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American Empire Exposed
Monday, October 31, 2016
Corrupt Clinton Crime Cartel along with Hillary’s Presidential Hopes May be Crumbling into Oblivion
Last Friday just 11 days prior to the November 8th election, FBI Director James Comey dropped the bombshell of the entire election year, stating that he is reopening the Clinton internet server investigation over new “pertinent†emails found on disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Weiner is the husband of Hillary’s 20-year top aide and deputy campaign manager Huma Abedin. And as of Sunday evening, the Department of Justice and FBI obtained the warrant necessary to begin analyzing 650,000 emails (according to the Wall Street Journal) discovered by the FBI on Weiner’s laptop in the course of a separate investigation involving Weiner’s alleged sexting with a fifteen year old minor.
So nearly four months after James Comey announced to the world back in early July that the FBI investigation was closed and that he would not seek an indictment against Hillary Clinton for violating any federal laws, now suddenly a tectonic shift has taken place and for the Clinton crime family, the shit may finally be hitting the fan. As a result, humanity might be spared from perishing in the nuclear holocaust that would virtually be a done deal should warmongering Hillary become president. She’s all but promised war against Russia, China and Iran, including military retaliation against any hacking nations.
Back on October 3rd the FBI seized Weiner’s laptop, iPhone and iPad, only to stumble upon a huge cache of emails stored on his laptop belonging to Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin. It was then determined that incoming emails from Hillary Clinton as well as Huma’s outgoing emails to her boss were found. The next logical questions are why did the FBI investigating team sit on it waiting over three weeks until last Thursday October 26th to finally bring this enormously significant matter to Comey’s attention?... especially since an open revolt against Comey had been festering for months after he’d “cleared†Hillary of any criminal wrongdoing? And then it’s been reported that without a warrant the FBI couldn’t even begin reading the emails until it was finally obtained on Sunday October 30th.
So we’re supposed to believe that virtually the entire month of October goes by and no action’s been taken to gain legal access to investigating the thousands of “pertinent†emails, nor apparently were any of them read by the FBI for near an entire month. So how did they determine that they were even pertinent if they never read any? These are sound questions that the FBI needs to adequately address. Perhaps the biggest question is why no action would be taken by the FBI until less than two weeks prior to the election?
Upon purchase of the laptop in question, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner were likely living together but not yet married, since emails shared between Huma and Hillary during her entire four years as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013 have been reported to be stored on Weiner’s laptop and the couple didn’t marry until 2010. Initially both likely shared the same device, establishing email accounts on the new laptop. That would explain how Huma and Hillary’s entire four years of shared email would remain on what would become his laptop. That could be one likely scenario of how Huma’s entire email exchange with Hillary during her years in the Obama cabinet came to be stored on Weiner’s laptop. When Huma used her own laptop, all her electronic communications with Hillary continued collecting on her email account that remained on his laptop.
An interesting observation in one of Abedin’s 2009 emails she received from Hillary that Huma archived to her personal email account that wound up on Weiner’s laptop was several pages long and all of it was totally redacted on her personal email account. This indicates the likelihood that it was yet more confidential material that was stored on yet another unprotected server, providing substantial credence to Comey’s claim that “pertinent†emails belonging to Abedin ended up on Weiner’s laptop.
Huma Abedin swore under oath that she had already turned in all her devices containing all State Department email but apparently she omitted the truth of Weiner’s laptop based on her June testimony in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. Abedin in Feb 2013 also signed another sworn statement that she turned in all her electronic devices to the State Department. It turns out that she made a practice of never deleting her inbox emails on all her devices and this may be have provided the window for the FBI to find more “pertinent†evidence relevant to the Hillary case. Huma’s lame response to the question of how the relevant emails ended up on her pervert hubby’s computer was “I don’t know.â€
A New York Post article dated September 22nd reports that NYPD had attained a search warrant in response to charges that Weiner had been sexting a fifteen year old girl in North Carolina. Originally it was the New York City police that raided Weiner’s home and confiscated his electronic devices. According to undisclosed sources within the New York Police Department, they were the first to find Abedin’s treasure trove of Huma-Hillary emails. The anonymous police insiders report that the “pertinent†emails that Comey referred to on Friday were filed under the heading “life insurance.†The NYPD sources state that after two weeks the FBI took possession of the Weiner devices.
