Chair umpires consider boycotting Serena's matches


Major Winner
Apr 16, 2013
After the US Open final, chair umpires consider boycotting Serena's matches. What do you think about it?


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
there are a lot of umpires who are willing to take their spot...Serena should never apologize at all.They can all go ahead and be biased all they want..that cartoonist is now in big trouble he had to move his family because of threats and has deactivated his twitter account.The bigots came out of the woodwork and showed who they are..from that romanian former player,the Madrid TD,The USA Open TD,Margaret the homophobe Court and the obvious Mary Carillo...the tennis world doesnt want her to overttake MC...IN 2019 ITS going to happen whether they like it or not..


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I don't think you can blame them for feeling this way because they're there to do a job to the best of their ability & everyone should have the right to do that without feeling threatened or being subjected to verbal abuse.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I would think this is the umpires inserting themselves too much into the conversation. They've been verbally abused over the years, and much worse than by Serena. Is this because the WTA supported her? I think it's a pretty good job, and getting harangued by a player is something they have in the past seemed prepared to take.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
I would think this is the umpires inserting themselves too much into the conversation. They've been verbally abused over the years, and much worse than by Serena. Is this because the WTA supported her? I think it's a pretty good job, and getting harangued by a player is something they have in the past seemed prepared to take.
Moxie do you think her public support of Kaepaneck has something to do with this decision...its getting political now.I hope Serena let her racket do the talking in 2019 and she is capable of that too...train hard this season..get into the best shape of her career and win and go beyond MC.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
They are probably pretty sick of the blowback for doing their jobs properly.
tough titty talk about it when Rafa Roger and Novak bark in their faces,they are now aggrieved because Serena a black woman called them out on their sh.t..


