You may have already noticed the discussion forums have moved back to Due to irreconcilable differences, we found it necessary to separate from Tennis-Prose and become TF independently again. will include all threads, posts and blogs created in the last year. Your current credentials are still valid when logging into the TF site.
There are some house rules we want to publish immediately:
Tennis Frontier is a long-standing community and without its members, there is no community. Please bear that in mind when engaging with fellow posters.
We don't have a specific moderation policy here. We're all adults. That doesn't mean to say this is a wild west website where anything goes. If moderation is required then it will be entered into on a case by case basis.
There is an ignore option we highly recommend... if you don't care to read a particular poster's opinions. Simply click their username and on the pop-up box, click "Ignore" (It should be the last option in small blue print).
Refrain from racial abuse and postings, bullying posters who don't wish to engage and the chances are you likely won't even know who an administrator is. B-)
There are some house rules we want to publish immediately:
Tennis Frontier is a long-standing community and without its members, there is no community. Please bear that in mind when engaging with fellow posters.
We don't have a specific moderation policy here. We're all adults. That doesn't mean to say this is a wild west website where anything goes. If moderation is required then it will be entered into on a case by case basis.
There is an ignore option we highly recommend... if you don't care to read a particular poster's opinions. Simply click their username and on the pop-up box, click "Ignore" (It should be the last option in small blue print).
Refrain from racial abuse and postings, bullying posters who don't wish to engage and the chances are you likely won't even know who an administrator is. B-)