How Many Vax shots did you get (and how do you feel now)?

How many shots did you get and how do you feel about it now?

  • None - unvaxxed

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • 1-2 shots (initial vax) - I regret it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3+ shots (at least one booster) - I regret it

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 1-2 shots (initial vax) - No regrets, but decided I don't need more

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 3+ shots (at least one booster) - no regrets, but am done

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • 3+ shots (at least one booster) - no regrets, and will take more

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters

El Dude

Apr 14, 2013
Like the other vax poll, we probably won't get enough responses to make this meaningful, but I'm curious where people stand now. Oh, and I'm not asking how you feel medically! Poll is anonymous, so vote away. Just curious if A) you look the shot, B) how many, and C) how you feel about it now - that is, whether you regret it or not. "Regret" from be anything for mild to extreme - but it boils down to you wish you hadn't taken it, or at least hadn't taken the boosters for the later option.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I've had 3.

I got them when I first got the chance because at the time it was made out as the only way we could get our freedom quicker & I really needed to get out. (At the beginning of the lock-down me & Mother had to stay in after being encouraged to get out of the house, talk to normal people, learn new things & be creative or we'd get like Dad through his influence. *He had dementia.* When the first lockdown was announced I had a cold so had to get bread, milk, cheese, butter, ham, pot noodles & mug shots & put it in a cool bag in my room & take the spare kettle & toaster & my cup, plate & cutlery as Dad also had I.P.F. so if I'd have coughed near him I could have killed him. *When we heard about the lockdown both me & Mother thought we were going to go crazy.* He died during the first week of the first lockdown & had to give an inquest statement *as one of the things he died of was asbestosis* & arrange Dad's funeral & deal with the wills & probate solicitor & sort everything out *when I got told by the wills & probate solicitor I could. I had to knit a hat & scarf for work as well as making 2 quilts, doing an online archiving course, doing small research tasks, reading "The Mill on the Floss" & writing a report on the evolution of the horse from Eohippus to equus przewalski & equus caballus & man's relationship with the horse through time using all the resources I had except my own head.) I really needed a break from all that & a varied role at work again rather than having to work my way down my emailed list of work to do where I had to complete 1 task before moving onto the next. I really missed the soc. aspects of my job. I saw getting my jabs as the quickest way of getting out & going back into work so I could have a more varied role again.

Do I regret it & would I make the same decision again? No, I don't regret it as I'd make the same decision under the same circumstances again as it was a means to an end for me.

Did I use all the relevant information I had available to make the decision to get jabbed? No. Maybe, I didn't make an educated decision but I think the decision I made was the right one under the circumstances I was in for my well-being at the time. Will I regret my decisions later? I don't know. I haven't had the virus since it came into being though I have had colds & flus (I know they've just been colds & flus as I've got tested each time.).
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I didn't get any shots, so totally unvaxxed and without regret. Most of my family are vaxxed except my two blood offspring, so take no pleasure in "I told you so". My own mother has blood clots in her lungs.

All I can say is that the people selling you this shit are criminals of the highest order. Please wake up because they are going to run the same script again. There is an awakening happening on so many levels... some of this stuff is moving in slow motion to those awake to it and it's almost heartbreaking to watch people consumed by this relentless fear.
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Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
I didn't get any shots, so totally unvaxxed and without regret. Most of my family are vaxxed except my two blood offspring, so take no pleasure in "I told you so". My own mother has blood clots in her lungs.

All I can say is that the people selling you this shit are criminals of the highest order. Please wake up because they are going to run the same script again. There is an awakening happening on so many levels... some of this stuff is moving in slow motion to those awake to it and it's almost heartbreaking to watch people consumed by this relentless fear.
I don't think I'll have another 1 because we've got our freedom back & our freedom doesn't depend on the jabs now & I'm in a totally different predicament & a better 1 now.

I am very sorry to hear about your Mother & hope she's as well as can be expected under the circumstances.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I don't think I'll have another 1 because we've got our freedom back & our freedom doesn't depend on the jabs now & I'm in a totally different predicament & a better 1 now.

I am very sorry to hear about your Mother & hope she's as well as can be expected under the circumstances.
Nobody is free - it doesn't matter if you've had jabs or not. The truth will set you free, but that's a work in progress.