New information is coming to the surface now that confirms Weiner's "life insurance policy" is a trove exposing the criminality of how Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to fleece America to foreign interests money laundered through the Clinton Foundation. Through all the months of released emails this is already known and well documented. But as a fellow pervert, Weiner's laptop apparently also exposes the child sex slavery trafficking ring of the international elite, from top level politicians both in and out of office, high-up government officials, top ranking military officers to top media and entertainment figures, prominent judges, royalty, the very apex of the predator food chain. Though this Satanic evildoing's been around a long time practiced amongst the planet's most powerful and perverse subhuman species of psychopathic sexual predators, documented increasingly in recent years, but because it exposes those who essentially are running the world at their diabolical worst, the NYPD Victims Unit that originally passed it onto superiors within their department and on up to the New York City FBI offices, they’ve been in a quandary on how to proceed, afraid that full disclosure of such widespread depravity and demonic savagery amongst the most powerful risks both recrimination as well as a complete breakdown of governmental functioning at all levels, from local to global. And this predatory operation is massive and totally international.
Convicted sexual predator-billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his "Lolita Express" flying his buddies like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump down to his foreign sex island in the Caribbean where US laws are less apt to apply is just the tip of the iceberg. Repercussions of exposing the gravity of how pervasive this heinous criminality is currently, and the power that these murderous predators still possess, obviously explain why NYPD sat on Weiner's laptop for nearly two weeks before the FBI sat on it for almost a month before a warrant Sunday night finally took effect to authorize law enforcement to start delving into this ugly mess. The powers-that-shouldn't-be anywhere but behind bars will do its best to ensure that this scandalous truth does not spread beyond the confines of internet alternative news sites that can be labeled and written off as fringe tin foil hat havens. Undaunted, I covered this sordid topic more than a year and a half ago entitled “Power, Pedophilia and the US Government.†By disseminating this ugly shocking reality as far and wide as possible, perhaps we citizens of the world can insist that justice be done and these subhuman creatures be tried, convicted and punished for their ungodly sins.
Anthony Weiner is well aware of the dozens of dead Clinton associates, and that fact alone compelled him to compile incriminating evidence against Hillary's crime cartel through his wife's key role in her crime boss's life, serving as both his and Huma's life insurance policy, their ticket to remaining alive through means of blackmail. This is simply how the rich and powerful operate no different from the mafia within the international crime cabal known as the US government.
Once the FBI was holding such explosive evidence as of the 3rd of October, elements within the NYPD began placing growing pressures on the FBI to follow up with the warrant to begin taking stock of all these recently discovered bombshell documents that will bring down all the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas of this world including their puppet masters. Wanting to protect Hillary, himself by both eliminating and withholding evidence, Obama and his Justice Department in turn put the squeeze on Comey and the FBI to not pursue the thousands of Abedin-Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop, emphasizing DOJ policy not to disclose information so close to election time. But threats to go public coming from those in open rebellion within the Bureau as well as those within the NYPD forced Comey’s hand to reopen the criminal investigation. All the Justice Department could do was through its own Office of Professional Responsibility, file a formal complaint against Comey for interfering with the election.
When Comey broke the news last Friday, Huma and Hillary were flying from Westchester, New York on their way to Iowa. Their entourage landed in Des Moines still unaware of the breaking story. During Clinton’s first speaking engagement, she made no mention of the renewed FBI probe. But later that day Hillary held a brief press conference demanding that Comey make public whatever “goods†he may have on her, of course knowing that’s impossible since the DOJ had been stonewalling against the warrant and then the task of sorting through thousands of emails in less than two weeks is virtually impossible.
At the end of Hillary’s brief press conference responding to Friday’s FBI twist, Fox correspondent Jennifer Griffin asked “Are you worried this could sink your campaign, Secretary Clinton?†As Hillary walked away from the podium, she responded by jerking her head back and letting out another one of her diabolically manic cackles barely able to contain her seething rage as she exited. Just knowing her campaign is imploding because of a pedophile’s laptop escapades must be making life unbearably miserable for all her terrified lackeys and ass-kissers around her. Speaking of her staff, in a related side note, they’ve sunk to a new low, resorting to photoshopping campaign photos in desperation to prove that an audience is even bothering to still show up at Clinton appearances.
