@Kieran recently Roger admitted a few months ago that the mto he took at the Australian Open 2017 was not really a medical time out if I recall correctly.
Yeah, he’s flipped and flopped on that one because obviously Pat Cash called him out on it at the time, after Roger seemed to say he took the MTO against Stan in the semis for mental reasons as much as anything, and I have a vague recollection of him saying that he took the MTO against Rafa because he just wanted to talk to somebody to distract him from the match, and he spoke a little small talk with a tournament worker offstage, and then returned.
They’re open for abuse. Stan accused Rafa of abusing the MTO rule in the 2014 Australian Open final. He obviously was proven wrong on that, but the fact that he reacted that way showed that players themselves know that these things are strategically abused.
With the heat thing that
@Fiero425 mentioned, that rule is in Australia that play might be affected not necessarily by rain, but by excessive heat. But how does that apply to Cincy on Sunday? And if the rule does apply there too, then why wasn’t it announced that Novak was taking a perfectly legal break, in conformance with the rules, due to excessive heat?
It wasn’t announced because he didn’t apply for any heat rules break. He abused another rule instead, and obviously this is cheating. Players cheat, just call it what it is…