Thank you for your concerns about my mother.. you're a good egg.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
Nobody is free - it doesn't matter if you've had jabs or not. The truth will set you free, but that's a work in progress.

Thank you for your concerns about my mother.. you're a good egg.
I mean I'm now allowed to get out & about & go to work instead of having to do work 1 task at a time from an emailed list & get more variety. I've got the freedom to say what I think (within reason) which I couldn't when Dad was still here. I could only express my thoughts & feelings in rhyme whether writing poetry or songs. (I was always wrong & stupid if I disagreed with him.) I could also say what I thought & felt to colleagues & when I got sent for help with my emotional well-being.

Everyone has different interpretations of the truth though we all know reality to a certain extent.

You're welcome.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
I mean I'm now allowed to get out & about & go to work instead of having to do work 1 task at a time from an emailed list & get more variety. I've got the freedom to say what I think (within reason) which I couldn't when Dad was still here. I could only express my thoughts & feelings in rhyme whether writing poetry or songs. (I was always wrong & stupid if I disagreed with him.) I could also say what I thought & felt to colleagues & when I got sent for help with my emotional well-being.

Everyone has different interpretations of the truth though we all know reality to a certain extent.

You're welcome.
You've always got the freedom to say what you think. It's the consequences that puts people off... in your case your Dad, for others it's social acceptance into a herd mentality. For others, it's acts and statutes of corporations. Natural Law doesn't know these boundaries. It's quite bizarre to me that some rejected a fairly straightforward 10 Commandments and instead adopted a corporate system which at the last time of checking imposed around 25.2 million laws, acts and statutes on the populace.


Equine-loving rhyme-artist
Feb 2, 2016
You've always got the freedom to say what you think. It's the consequences that puts people off... in your case your Dad, for others it's social acceptance into a herd mentality. For others, it's acts and statutes of corporations. Natural Law doesn't know these boundaries. It's quite bizarre to me that some rejected a fairly straightforward 10 Commandments and instead adopted a corporate system which at the last time of checking imposed around 25.2 million laws, acts and statutes on the populace.
Exactly, you're free to say what you think but have repercussions if you say the wrong thing. (You can often think what you want without repercussions as long as you don't say it. When I found out Dad's condition had given him schizophrenic tendencies I stopped believing what he said unless it went with what I knew but I had to just agree with him to stop him doing dangerous things as well as arguing with us. We both got told to just agree with him before I was forced to get soc. services involved to get carers which they weren't going to send until this virus was over. *They put his behaviour down to schizophrenia before he was diagnosed with dementia.*) I agree with you about laws though I'm an atheist. (Wow! It's hard to know what you can do when there are that many laws.)
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I missed this thread earlier. You know I'm multiply vaxxed. I still haven't had Covid, btw. But, as to vaccinations going forward, I would be fine with a yearly vaccination, like the flu shot, which I also take. I have begun to feel about Covid the way I do about flu: I don't want to get it, but I won't alter my life much to avoid it, though I do still wear a mask in the subway, and in other incidences. Also like the flu, my intention is not to give it to others who are more vulnerable. The only thing that worries me about Covid is long-Covid. I've only known a few people with that, and they've all been in England, which is purely anecdotal. I know @britbox is still putting it out there that the vaccines are killing people. I don't think there is evidence to support that. I've had 2 trial vaccines, 2 Moderna regular vaccines, and 2 Moderna boosters. I feel perfectly fine. As I said, I have not had Covid, even though I know I have been exposed a couple+ times. I get tested regularly for work, and also test for family reasons. I know it's hard to say at this point why some people haven't gotten Covid, but I'm willing to believe it's because of vaccinations. Of the people I know who still haven't gotten it, all are vaccinated. One is one of my Covid Compliance Officers in the film business, and ehe's a bit on the front-line. She gives people tests. Meaning she sits right in front of their faces. An argument for careful protocols. (I totally believe that other protocols help stop the spread of Covid and even the common cold.) Also a couple I know, also in the film biz: she's a producer, he's a cinematographer, and so travels all around. They have 2 small kids. Both kids have had Covid, and laid in their bed, all snotty and sick. Even my friends can't believe they didn't get it, but they got vaccinated very early.

