Brazillian Supreme Court Judge dies in plane crash


Apr 14, 2013
It happened yesterday... it was exactly the judge who was in charge of maybe the largest corruption trial in history. They were about to deliver the results of a giant delation, who is expected to hit more than 100 active politicians, from a lot of different parties.

It is really hard to believe this was an accident. Freak little coincidence the judge was born in a very small town very close to Chapecó (from were Chapecoense is from). Probably a few people here already felt it, but it is quite strange to be sure that you are governed by Mafia...
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Apr 22, 2013
A friend of mine was saying the same thing. Too much of a coincidence


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
A friend of mine was saying the same thing. Too much of a coincidence

i seldom address you:

how is it today in the CITY OF LONDON -- U KNOW the paradise of bankers -- which accounts for 80 percent of the UK ``economy`` must balmy and just fine for the CITY OF LONDON......and its ``economy`` of money launderers, accounting magic, u know -- racketeering...and that sort of thing....


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
by the way -- di you all know -- that the CIA had plans ready to go -- to ``protect`` the MALVINAS island and hand it over to Argentina -- and forcibly fly (evacuate is what they call it) -- the british islanders there to UK in that splendid little war of margaret and argentina) ..

yup -- CIA records were forced to be ``made available online``...


Multiple Major Winner
Apr 14, 2013
Gold Coast, Australia
It happened yesterday... it was exactly the judge who was in charge of maybe the largest corruption trial in history. They were about to deliver the results of a giant delation, who is expected to hit more than 100 active politicians, from a lot of different parties.

It is really hard to believe this was an accident. Freak little coincidence the judge was born in a very small town very close to Chapecó (from were Chapecoense is from). Probably a few people here already felt it, but it is quite strange to be sure that you are governed by Mafia...

There seems to be way too many plane crashes involving politicians, scientists and the judiciary.
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Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
There seems to be way too many plane crashes involving politicians, scientists and the judiciary.

uh -- like people known to have insider info -- dying around the clintons...
but then -- where the CIA and countries are involved --'s the global ''open secret".

imo -- if governments weren't so treasonous to THEIR own people - the elites or wanna-bes - weren't so corruptible and greedy -- it would be far easire for the world --

just arrest every single american diplomat -- get every file on THEM for a change -- charge them under the laws of countries -- and have them EXECUTED or imprisoned under conditions of the countries to once and for all teach a lesson to the CIA , their operatives, their collaborators -- AND the USA state department, NGO'S, representatives, diplomats , president, congress pentagon --

that they can't just DANCE into the territory of countries and do what they DO - which the whole world knows about.

a FEW more countries -- such as Russia, China, Iran -- doing that that the USA CAN'T force to their knees - no matter all these sanctions, smearing, ''color revolutions' -- and threats anyway -- and that WILL teach americans

what THEIR place really is.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
There seems to be way too many plane crashes involving politicians, scientists and the judiciary.

i hope MY country's Duterte CRACKS DOWN on american diplomats and representatives in the country --

he basically told everyone - repeatedly and pulbicly --

"i consider every single american diplomat a SPY for the CIA and state department...we follow diplomatic protocols and international rules -- but just so everyone understands -- i consider the US embassy as a spy agency -- they are not real diplomats....that's just how the USA operates...only a fool thinks it is anything else but that....of course there are spies everywhere -- but no country actually establishes an embassy for that express purpose -- to spy on people in order to undermine their sovereignty....they are not real professional diplomats ....but CIA operatives...what do you think their USAID around the world and in our country is all about? ....even if we couldn't do much about it because we've always been like a dog on the leash...but let's be direct...that's what it is -- it's about american if anyone is talking about all these things -- u know...about killing me or changing the's not hard to understand why and who".