Used to operating in damage control mode as a seasoned scandal-holic, Hillary immediately began mobilizing her political allies and powerful cronies to launch an immediate counterattack against Comey. Among the first of the Hillary puppets to initiate an attack hitting the media echo chamber on CNN with Wolf Blitzer was Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan who threw out the familiar Democratic Party rallying cry that this may be the Russians subversively plotting with the FBI to ruin the US election outcome. Next in line came the top Democratic Senator Harry Reid insisting that Comey may have broken the law, citing the Hatch Act which prohibits FBI officials from influencing elections. He stuck with the party line, raising a so called double standard with the trumped up Trump-Russian ties interfering in the election while poor Hillary is once again being unfairly singled out and raked over the coals.
Meanwhile, Huma has quietly slipped back to working behind the scenes in New York, out of site and laying low while Hillary moved on from Iowa to campaigning in Florida. The senior aide’s lawyers are set to meet with the FBI and DOJ but the FBI said they have not yet been in contact with Abedin’s attorneys.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Goodlatte asked Comey after his July decision if Hillary would be held accountable for perjuring herself in the Benghazi Congressional hearings since Comey alluded to her discrepant statements in FBI interviews. With the latest development, Goodlatte is re-asking Comey again if perjury charges are in the works.
Even super liberal newspapers like Chicago Tribune came up with the next day headline (10/29) that “Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside.†Those emails on Weiner’s device have to be beyond pertinent but downright incriminating for Comey to withstand the minefield crossfire of reopening the investigation. Tribune article author John Kass put it this way:
FBI director James Comey‘s announcement about the renewed Clinton email investigation is the bombshell in the presidential campaign. That he announced this so close to Election Day should tell every thinking person that what the FBI is looking at is extremely serious.
Former FBI Assistant Director Ron Hosko who worked with Comey prior to retirement stated in a telephone interview on Fox television that no way would Comey reopen the case if there wasn’t enough information to lead to an indictment of Hillary Clinton. Judge Anthony Napolitano also said that he’s “100% certain†that the FBI has enough evidence to indict her, adding “the evidence is overwhelming, and the FBI know a lot more about it than I do.â€
NSA whistleblower Bill Binney who several decades ago uncovered the Soviet command structure was asked about Comey reopening the Clinton case:
They must have something significant for the FBI to reopen the investigation. Plus I think Comey had to inform Congress of his incomplete testimony to them or else he could be charged with perjury to Congress and impeached.
At this point voting for Hillary Clinton poses a heavy liability and burden on our embattled nation as she could potentially be the first elected president to enter office under federal investigation, and subject to leaving office soon through impeachment and imprisonment.
Faulty voting machines have just now been linked to the Clinton Foundation. Out of the Clinton “conflict of interest†playbook comes the Texas voting machine glitches made by a company that’s a subsidiary of The McCarthy Group, which as the largest owner of US voting machines in 2007 gave $200,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And this revelation is apart from multibillionaire George Soros backing both Hillary and the electronic voting machine manufacturer contracted to count votes in 16 pivotal states. Already during the first early voting week, voters in two Texas cities witnessed their votes cast for Trump preprogrammed to flip as votes for Hillary.
It’s recently come to light that high powered Clinton friends, among them Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe who himself is under investigation for crooked fundraising, through Clinton Super PAC’s gave up to a million dollars to a pediatrician wife with no political experience running for a state senate seat. This in itself is unheard of drawing that amount of high roller cash for a relatively minor state candidate. But when such a sizeable fiscal investment is donated to the wife of the soon to be appointed FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe whose job is to oversee the subsequent FBI probe into Clinton emails, suddenly a foul stench of kickback corruption that’s always permeated the political lives of the Clintons goes far to explain why Hillary was able to emerge from that first FBI investigation unscathed last July.
Even Obama is jumping ship after news broke on Friday of the reopened case against Hillary. Check out all dozen of his Hillary campaign appearances that were cancelled just hours later. And this is the same lying president that said he never knew Hillary was using an unsecured private server yet exchanged email with her on it using a pseudonym.
The Washington Post/ABC Newspoll, two MSM diehard Clinton supporters, on October 23rd had their crooked Hillary leading Trump by a 50 to 38 margin. What a difference a week makes when more damaging WikiLeaks emails and Comey’s bombshell last Friday get dumped. On Saturday the day after, Hillary and Trump are suddenly locked in a 46 to 45 dead heat race.