As to your OP, I feel fine, and the only people I know who haven't caught Covid are vaccinated. I also don't know anyone who feels they have ill-effects of the vaccine. For what it's worth.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
Myocarditis is nothing to do with the vaccine. Shovelling snow, referees whistles, physical activity, loneliness, drinks, hot nights, flight paths, falling asleep, gardening...

Basically don't move or live and you'll be fine... and don't forget to get your 7th jab.

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Apr 22, 2013
I got. the original 2 with AstraZeneca, then got the booster using Moderna. That was it for me. I don't really do regret. I made my decision based on the facts at the time.


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
All planned from the Get-go my friend.

If I recall correctly, you were one of the first posting the Plandemic videos that were later banned. Follow the intuition. Those patents in the videos have never been refuted and are still in the public domain. Hopefully, this was more of a "test run" because they're already telling you another is in the works. "Maybe, next year" said Biden. Gates said "If we didn't get their attention this time, we'll definitely get it next time" (paraphrasing)"

All the political stuff is just drama... world wide wresting in suits.
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Multiple Major Winner
Sep 15, 2013
California, USA
I got the JJ and then the 1st JJ booster. That's it.

Looking back, I think I might have gotten it way back in Jan 2020 from a trip to New Orleans , got unusually bad “flu “ .

Wore masks everywhere but my PCR test sometime in 2022, if accurate, says I got it ,(April-July?) so must have been asymptomatic. Im guessing family/friends during mom’s hospice care.

Got it in Europe the fall of last year, sniffles & aches for a day or 2, that was pretty much it. Had delayed getting the next booster until after the trip but didn't get it after all.

Last month friends visiting from UK , got Covid frim them, but again 1 or 2 days.

At this point not decided if/when getting another booster. BTW i do know people never vaccinated who still havent gotten it.

Anecdotally some friends who have practically worn hazmats in public who got Covid.
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Apr 14, 2013
This is an interesting climbdown from professor Richard Dawkins:

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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
I got the JJ and then the 1st JJ booster. That's it.

Looking back, I think I might have gotten it way back in Jan 2020 from a trip to New Orleans , got unusually bad “flu “ .

Wore masks everywhere but my PCR test sometime in 2022, if accurate, says I got it ,(April-July?) so must have been asymptomatic. Im guessing family/friends during mom’s hospice care.

Got it in Europe the fall of last year, sniffles & aches for a day or 2, that was pretty much it. Had delayed getting the next booster until after the trip but didn't get it after all.

Last month friends visiting from UK , got Covid frim them, but again 1 or 2 days.

At this point not decided if/when getting another booster. BTW i do know people never vaccinated who still havent gotten it.

Anecdotally some friends who have practically worn hazmats in public who got Covid.
You all know by now, I think, that I did a vaccine trial (meaning 2 x shots of Sanofi Pasteur,) and then got the regular Moderna, which is 2x. I've had 2 boosters since. Last one was last Nov., and I don't feel that I need to get another booster shot any time soon. If they make it an annual, I have no problem with that. I do get an annual flu shot.

I have not had covid. I'm not especially cautious anymore, but yes, within reason. I wear a mask on the subway, except when I didn't have one. I wear a mask in local stores, except in the little ones that know me, and it seems a bit rude. I've never been afraid of covid, but I will say I don't want to have long-covid, thus my continued caution.

I also know people who have been very cautious about it, vaccinated, and have gotten it. (Though all mildly.) I know one person who wasn't vaccinated and didn't get it, but she did die of other issues a few months ago. (Not an especial point. She died of heart disease.)

It's a weird virus. Some are cautious, and get it, and some are incautious, and don't. Some are healthy, yet still get a flu-bug out of it, and others, with co-occurring issues of health get it a-symtomatically. My brother, who has heart issues, got it once early in the pandemic, and suffered very little. Basically loss of taste and smell. Way before there was a vaccination. Then, after he was vaccinated, he tested just because we were having a family gathering at Xmas. No symptoms, but he tested positive. And positive many times. He had to do the full 10 days of isolation, but without any symptoms. My rather healthier brother got it, and suffered. Not so much, as he was vaccinated, but a couple of days of feeling flu-ish. TBH, who wants to get the flu?
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Apr 14, 2013
You all know by now, I think, that I did a vaccine trial (meaning 2 x shots of Sanofi Pasteur,) and then got the regular Moderna, which is 2x. I've had 2 boosters since. Last one was last Nov., and I don't feel that I need to get another booster shot any time soon. If they make it an annual, I have no problem with that. I do get an annual flu shot.