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I would think this is the umpires inserting themselves too much into the conversation. They've been verbally abused over the years, and much worse than by Serena. Is this because the WTA supported her? I think it's a pretty good job, and getting harangued by a player is something they have in the past seemed prepared to take.
I disagree. Just because they've been verbally abused over the years & sometimes to a worse extent than Serena verbally abused them doesn't make it right. No one at all deserves that treatment. No one should call other people names under any circumstance. I know people do & everyone does things that they later regret when angry but sometimes have to face the consequences when they calm down, myself included as I'm human like everyone else. The umpires have a job to do to the best of their ability & it's to enforce rules that are being broken & that's what he did. If Serena hadn't been so rebellious he wouldn't have been so strict. Sometimes it's a good idea to eat humble pie & be smarmy towards authority & just agree with them & I'm not a smarmy person but just to calm things down & discuss things properly when you're calm as calm heads often prevail. I'm not against Serena & have hoped for her to win & been happy for her winning many times. It's not because the W.T.A. supported her that I've said something. It's because I'm sick of hearing about the situation & I wanted to air my views & vent calmly for a change. I'm supposed to have the same rights as anyone else here & I've neither sworn or called names so think that I'm well within my rights to say what I think too . I always thought everyone had the right to have & air an opinion as long as they respect other people's rights to do the same but maybe I should stick to facts & figures elsewhere & only express thoughts & feelings in rhyme in my poetry section like I used to or keep schtum altogether or only speak when spoken to like I used to. I agree with what you say that sometimes women are still expected to act in a lady-like manner & penalised when they don't but don't think that's the case here. Even if it is, there are better ways of dealing with things than throwing a paddy. I know everyone's human so we all do it sometimes & we face the consequences for our actions. I'm also sick of the racism & gender inequality card being played as an excuse for every single little thing. Maybe it's something umpires have been prepared to take in the past but should they have to? I don't think so.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
they can go sing to the choir and address their biases Carlos has also accused Venus for being coached,he has his favorites I remember a match between Ana and Vee at Wimbledon it was easy to see who his favorite between the two was..he got caught on his behavior and was called ot on it.Where were the umpires when Serena was cheated on 2004 against Capriati...they were conveniently quiet no words was uttered...tough titty Carlos you got what you deserved.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
they can go sing to the choir and address their biases Carlos has also accused Venus for being coached,he has his favorites I remember a match between Ana and Vee at Wimbledon it was easy to see who his favorite between the two was..he got caught on his behavior and was called ot on it.Where were the umpires when Serena was cheated on 2004 against Capriati...they were conveniently quiet no words was uttered...tough titty Carlos you got what you deserved.
I'm not biased though obviously you are. I would say that it's not totally fair on either player when coaches are coaching 1 of the players. It's unfair on the other player if 1 player is getting extra help & it's unfair on the player being coached to be penalised for something they haven't done. What else can be done about it, though? Do away with the coaches box & make them sit in a back-room with a T.V. & watch there so they can't signal to players? If Serena hadn't carried on with her dramatic performance instead of getting on with her professional performance on court like she was supposed to be doing she wouldn't have been penalised as much. Sometimes eating humble pie, explaining & apologising is the best way to get your own way. I don't like being smarmy but sometimes you have to calm down to do things the right way & get the right results. There are right & wrong ways of doing things. The umpire didn't get what he deserved. He was doing his job which was to enforce the rules. He didn't deserve the abuse he got.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
I'm not biased though obviously you are. I would say that it's not totally fair on either player when coaches are coaching 1 of the players. It's unfair on the other player if 1 player is getting extra help & it's unfair on the player being coached to be penalised for something they haven't done. What else can be done about it, though? Do away with the coaches box & make them sit in a back-room with a T.V. & watch there so they can't signal to players? If Serena hadn't carried on with her dramatic performance instead of getting on with her professional performance on court like she was supposed to be doing she wouldn't have been penalised as much. Sometimes eating humble pie, explaining & apologising is the best way to get your own way. I don't like being smarmy but sometimes you have to calm down to do things the right way & get the right results. There are right & wrong ways of doing things. The umpire didn't get what he deserved. He was doing his job which was to enforce the rules. He didn't deserve the abuse he got.
you have never walked in Serena s shoes to understand what she was going through in that moment,all the years of being discriminated aganst and all that she has endured at the same event and arena at the hands of umpires...maybe she felt that history was repeating itself and this guy from the same country as Mariana Alves ,a guy who has also accused Venus of being coached is putting her integrity in question...fudge CR He got what he deserved and this too will pass..Serena is going to win slams next year and surpass MC...


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
you have never walked in Serena s shoes to understand what she was going through in that moment,all the years of being discriminated aganst and all that she has endured at the same event and arena at the hands of umpires...maybe she felt that history was repeating itself and this guy from the same country as Mariana Alves ,a guy who has also accused Venus of being coached is putting her integrity in question...fudge CR He got what he deserved and this too will pass..Serena is going to win slams next year and surpass MC...
I know. We can't really judge until we know all the other person's story but you're doing the same thing with the umpire. From what I've seen & heard the so-called discrimination she's suffered has been caused by her own attitude & bad behaviour. It's always during this event. Hmm! Why is this? There is always more than 1 side of the story. I'm more than willing to listen to her side of the story if you're also willing to listen to the other side of the story. Sometimes though we have to realise that for every action we take there is going to be a reaction. She broke the rules & when you break rules you face consequences as she did. She got angry & we all do things we regret when we're angry & face the consequences afterwards. He did his job which was the right thing to do under the circumstances. She is spoiling her reputation even more acting the way she did. Like I said before no one should ever have the right to call others under any circumstances & people should have the right to do their job to the best of their ability without feeling threatened. She was in the wrong. He didn't get what he deserved. She did. She will have to learn to behave properly or face the consequences like everyone else. There are right & wrong ways of dealing with things. She chose the wrong way. I'm not disputing the fact that she's going to win more slams. I hope she does. Like I also said, I'm not against her as a person but I thought that what she did was wrong & that the umpire has a right to do his job to the best of his ability without feeling threatened. I'm very sorry for sounding like a stuck record & going round in circles but some of what I felt needed saying I'd already said & felt was ignored. If this is the case next time the best thing that can be done is we can agree to disagree but I needed to vent. You've vented. You thought I was being biased against Serena. I think you are being biased against the umpire who I think was doing the job he's paid to do. We've both said what we felt we needed to say & will move on.
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Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
Norfolk, VA
I feel while it is the official’s job to render decisions during a match that it is also their job to prepare for and subdue any reaction after their decisions. I don’t think he did that part of his job well at all, and I think he knew penalizing a game was going to enrage her from a situation in which he didn’t necessarily do the best at quelling when he first issued it. I will agree he followed the rules, but I think also part of the decision making process in issuing violations is the responsibility of reaching a consensus with the player before play resumes that everything is clear and understood.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I feel while it is the official’s job to render decisions during a match that it is also their job to prepare for and subdue any reaction after their decisions. I don’t think he did that part of his job well at all, and I think he knew penalizing a game was going to enrage her from a situation in which he didn’t necessarily do the best at quelling when he first issued it. I will agree he followed the rules, but I think also part of the decision making process in issuing violations is the responsibility of reaching a consensus with the player before play resumes that everything is clear and understood.
I agree. He could have tried to calm things down better than he did so there were no harsh feelings & that things also went back to normal as far as reasonably could be expected & so that she knew what she had done was wrong & that she also felt that she was being listened to although she was being penalised & her side of the story had been taken into account although she was being punished.