Add to the fact that Hillary cheated throughout the year given unfair advantage in all three presidential debates, already knowing the questions, assisted by earphone feedback and transmitting secret cues to the moderators. The DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was caught rigging the primaries for Hillary against Sanders and tossed out in disgrace only to assume a key position in the Clinton campaign. And now her DNC replacement Donna Brazile was exposed for slipping questions to the cheater at all the Democratic debates. Everything with Hillary is rigged, staged and false.
Throughout this election cycle today’s mainstream media has constantly been outed as a partner-in-crime, all fervent Hillary supporters confirming that there is no free choice or fair elections in this country. A study recently reviewing 588 news stories on the three commercial networks CBS, ABC and NBC shows that 91% of their media coverage is hostile and biased against Trump, spinning pro-Hillary propaganda. From the get-go this has been an in-our-face, fixed election demonstrating the diabolical power and control of the Clinton cabal and her globalist backers. Like all institutions in America, our political system has morphed into a state of decadent decay and rancid corruption, hijacked by unlimited amounts of big money from Super PAC donors bribing politicians to serve their oligarch masters while betraying both the Constitution and the citizen voters.
Since October 7th, 35,000 hacked emails belonging to the Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta have been released on WikiLeaks while more accounts of pervasive election and voter fraud spring up daily in multiple states, documenting the most widespread criminal corruption in US political history with another 15,000 leaked emails still to come before November 8th. Then add last Friday’s biggest bombshell of the year, and Hillary’s numbers will continue to plummet. The long run for the Clinton cabal is finally over. Indictments, trials and imprisonment lay ahead for all the major players in the Bush-Clinton-Obama regimes’ reign of terror. It’s time for the American citizens to take back their hijacked nation from those bent on destroying it.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.†It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.co.id/. Joachim is also a regular contributor toGlobal Research, Sott.net and LewRockwell.com. Feel free to contact me at nandrtal[at]hotmail[dot]com
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Monday, October 31, 2016
Corrupt Clinton Crime Cartel along with Hillary’s Presidential Hopes May be Crumbling into Oblivion
Last Friday just 11 days prior to the November 8th election, FBI Director James Comey dropped the bombshell of the entire election year, stating that he is reopening the Clinton internet server investigation over new “pertinent†emails found on disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Weiner is the husband of Hillary’s 20-year top aide and deputy campaign manager Huma Abedin. And as of Sunday evening, the Department of Justice and FBI obtained the warrant necessary to begin analyzing 650,000 emails (according to the Wall Street Journal) discovered by the FBI on Weiner’s laptop in the course of a separate investigation involving Weiner’s alleged sexting with a fifteen year old minor.
So nearly four months after James Comey announced to the world back in early July that the FBI investigation was closed and that he would not seek an indictment against Hillary Clinton for violating any federal laws, now suddenly a tectonic shift has taken place and for the Clinton crime family, the shit may finally be hitting the fan. As a result, humanity might be spared from perishing in the nuclear holocaust that would virtually be a done deal should warmongering Hillary become president. She’s all but promised war against Russia, China and Iran, including military retaliation against any hacking nations.
Back on October 3rd the FBI seized Weiner’s laptop, iPhone and iPad, only to stumble upon a huge cache of emails stored on his laptop belonging to Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin. It was then determined that incoming emails from Hillary Clinton as well as Huma’s outgoing emails to her boss were found. The next logical questions are why did the FBI investigating team sit on it waiting over three weeks until last Thursday October 26th to finally bring this enormously significant matter to Comey’s attention?... especially since an open revolt against Comey had been festering for months after he’d “cleared†Hillary of any criminal wrongdoing? And then it’s been reported that without a warrant the FBI couldn’t even begin reading the emails until it was finally obtained on Sunday October 30th.
So we’re supposed to believe that virtually the entire month of October goes by and no action’s been taken to gain legal access to investigating the thousands of “pertinent†emails, nor apparently were any of them read by the FBI for near an entire month. So how did they determine that they were even pertinent if they never read any? These are sound questions that the FBI needs to adequately address. Perhaps the biggest question is why no action would be taken by the FBI until less than two weeks prior to the election?
Upon purchase of the laptop in question, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner were likely living together but not yet married, since emails shared between Huma and Hillary during her entire four years as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013 have been reported to be stored on Weiner’s laptop and the couple didn’t marry until 2010. Initially both likely shared the same device, establishing email accounts on the new laptop. That would explain how Huma and Hillary’s entire four years of shared email would remain on what would become his laptop. That could be one likely scenario of how Huma’s entire email exchange with Hillary during her years in the Obama cabinet came to be stored on Weiner’s laptop. When Huma used her own laptop, all her electronic communications with Hillary continued collecting on her email account that remained on his laptop.