PROBABLY in private conversations by now == since his ''controversial bad mouth" statements..

the RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR IGOR KOVAEV - in the philippines -- around the five-day visit by the RUSSIAN war ships and sailors 3 eweeks ago -- went on a flurry of press appearances - and i was quite shocked at how much coverage that got (even nowadays, it seems) -

repeating something like:

"our two countries have lost so much time and opportunity to get to know each other -- our peoples -- it is long past the time when our peoples should have deep friendly relations in ALL areas for our mutual benefits...
''we will NOT tolerate ANY attempt by ANY third country to INterfere in the relations
between OUR two sovereign countries".

i am basically just ''relearning" about the country -- the ''mood" - that there IS widespread support for the president's crackdown on drug lords, addiction, rehab programs (which china providing already at least a billion to tackle that -- as a grant -- plus 15 billion that Duterte requested as a soft-loan, low-interest long term repayment development loan -- in place of US 400 Million strings attached -- ''aid" -- ) .

and am finding out (with e mail confirmation by relatives back home) - that indeed a lot of projects are already being laid out:

high speed rail, infrastructure, small and mid-sized business support, harbors, technology transfer from china and russia - cultural and education exchange , counter-terrorism , security, rural development...

i hope they flush out these CIA and their collaborators.

but one ''curious" and probably ''under wraps' but potentially significant thing is

less than 2 weeks ago -- Russian Prime Minister DMITRY MEDVEDEV seems to have made a ''quiet" visit to manila -- airport basically closed in the area he landed on -- and no news i could get something 'hush hush" it seems --

as PUTIN originally invited -- reminded -- Duterte last december in LIMA PERU asia pacific conference APEC -- "I WILL Wait for you in Moscow" -- but duterte can't stand the cold with his bad back, lol.

so it appears ''private talks " -- they are following up by having medvedev go earlier to manila instead until duterte can follow up when it's spring in moscow. i guess.

but to ME - IT means they are moving things ''under the radar" PROBABLY with an eye towards potential (and already building) 'regime change" operations by the CIA, regardless of TRUMP saying "we won't do regime change' ...

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Apr 14, 2013
There seems to be way too many plane crashes involving politicians, scientists and the judiciary.

Now that the dust settled a bit I can give a more sober analysis. The coincidence is too damn too striking not to ask questions: in organized crime movies the witnesses tend to die before trials... what would you expect in the largest corruption trial in world history? Coincidence or not, organized crime is in a riot here, dozens and dozens of rebellions in state prisons, massacres probably reached the news all over the world. It could be dominoes falling all over the place.

The current anti-corruption operation started against one specific political party, but now it acquired life of its own and it reaches simply everyone. The list of possible suspects would be like an old telephone book.

First findings of the air force show no evidence of sabotage, and the weather was indeed quite poor, on a tricky little airport. The plane, however, was new, and the pilot extremely experienced. Gun to the head I say sabotage, but I can give nothing better than circunstancial evidence.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
it should be noted that on the EVE of TRUMPS INAUGURATION..

CHINA finally revealed what is considered perhaps -- with the exception of russia's new SARMAT intercontinental missile -- the most advanced -- farthest reaching missile -- the DONG --

to a location just south of the Russian Far east -- to face down the USA'S NEWLY installed THAAD missiles in south korea...

the chinese missiles are built supersonic of course) - to reach the ENTIRE american ''homeland" - including the east coast from where china is.

just food for thought for any american intentions to ''be the asian leader"

trump or no -- GENERAL MATTIS or STATE department leader TILLERSON or not -- "we will not permit china to build on the south china islets -- or even ACCESS them".




Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
Now that the dust settled a bit I can give a more sober analysis. The coincidence is too damn too striking not to ask questions: in organized crime movies the witnesses tend to die before trials... what would you expect in the largest corruption trial in world history? Coincidence or not, organized crime is in a riot here, dozens and dozens of rebellions in state prisons, massacres probably reached the news all over the world. It could be dominoes falling all over the place.

The current anti-corruption operation started against one specific political party, but now it acquired life of its own and it reaches simply everyone. The list of possible suspects would be like an old telephone book.

First findings of the air force show no evidence of sabotage, and the weather was indeed quite poor, on a tricky little airport. The plane, however, was new, and the pilot extremely experienced. Gun to the head I say sabotage, but I can give nothing better than circunstancial evidence.

mrzz -- in SOME ways -- your country and mine -= philippines have similarities.

it is time for our countries to REMOVE THE AMERICAN INFLUENCE.

that's the bottom of it all.


Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
^I would love that our problems here had such a simple solution.

i know mrzz..everywhere in the world -- we all have great problems -- in our own lives and our countries.

they are so challenging enough by themselves -- that a country like the USA and its CIA -- and imperialists are NOT NEEDED TO MAKE them worse and take advantage of the fact that countries have enough problems of their own already.

the amazing thing is :

while our countries and cultures are so distant from each other --
your country actually has many qualities that I could EASILY sympathize with ..

such similar ways - that sense of ''love of life" - elan, community , festivity - that's SO filipino. my god..our peoples -- if they could get rid of their own bad habits - like corruption - from high places to low -- should really have been exchanging .

but as far as corruption goes -- it's not as if the USA -- the ''exemplar of abiding by law" actually has ANY credibility anymore anyway .

i mean -- it's not as if the world is STILL in awe - when it is clear their entire ''political system" -- and economic system is really a ''shiny facade" of ''rules" and 'laws"

like a blanket over what is in fact -- CORRUPTION on a monumental scale second to none.

it's just that the USA has a sophisticated way of making IT LOOK ''lawful".

ONE notorious example being "''lobbying" - and ''special interest" groups -- ALL LEGAL.

in a country like YOURS or MINE - WE call it CORRUPTION --

and because it is OPENLY admitted as SUCH -- then it makes it look as if

by contrast -- the USA or EUROPE for that matter -- are the PARAGONS of VIRTUE. roflmao.

that's the REAL difference.

but for now -- a lot of ''elites" of the corrupt establishment in the philippines - i am told -- are of course angry at my new president duterte -- because he openly cracks down on THEM. no matter who they are.

he even declared ''war" on his own relatives - cousins -- who are hardheaded and declare they are ''sworn to al qaeda" (and who created al qaeda if NOT the USA/CIA?) --

and told the people:

"i of course, as you all know , have to travel across the country as i have to follow up on things -- that's why i sleep only 4 -5 hours but it has to be done...
"and have to meet rebels, communists, separatists -- etc...and begging them to stop and think about our country and help me , help us put things together...there is no more time or we will be destroyed as a people...

''some are now willing -- so long as we listen to their concerns - and i promise them we can always work things out -- together -- but even if related to me - since i have muslim relatives -- and i myself AM a socialist -- I TOLD THEM already -- if they OBSTRUCT my efforts for the country -- then i have to treat them as enemies and traitors -- it's that simple...and this is part of what the USA and EUROPE AND UN criticise us for -- who don't understand OUR situation and don't care about us with their crocodile tears and human rights, human rights, human rights -- like their human rights in syria and libya .... ".



Multiple Major Winner
Oct 1, 2015
^I would love that our problems here had such a simple solution.

incidentally -- since for months r since months ago -- the UN ''RAPPORTEUR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS " of the UN (Another shill for the USA naturally)_

was criticizing and practically accusing my president's ''extra-judicial killings" concerning that crackdown on the drug pusher and drug lords, corruption and addition which had become a real epidemic destroying families and young people -- that the previous administrations neglected for decades...while enriching themselves in the ''IMPERIAL MANILA" capital -- WHICH THEY ALSO allowed to now deteriorate (but not the nearer attached cities of the METRO-POLITAN area - so that is a good thing at least )_

and so duterte openly challenged the UN rapporteur, american politicians and accusers. EU leaders"

'COME here and see for yourselves - why and what the problems are -- so you can see for yourselves -- come and accuse and question holds barred. anything you want...

"but i have A CONDITION-- if you come to question me and my country in the accusatory way that you do - when it is NOT YOUR country that is trying to solve our problems --

i will expect you to question me and bring your accusations IN PUBLIC -- there will be no private discussions -- no terms you bring without people hearing everything you have to say and bring --

and it will be on a public forum -- like in a court of law if you want -- i sit on one side of the table -- you all sit on the other panel --

but it will be LIVE, televised - for hours or days if you want...

and THEN you will grant me the DECENCY to ASK YOU in my turn...
i will ask you about YOUR countries -- YOUR corruptions -- and how they are linked to your accusations towards me and the way my country's problems have to be solved and what YOUR countries' and organization's ROLES ARE...come and bring your lawyers and politicians in the EU and USA -- SO I can show the world what IDIOTS they are...
YOU SEE -- i am also a lawyer -- i worked as a prosecutor -- i know how it works...

lets do it publicly - live -- don't worry -- we have MORE democracy here than you in europe or the USA -- and you will be safe...but just be decent enough to do this in front of everyone so you can show the world and my people who you really are...the moment i take my turn to question you...


since THEN -- the UN rapporteur has refused to take on the ''invitation"...
