OK folks, it looks like we have a three-way tie this time: Riotbeard, Aung Aung, and myself, El Dude.
Here are the rankings through two Slams, with AO and Roland Garros in parentheses)
1. 46 El Dude (27, 19)
2a. 43 crystalfire (27, 16)
2b. 43 kskate2 (27, 16)
4a. 37 Riotbeard (18, 19)
4b. 37 Kirijax (19, 18)
4c. 37 GameSetAndMath (23, 14)
7. 35 secrettennisjunkie (22, 13)
8a. 34 AungAung (15, 19)
8b. 34 Kieran (25, 9)
10. 32 Denisovich (18, 14)
11. 29 sid (25, 4)
12. 28 Ftan (21, 7)
13. 25 tented (21, 4)
14a. 24 Bounce It! (7, 17)
14b. 24 rahulpawar (20, 4)
16a. 23 nehmeth (7, 16)
16b. 23 Moose (19, 4)
16c. 23 rafanoy1992 (19, 4)
19. 21 herios (7, 14)
20. 20 AntiPusher (16, 4)
21. 18 fashionista (14, 4)
22. 16 MrT (12, 4)
23. 15 Puppetmaster (7, 8L)
24. 13 mrzz (9, 4)
25a. 12 Carol35 (7, 5L)
25b. 12 golds girl (8, 4)
27. 8 1972Murat (4, 4)
Bold means the winner of that round.
Italics means the default points, which is the lowest score -1
L means late penalty of -3 has been added; LL would be two late penalties, or -6
I've kept everyone on their who has participated at least once this year.