An interesting observation in one of Abedin’s 2009 emails she received from Hillary that Huma archived to her personal email account that wound up on Weiner’s laptop was several pages long and all of it was totally redacted on her personal email account. This indicates the likelihood that it was yet more confidential material that was stored on yet another unprotected server, providing substantial credence to Comey’s claim that “pertinent†emails belonging to Abedin ended up on Weiner’s laptop.
Huma Abedin swore under oath that she had already turned in all her devices containing all State Department email but apparently she omitted the truth of Weiner’s laptop based on her June testimony in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. Abedin in Feb 2013 also signed another sworn statement that she turned in all her electronic devices to the State Department. It turns out that she made a practice of never deleting her inbox emails on all her devices and this may be have provided the window for the FBI to find more “pertinent†evidence relevant to the Hillary case. Huma’s lame response to the question of how the relevant emails ended up on her pervert hubby’s computer was “I don’t know.â€
A New York Post article dated September 22nd reports that NYPD had attained a search warrant in response to charges that Weiner had been sexting a fifteen year old girl in North Carolina. Originally it was the New York City police that raided Weiner’s home and confiscated his electronic devices. According to undisclosed sources within the New York Police Department, they were the first to find Abedin’s treasure trove of Huma-Hillary emails. The anonymous police insiders report that the “pertinent†emails that Comey referred to on Friday were filed under the heading “life insurance.†The NYPD sources state that after two weeks the FBI took possession of the Weiner devices.
New information is coming to the surface now that confirms Weiner's "life insurance policy" is a trove exposing the criminality of how Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to fleece America to foreign interests money laundered through the Clinton Foundation. Through all the months of released emails this is already known and well documented. But as a fellow pervert, Weiner's laptop apparently also exposes the child sex slavery trafficking ring of the international elite, from top level politicians both in and out of office, high-up government officials, top ranking military officers to top media and entertainment figures, prominent judges, royalty, the very apex of the predator food chain. Though this Satanic evildoing's been around a long time practiced amongst the planet's most powerful and perverse subhuman species of psychopathic sexual predators, documented increasingly in recent years, but because it exposes those who essentially are running the world at their diabolical worst, the NYPD Victims Unit that originally passed it onto superiors within their department and on up to the New York City FBI offices, they’ve been in a quandary on how to proceed, afraid that full disclosure of such widespread depravity and demonic savagery amongst the most powerful risks both recrimination as well as a complete breakdown of governmental functioning at all levels, from local to global. And this predatory operation is massive and totally international.
Convicted sexual predator-billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his "Lolita Express" flying his buddies like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump down to his foreign sex island in the Caribbean where US laws are less apt to apply is just the tip of the iceberg. Repercussions of exposing the gravity of how pervasive this heinous criminality is currently, and the power that these murderous predators still possess, obviously explain why NYPD sat on Weiner's laptop for nearly two weeks before the FBI sat on it for almost a month before a warrant Sunday night finally took effect to authorize law enforcement to start delving into this ugly mess. The powers-that-shouldn't-be anywhere but behind bars will do its best to ensure that this scandalous truth does not spread beyond the confines of internet alternative news sites that can be labeled and written off as fringe tin foil hat havens. Undaunted, I covered this sordid topic more than a year and a half ago entitled “Power, Pedophilia and the US Government.†By disseminating this ugly shocking reality as far and wide as possible, perhaps we citizens of the world can insist that justice be done and these subhuman creatures be tried, convicted and punished for their ungodly sins.
Anthony Weiner is well aware of the dozens of dead Clinton associates, and that fact alone compelled him to compile incriminating evidence against Hillary's crime cartel through his wife's key role in her crime boss's life, serving as both his and Huma's life insurance policy, their ticket to remaining alive through means of blackmail. This is simply how the rich and powerful operate no different from the mafia within the international crime cabal known as the US government.