I have not had covid. I'm not especially cautious anymore, but yes, within reason. I wear a mask on the subway, except when I didn't have one. I wear a mask in local stores, except in the little ones that know me, and it seems a bit rude. I've never been afraid of covid, but I will say I don't want to have long-covid, thus my continued caution.

I also know people who have been very cautious about it, vaccinated, and have gotten it. (Though all mildly.) I know one person who wasn't vaccinated and didn't get it, but she did die of other issues a few months ago. (Not an especial point. She died of heart disease.)

It's a weird virus. Some are cautious, and get it, and some are incautious, and don't. Some are healthy, yet still get a flu-bug out of it, and others, with co-occurring issues of health get it a-symtomatically. My brother, who has heart issues, got it once early in the pandemic, and suffered very little. Basically loss of taste and smell. Way before there was a vaccination. Then, after he was vaccinated, he tested just because we were having a family gathering at Xmas. No symptoms, but he tested positive. And positive many times. He had to do the full 10 days of isolation, but without any symptoms. My rather healthier brother got it, and suffered. Not so much, as he was vaccinated, but a couple of days of feeling flu-ish. TBH, who wants to get the flu?
To be honest, the mysteriousness of this virus was one of the arguments against the vaccines. It’s also one of the most curious aspects of the virus, how it didn’t affect some, regardless of their vaccine status, and vice versa. I’m glad that people are dialing back their jabs now. My brother and his girlfriend were rabidly mad at people who didn’t get vaccinated. The good news being that both of them caught the bug and had severe doses, and have stopped lecturing family members about the benefits of the vaccine. This is part of the mystery, and so I don’t argue strongly against the overall benefits of mass vaccination - but I don’t argue too loudly in favour of them either - because we still don’t know enough about the virus to understand it’s mission. And we don’t know enough about the vaccines either to praise them too highly.

I think my brother and his partner are typical of a lot of us: we know the virus has lost the larger chunk of its bite, and also people reach a state of jab fatigue. A natural complacency sets in. America is woefully over medicated, giving jabs to five year olds and so forth, and I think this is another area where bad American ideas infect other countries, but so far it’s not so bad here.

I don’t get flu jabs and never will…
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Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
To be honest, the mysteriousness of this virus was one of the arguments against the vaccines. It’s also one of the most curious aspects of the virus, how it didn’t affect some, regardless of their vaccine status, and vice versa.
I just responded to @tented on the other Covid thread, and would rather not reiterate all of my points here. I don't know if the "mysteriousness" of the virus argues against having tried for a vaccine. Sure, the vaccine was no miracle. But no one can say that it wasn't effective at abating symptoms, which it seems to have been. You can disagree, but you can't prove it, any more than I can prove the opposite.
I’m glad that people are dialing back their jabs now. My brother and his girlfriend were rabidly mad at people who didn’t get vaccinated. The good news being that both of them caught the bug and had severe doses, and have stopped lecturing family members about the benefits of the vaccine.
That's a bit mean to say that your brother and his partner got sick, and that's the "good news," but I take your point.
This is part of the mystery, and so I don’t argue strongly against the overall benefits of mass vaccination - but I don’t argue too loudly in favour of them either - because we still don’t know enough about the virus to understand it’s mission. And we don’t know enough about the vaccines either to praise them too highly.

