivic (Ser) beat Aleksandr Nedovyesov (Kaz) 6-1 6-2 6-3
Surprised to see so many spectators cheering on Djokovic. Then I realized it was in Belgrade.:scratch:
What surprises me a little is that Novak is playing at all, though good on him.
I liked your insight into the appeal of the venue. That could have something to do with it. (A few years back, Spain played the US in the bull ring in Madrid. Even though the US knew they were doubly whipped by surface and venue, they said it was a thrill.) I never completely understand the calculations that go into keeping a country in the World Group, that may have had something to do with it. I didn't know that Novak has a shoulder problem (again), but he does have to fly some 10,000 miles on Monday to get to IW. He's asking a lot of himself. Though, given the way he's playing, he'll probably win it, anyway.Honestly I don't know why he plays either. He said that they like to play with each, for each other and for their country. Maybe because it is a home tie, but he has a shoulder problem and even though he is scheduled to play the doubles tomorrow, I just hope he is smart with this. He played and won every rubber in 2013 and it wasn't enough.