Once the FBI was holding such explosive evidence as of the 3rd of October, elements within the NYPD began placing growing pressures on the FBI to follow up with the warrant to begin taking stock of all these recently discovered bombshell documents that will bring down all the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas of this world including their puppet masters. Wanting to protect Hillary, himself by both eliminating and withholding evidence, Obama and his Justice Department in turn put the squeeze on Comey and the FBI to not pursue the thousands of Abedin-Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop, emphasizing DOJ policy not to disclose information so close to election time. But threats to go public coming from those in open rebellion within the Bureau as well as those within the NYPD forced Comey’s hand to reopen the criminal investigation. All the Justice Department could do was through its own Office of Professional Responsibility, file a formal complaint against Comey for interfering with the election.
When Comey broke the news last Friday, Huma and Hillary were flying from Westchester, New York on their way to Iowa. Their entourage landed in Des Moines still unaware of the breaking story. During Clinton’s first speaking engagement, she made no mention of the renewed FBI probe. But later that day Hillary held a brief press conference demanding that Comey make public whatever “goods†he may have on her, of course knowing that’s impossible since the DOJ had been stonewalling against the warrant and then the task of sorting through thousands of emails in less than two weeks is virtually impossible.
At the end of Hillary’s brief press conference responding to Friday’s FBI twist, Fox correspondent Jennifer Griffin asked “Are you worried this could sink your campaign, Secretary Clinton?†As Hillary walked away from the podium, she responded by jerking her head back and letting out another one of her diabolically manic cackles barely able to contain her seething rage as she exited. Just knowing her campaign is imploding because of a pedophile’s laptop escapades must be making life unbearably miserable for all her terrified lackeys and ass-kissers around her. Speaking of her staff, in a related side note, they’ve sunk to a new low, resorting to photoshopping campaign photos in desperation to prove that an audience is even bothering to still show up at Clinton appearances.
Used to operating in damage control mode as a seasoned scandal-holic, Hillary immediately began mobilizing her political allies and powerful cronies to launch an immediate counterattack against Comey. Among the first of the Hillary puppets to initiate an attack hitting the media echo chamber on CNN with Wolf Blitzer was Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan who threw out the familiar Democratic Party rallying cry that this may be the Russians subversively plotting with the FBI to ruin the US election outcome. Next in line came the top Democratic Senator Harry Reid insisting that Comey may have broken the law, citing the Hatch Act which prohibits FBI officials from influencing elections. He stuck with the party line, raising a so called double standard with the trumped up Trump-Russian ties interfering in the election while poor Hillary is once again being unfairly singled out and raked over the coals.
Meanwhile, Huma has quietly slipped back to working behind the scenes in New York, out of site and laying low while Hillary moved on from Iowa to campaigning in Florida. The senior aide’s lawyers are set to meet with the FBI and DOJ but the FBI said they have not yet been in contact with Abedin’s attorneys.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Goodlatte asked Comey after his July decision if Hillary would be held accountable for perjuring herself in the Benghazi Congressional hearings since Comey alluded to her discrepant statements in FBI interviews. With the latest development, Goodlatte is re-asking Comey again if perjury charges are in the works.
Even super liberal newspapers like Chicago Tribune came up with the next day headline (10/29) that “Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside.†Those emails on Weiner’s device have to be beyond pertinent but downright incriminating for Comey to withstand the minefield crossfire of reopening the investigation. Tribune article author John Kass put it this way:
FBI director James Comey‘s announcement about the renewed Clinton email investigation is the bombshell in the presidential campaign. That he announced this so close to Election Day should tell every thinking person that what the FBI is looking at is extremely serious.
Former FBI Assistant Director Ron Hosko who worked with Comey prior to retirement stated in a telephone interview on Fox television that no way would Comey reopen the case if there wasn’t enough information to lead to an indictment of Hillary Clinton. Judge Anthony Napolitano also said that he’s “100% certain†that the FBI has enough evidence to indict her, adding “the evidence is overwhelming, and the FBI know a lot more about it than I do.â€
NSA whistleblower Bill Binney who several decades ago uncovered the Soviet command structure was asked about Comey reopening the Clinton case:
They must have something significant for the FBI to reopen the investigation. Plus I think Comey had to inform Congress of his incomplete testimony to them or else he could be charged with perjury to Congress and impeached.
At this point voting for Hillary Clinton poses a heavy liability and burden on our embattled nation as she could potentially be the first elected president to enter office under federal investigation, and subject to leaving office soon through impeachment and imprisonment.
