I liked your posts and the thought provoking data you selected...
Don't worry about Federberg, he's the most emotionally unstable poster here so he's posting around with his faithful shrink team BB and mrzz staying close to him, they want to prevent him from committing virtual suicide cause he was threatening us with stuff like that before.... If you see BB and mrzz liking completely shit posts by Federberg, it has nothing to do with the posts' content, it's all about emotional support for the suicidal Federberg...
BTW you were right, Federberg always has to troll someone, when i came to dt it was Ricardo, then he tried it with me but failed so he put me on ignore, then it was Obsi, now it's your turn.... he's doing it btw to live out his homo copulation urges

like you know there are brave people like Fiero and closeted ones like Federberg.....
If you wanna see Federberg's true self, go to the politics section, like he sang odes about a totally shitty speech by some fat momma called Oprah? in a room so full of hebrews it reminded me of a synagogue about how her mom had to clean other people's houses!!!! like the fuck, that's real slavery stuff.......
Like if she asked me i would clean tossip's house for free cause i like to clean, it gives me cool opportunity to improve my mastery of zen, to hum "i want to break free" by Freddy Mercury, to shake my ass like a fag and feel cool ....
ok but back to the tennis part, as you see even for less emo guys like atttomole the Nadal thing was the real difference... It's really just an emo thing for the insecure Fedtards.. Like surely the BH improved some but already before the big improvement like in the WTF final where Fed owned Nadal the at BH worked just the same, Nadal even praised Fed for it...
So yeah, there were improvements but let's face it, in the AO final last year Nadal was obviously and visibly more exhausted and worse in general, he was moving like a constipated sloth......
And these very unbiased Fedtards are saying they don't like wouldha shouldha but then make up fairy tales about how Fed would have destroyed a well moving Djokovic the same way he beat a Nadal who was moving like a constipated sloth (and who was shit all season btw, yeah he won the USO with luck too thanks to non-existent competition)
DarthFed's try was weak too, like the non-novak field last year was complete shit compared to previous years, like everybody was tanking, injured or just complete shit....
Anyway, thanks for your posts Dude, they were really informative and it's good to see there are still some cool, unbiased and mentally stable Fed fans out there