I think my brother and his partner are typical of a lot of us: we know the virus has lost the larger chunk of its bite, and also people reach a state of jab fatigue. A natural complacency sets in.
I've said that I'm not that worried about it, and I will say, I'm unlikely to take another covid-specific jab. Seems unnecessary.
America is woefully over medicated, giving jabs to five year olds and so forth, and I think this is another area where bad American ideas infect other countries, but so far it’s not so bad here.
Big-pharma IS a problem here, I won't deny that, and there are lots of books and documentaries to that effect. I won't get into the politics of what that stems from. But if we're exporting that to you, and you accept it, that's on your country. You have self-determination.
I don’t get flu jabs and never will…
You've said that more than once. So I'll repeat myself, too. Flu vaccines are long-proven. Flu (influenza,) which is NOT the common cold, kills between 290,000 and 650,00 per year. It kills the very young, the very old, and the immunocompromised. It's not coming for you, but you can give it to others. I know you don't believe that the vaccine against it helps staunch the spread, but I do. Do you not believe that vaccination against polio helps staunch the spread? Or that the vaccination against measles and rubella are effective? Influenza is not an inconsiderable disease. A simple jab against influenza, which arguably doesn't hurt you, could protect the more vulnerable to it. May I ask, what do you have against the flu jab? Are you against the others I named?
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Apr 14, 2013
I don't know if the "mysteriousness" of the virus argues against having tried for a vaccine. Sure, the vaccine was no miracle. But no one can say that it wasn't effective at abating symptoms, which it seems to have been. You can disagree, but you can't prove it, any more than I can prove the opposite.
Nobody is saying they shouldn't try for a vaccine. It's the vaccine itself which many people have valid queries about, as you acknowledge yourself. It didn't perform as advertised and of course, since the virus is so mysterious, how could it? If it was so successful, this could be easily proven, but we both agree on this. I also agree that it has done more good than its most extreme critics will concede.
That's a bit mean to say that your brother and his partner got sick, and that's the "good news," but I take your point.
Well, I'm glad you got the point. When I say they got a severe dose, he was sniffling for a few days and she was in bed for a week. That was a drastically different outcome than they felt they'd been promised. It had the effect of stopping them haranguing and upsetting other family members, in both their families.

I think during Covid, at the extremities there were two camps. One camp shouted TRUST THE SCIENCE and were on the spectrum for favouring mandates, stronger government controls, and basically allowing others in authority to do their thinking for them, while at the same time arguing in favour of big government measures that badly effected peoples lives, their livelihoods and their freedoms, and most of this was unnecessary. Within this camp there were people who compared Covid to the lovechild of the black death and the Ten Plagues of Egypt.

The other camp, at the other extreme, shouted WAKE UP SHEEPLE and argued against all the above, while at the same time dismissing Covid as being a mere sniffle. Both of these camps existed for the same reasons, I believe, and it's that people were shocked at what was happening and were seeking an external authority to help them understand.
Big-pharma IS a problem here, I won't deny that, and there are lots of books and documentaries to that effect. I won't get into the politics of what that stems from. But if we're exporting that to you, and you accept it, that's on your country. You have self-determination.

I agree with you, but good luck in getting that to work in practice. The imitative factor when it comes to behaviours is strong. I've often thought that if each nations political discourse was embodied in song, US politics would be a catchy, gyrating tune that you can't get out of your head, with banal lyrics that are nonetheless infectious. I could list you all the ways that bad ideas from the American left and right have been aped by westerners to disastrous effect, but this isn't that thread. Ultimately, I agree with you. It's up to people to learn how to discern how to apply ideas to their own circumstance. What happens in America is particular to that country, to a very large, real time extent.
You've said that more than once. So I'll repeat myself, too. Flu vaccines are long-proven. Flu (influenza,) which is NOT the common cold, kills between 290,000 and 650,00 per year. It kills the very young, the very old, and the immunocompromised. It's not coming for you, but you can give it to others. I know you don't believe that the vaccine against it helps staunch the spread, but I do. Do you not believe that vaccination against polio helps staunch the spread? Or that the vaccination against measles and rubella are effective? Influenza is not an inconsiderable disease. A simple jab against influenza, which arguably doesn't hurt you, could protect the more vulnerable to it. May I ask, what do you have against the flu jab? Are you against the others I named?

I'm aware of all this as we have discussed it several times, but I trust my immune system to deal with the flu. The other vaccine examples you gave are irrelevant because they're not disputed by me, and they don't require me to take them annually. I limit my exposures to pharmaceutical medicines. If I catch a flu - and it's been decades since I have - then I limit my exposure to people, too. If the flu jab isn't protecting the vulnerable, then neither can I...
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