Faulty voting machines have just now been linked to the Clinton Foundation. Out of the Clinton “conflict of interest†playbook comes the Texas voting machine glitches made by a company that’s a subsidiary of The McCarthy Group, which as the largest owner of US voting machines in 2007 gave $200,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And this revelation is apart from multibillionaire George Soros backing both Hillary and the electronic voting machine manufacturer contracted to count votes in 16 pivotal states. Already during the first early voting week, voters in two Texas cities witnessed their votes cast for Trump preprogrammed to flip as votes for Hillary.
It’s recently come to light that high powered Clinton friends, among them Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe who himself is under investigation for crooked fundraising, through Clinton Super PAC’s gave up to a million dollars to a pediatrician wife with no political experience running for a state senate seat. This in itself is unheard of drawing that amount of high roller cash for a relatively minor state candidate. But when such a sizeable fiscal investment is donated to the wife of the soon to be appointed FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe whose job is to oversee the subsequent FBI probe into Clinton emails, suddenly a foul stench of kickback corruption that’s always permeated the political lives of the Clintons goes far to explain why Hillary was able to emerge from that first FBI investigation unscathed last July.
Even Obama is jumping ship after news broke on Friday of the reopened case against Hillary. Check out all dozen of his Hillary campaign appearances that were cancelled just hours later. And this is the same lying president that said he never knew Hillary was using an unsecured private server yet exchanged email with her on it using a pseudonym.
The Washington Post/ABC Newspoll, two MSM diehard Clinton supporters, on October 23rd had their crooked Hillary leading Trump by a 50 to 38 margin. What a difference a week makes when more damaging WikiLeaks emails and Comey’s bombshell last Friday get dumped. On Saturday the day after, Hillary and Trump are suddenly locked in a 46 to 45 dead heat race.
Add to the fact that Hillary cheated throughout the year given unfair advantage in all three presidential debates, already knowing the questions, assisted by earphone feedback and transmitting secret cues to the moderators. The DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was caught rigging the primaries for Hillary against Sanders and tossed out in disgrace only to assume a key position in the Clinton campaign. And now her DNC replacement Donna Brazile was exposed for slipping questions to the cheater at all the Democratic debates. Everything with Hillary is rigged, staged and false.
Throughout this election cycle today’s mainstream media has constantly been outed as a partner-in-crime, all fervent Hillary supporters confirming that there is no free choice or fair elections in this country. A study recently reviewing 588 news stories on the three commercial networks CBS, ABC and NBC shows that 91% of their media coverage is hostile and biased against Trump, spinning pro-Hillary propaganda. From the get-go this has been an in-our-face, fixed election demonstrating the diabolical power and control of the Clinton cabal and her globalist backers. Like all institutions in America, our political system has morphed into a state of decadent decay and rancid corruption, hijacked by unlimited amounts of big money from Super PAC donors bribing politicians to serve their oligarch masters while betraying both the Constitution and the citizen voters.
Since October 7th, 35,000 hacked emails belonging to the Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta have been released on WikiLeaks while more accounts of pervasive election and voter fraud spring up daily in multiple states, documenting the most widespread criminal corruption in US political history with another 15,000 leaked emails still to come before November 8th. Then add last Friday’s biggest bombshell of the year, and Hillary’s numbers will continue to plummet. The long run for the Clinton cabal is finally over. Indictments, trials and imprisonment lay ahead for all the major players in the Bush-Clinton-Obama regimes’ reign of terror. It’s time for the American citizens to take back their hijacked nation from those bent on destroying it.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.†It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.co.id/. Joachim is also a regular contributor toGlobal Research, Sott.net and LewRockwell.com. Feel free to contact me at nandrtal[at]hotmail[dot]com
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- Corrupt Clinton Crime Cartel along with Hillary’s ...
- The Real Reasons Why James Comey Reopened the Hill...
- Is the Airstrike in Syria Killing 22 Schoolchildr...
- Tribute to the Last Honorable US Senator: The Stor...
- All-ways Pursuing the Truth: Your Rights, Our Worl...
- Elite’s War on Free Speech, Free Press, Free Inter...
- Weekend Events Confirm War between US and Russia C...
- US Lights Fuse in Syria to World War III Countdown...
- The Elite is Accelerating Earth Changing Events in...
- â–º September (5)
- â–º August (5)
- â–º July (5)
- â–º June (4)
- â–º May (4)
- â–º April (7)
- â–º March (9)
- â–º February (7)
- â–º January (9)
- â–¼ October (9)
- â–º 2015 (76)

Joachim Hagopian
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