29. Bd6 and Ra6 immediately Now if Bc7, Ra7, if Bb8, Ra8. The Queen can't protect due to Nxf5, black is in rough shape even if he wasn't down to his final minutes.
yup. And I must say he's coming across extremely well in the post match conference. That chip on his shoulder has made a lot of people dislike him, I hope they give him a fair shot now. Although he can do without the sarcastic comments sometimes
Big tournament starts tomorrow, Sinquefield Cup. No Carlsen or Kramnik but it has MVL, Aronian, Naka, Anand, Caruana and many others. Should be a real competitive one up at the top.
Yes indeed. Looking forward to that. I want to see if MVL plays like the best of the rest in a tougher field. Who you got? I still think Aronian, in tournament play, when he's on, is still probably the next best to Magnus so I'll go with him. He seems to have overcome his troubles, but he hasn't played for a while, which could be a good or bad thing
I think Caruana or MVL. MVL definitely has the hot hand at the moment. I haven't thought too highly of Aronian for awhile now, fun player to watch and a dangerous one for sure but he seems to have taken a step back from where he was a few years ago. Aside from those 3 and Naka the only potential surprise winners I see are So and Anand. So hasn't really had a breakout tournament yet but he has risen the ranks pretty quickly and is #7 at age 22. So and Giri are the youngest in the top 15.
Yeah that So-Naka game is a wild one. Naka up two pawns for the exchange, lots of play left there. 21. Rd1 can force the queen trade it looks like but that will take a lot of calculation to make sure it works.