Grand Slam Champion
Apr 15, 2013
I know. We can't really judge until we know all the other person's story but you're doing the same thing with the umpire. From what I've seen & heard the so-called discrimination she's suffered has been caused by her own attitude & bad behaviour. It's always during this event. Hmm! Why is this? There is always more than 1 side of the story. I'm more than willing to listen to her side of the story if you're also willing to listen to the other side of the story. Sometimes though we have to realise that for every action we take there is going to be a reaction. She broke the rules & when you break rules you face consequences as she did. She got angry & we all do things we regret when we're angry & face the consequences afterwards. He did his job which was the right thing to do under the circumstances. She is spoiling her reputation even more acting the way she did. Like I said before no one should ever have the right to call others under any circumstances & people should have the right to do their job to the best of their ability without feeling threatened. She was in the wrong. He didn't get what he deserved. She did. She will have to learn to behave properly or face the consequences like everyone else. There are right & wrong ways of dealing with things. She chose the wrong way. I'm not disputing the fact that she's going to win more slams. I hope she does. Like I also said, I'm not against her as a person but I thought that what she did was wrong & that the umpire has a right to do his job to the best of his ability without feeling threatened. I'm very sorry for sounding like a stuck record & going round in circles but some of what I felt needed saying I'd already said & felt was ignored. If this is the case next time the best thing that can be done is we can agree to disagree but I needed to vent. You've vented. You thought I was being biased against Serena. I think you are being biased against the umpire who I think was doing the job he's paid to do. We've both said what we felt we needed to say & will move on.
thank goodness tennis is an individual game and Serena can determine her legacy...its still intact and will win big matches next year.Carlos will be a footnote in the annals of history when its all said and done..he ruined Osaka s moment too because of his bigotry and sexism.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
thank goodness tennis is an individual game and Serena can determine her legacy...its still intact and will win big matches next year.Carlos will be a footnote in the annals of history when its all said and done..he ruined Osaka s moment too because of his bigotry and sexism.
I'm not denying that Serena will win more matches because she will & her talent, hard work & determination will pay off but her attitude problem at times will also give her the reputation of being a spoilt brat like it has already with some people. Carlos will take a back seat in tennis history because he's an umpire & not a player & it's players who get all the fame & glory & rightly so. I disagree. It's Serena who ruined Osaka's moment with her temper tantrums. Carlos did not act out of bigotry & gender inequality but out of seeing rules broken & needing to enforce them because it was his job to do so & I think he'd have acted the same way in the same situation if white men were playing but because they weren't the racism & gender inequality card have been played especially because Serena is a popular, talented & top tennis player & some people think she should get away with murder because of it. I don't. I think that she should face the consequences of her actions like everyone else.
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Chris Koziarz

Masters Champion
Mar 5, 2018
Sydney NSW
The conversation above is drifting into the "whose fault was it: Serena's or Carlos" topic. I think enough about it was said in 2018 USO Final Williams vs. Osaka thread. I'm not going to repeat what I've said there, there is no point. I just mention that what Horsa has said above largely agrees with what I've said.

