That would be awesome. I remember at St Louis, last year or the year before, listening to MVL talk about one of his games, and instead of talking about what was going on on the board, he was more focused on talking about his computer prep
This is why I find Magnus so impressive, he genuinely believes he's a better chess player than everyone else and wants to get away from computer prep as quickly as possible even if he has to go for a slightly inferior line to do it. I think Vishy, while very well prepped, looks like another player who can live with on the board play pretty well.
Incidentally, one of Magnus's comments yesterday when talking about his loss in the first game to Hikaru was very illuminating. Hikaru had played f5 which seemed very anti-positional and Magnus commented about how that was a move he would never have considered because it was so anti-positional, but he observed that Hikaru was the type of player that would consider such a move if he couldn't see a refutation. It's something we always knew I guess, but it was interesting to hear Magnus acknowledge it