This thread is a spin-off from the brief discussion about Lance Armstrong and Alberto Contador in the Paris Sidewalk discussion... Didn't want to derail that thread, so thought I'd start a new one. It's mainly about Cycling but touches on Tennis.
I agree that *most* top cyclists still probably dope... probably not all of them in the peleton do, and not all of them ever did... just the majority... albeit to different degrees.
The last part - "Doping does not make you a better cyclist". It does... and Lance and Contador may not have been the best cyclists on the planet.
I followed this sport for years closely and have a lot to write about cyling and doping and then we'll talk tennis and doping.
I'd prefer people didn't accuse anyone of doping who hasn't been caught either... it's easy enough to debate without needing to. If you do, then it's your view alone and not the view of this board.
They all dope.
In one form or another they all dope. and there are endless ways to avoid detection.
That does not mean that lance and contador were not the best cyclists on the planet.
Doping does not make you a better cyclist. doping might heal your body faster or help you recover faster but does it really matter since they all dope in one form or another.
I agree that *most* top cyclists still probably dope... probably not all of them in the peleton do, and not all of them ever did... just the majority... albeit to different degrees.
The last part - "Doping does not make you a better cyclist". It does... and Lance and Contador may not have been the best cyclists on the planet.
I followed this sport for years closely and have a lot to write about cyling and doping and then we'll talk tennis and doping.
I'd prefer people didn't accuse anyone of doping who hasn't been caught either... it's easy enough to debate without needing to. If you do, then it's your view alone and not the view of this board.