I just want to turn attention to the actual topic of this thread: the issue of umpires threatening to boycott Serena's matches. I'm in full support of said boycott. I repeat: my wholehearted full support to you guys.

You ump, do a difficult, responsible job but are so blatantly abused by both spoiled brats on the court (Serena in this case) and afterwards by stupid social media echo chamber, even after your difficult job was reviewed and deemed well done. If you guys are able to stand together & go ahead with your boycott, you not only improve the respect for your job but you also help Serena, who will be forced to apologise for her tantrum in order to continue playing. Maybe even she will start to self-reflect and try to seek professional help of a psychologist, to try and contain her "emotions" or maybe channel them in a different way, not as the on-court tantrums. At the moment, Serena thinks that she not only did the right thing but that she was actually "cool" in doing so. When asked in a lead-up 2011 USO presser, what she thinks about her 2009 incident (when she threatened to "shove the ball into lines-woman's throat") she commented:

“a lot of people were telling me they thought I was super cool, that they’d never saw me so intense, so, yeah, it was awesome”. - Serena Williams 2011

With the current stupid SM echo chamber denigrating Carlos and justifying Serena's behaviour, I have no doubt that in 1 or 2 years, all she will remember from this incident, is that she was "super cool" and she will be saying that she was "awesome". Unless she receives some form of pressure to reconsider her self-esteem and self-reflect. This ump industrial action can well be such highly-motivating pressure for Serena to work on her petulant borderline personality disorder. I wish that it succeeds.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
The conversation above is drifting into the "whose fault was it: Serena's or Carlos" topic. I think enough about it was said in 2018 USO Final Williams vs. Osaka thread. I'm not going to repeat what I've said there, there is no point. I just mention that what Horsa has said above largely agrees with what I've said.

I just want to turn attention to the actual topic of this thread: the issue of umpires threatening to boycott Serena's matches. I'm in full support of said boycott. I repeat: my wholehearted full support to you guys.

You ump, do a difficult, responsible job but are so blatantly abused by both spoiled brats on the court (Serena in this case) and afterwards by stupid social media echo chamber, even after your difficult job was reviewed and deemed well done. If you guys are able to stand together & go ahead with your boycott, you not only improve the respect for your job but you also help Serena, who will be forced to apologise for her tantrum in order to continue playing. Maybe even she will start to self-reflect and try to seek professional help of a psychologist, to try and contain her "emotions" or maybe channel them in a different way, not as the on-court tantrums. At the moment, Serena thinks that she not only did the right thing but that she was actually "cool" in doing so. When asked in a lead-up 2011 USO presser, what she thinks about her 2009 incident (when she threatened to "shove the ball into lines-woman's throat") she commented:

“a lot of people were telling me they thought I was super cool, that they’d never saw me so intense, so, yeah, it was awesome”. - Serena Williams 2011

With the current stupid SM echo chamber denigrating Carlos and justifying Serena's behaviour, I have no doubt that in 1 or 2 years, all she will remember from this incident, is that she was "super cool" and she will be saying that she was "awesome". Unless she receives some form of pressure to reconsider her self-esteem and self-reflect. This ump industrial action can well be such highly-motivating pressure for Serena to work on her petulant borderline personality disorder. I wish that it succeeds.
I thought I addressed the issue in question when I said that I didn't blame the umpires for what they were doing as no one deserves to be threatened when they're doing their job to the best of their ability.